1. 11 9月, 2019 1 次提交
  2. 06 9月, 2019 1 次提交
  3. 03 9月, 2019 2 次提交
  4. 31 8月, 2019 3 次提交
  5. 26 8月, 2019 1 次提交
  6. 25 8月, 2019 3 次提交
  7. 23 8月, 2019 1 次提交
  8. 22 8月, 2019 2 次提交
  9. 21 8月, 2019 1 次提交
  10. 03 7月, 2019 3 次提交
  11. 02 7月, 2019 2 次提交
  12. 01 7月, 2019 1 次提交
  13. 22 4月, 2019 1 次提交
  14. 12 4月, 2019 3 次提交
  15. 10 3月, 2019 1 次提交
  16. 08 3月, 2019 1 次提交
    • S
      Fbnet benchmark (#507) · 464b1af1
      Stzpz 提交于
      * Added a timer to benchmark model inference time in addition to total runtime.
      * Updated FBNet configs and included some baselines benchmark results.
      * Added a unit test for detectors.
      * Add links to the models
  17. 26 2月, 2019 1 次提交
    • Z
      add README.md for GN (#494) · 1818bb2f
      zimenglan 提交于
      * make pixel indexes 0-based for bounding box in pascal voc dataset
      * replacing all instances of torch.distributed.deprecated with torch.distributed
      * replacing all instances of torch.distributed.deprecated with torch.distributed
      * add GroupNorm
      * add GroupNorm -- sort out yaml files
      * use torch.nn.GroupNorm instead, replace 'use_gn' with 'conv_block' and use 'BaseStem'&'Bottleneck' to simply codes
      * modification on 'group_norm' and 'conv_with_kaiming_uniform' function
      * modification on yaml files in configs/gn_baselines/ and reduce the amount of indentation and code duplication
      * use 'kaiming_uniform' to initialize resnet, disable gn after fc layer, and add dilation into ResNetHead
      * agnostic-regression for bbox
      * please set 'STRIDE_IN_1X1' to be 'False' when backbone use GN
      * add README.md for GN
  18. 23 2月, 2019 1 次提交
    • P
      Fixes bug with double (overwriting) RESNETS params (#488) · f40f2993
      Preston Parry 提交于
      There were two `RESNETS` sections, which overrode each other, leading to error messages like: 
      RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for GeneralizedRCNN:
      	size mismatch for backbone.fpn.fpn_inner1.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([256, 256, 1, 1]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([1024, 256, 1, 1]).
      	size mismatch for roi_heads.mask.feature_extractor.mask_fcn1.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([256, 256, 3, 3]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([256, 1024, 3, 3]).
      This just combines them back into a single section, while maintaining all param values. That got the model running again for me.
  19. 20 2月, 2019 1 次提交
    • S
      Supported FBNet architecture. (#463) · b23eee0c
      Stzpz 提交于
      * Supported any feature map size for average pool.
      * Different models may have different feature map size.
      * Used registry to register keypoint and mask heads.
      * Passing in/out channels between modules when creating the model.
      Passing in/out channels between modules when creating the model. This simplifies the code to compute the input channels for feature extractors and makes the predictors independent of the backbone architectures.
      * Passed in_channels to rpn and head builders.
      * Set out_channels to model modules including backbone and feature extractors.
      * Moved cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.OUT_CHANNELS to cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.BACKBONE_OUT_CHANNELS as it is not used by all architectures. Updated config files accordingly.
      For new architecture modules, the return module needs to contain a field called 'out_channels' to indicate the output channel size.
      * Added unit test for box_coder and nms.
      * Added FBNet architecture.
      * FBNet is a general architecture definition to support efficient architecture search and MaskRCNN2GO.
      * Included various efficient building blocks (inverted residual, shuffle, separate dw conv, dw upsampling etc.)
      * Supported building backbone, rpn, detection, keypoint and mask heads using efficient building blocks.
      * Architecture could be defined in `fbnet_modeldef.py` or in `cfg.MODEL.FBNET.ARCH_DEF` directly.
      * A few baseline architectures are included.
      * Added various unit tests.
      * build and run backbones.
      * build and run feature extractors.
      * build and run predictors.
      * Added a unit test to verify all config files are loadable.
  20. 19 2月, 2019 1 次提交
    • Z
      please set 'STRIDE_IN_1X1' to be 'False' when backbone uses GN (#465) · 192261db
      zimenglan 提交于
      * make pixel indexes 0-based for bounding box in pascal voc dataset
      * replacing all instances of torch.distributed.deprecated with torch.distributed
      * replacing all instances of torch.distributed.deprecated with torch.distributed
      * add GroupNorm
      * add GroupNorm -- sort out yaml files
      * use torch.nn.GroupNorm instead, replace 'use_gn' with 'conv_block' and use 'BaseStem'&'Bottleneck' to simply codes
      * modification on 'group_norm' and 'conv_with_kaiming_uniform' function
      * modification on yaml files in configs/gn_baselines/ and reduce the amount of indentation and code duplication
      * use 'kaiming_uniform' to initialize resnet, disable gn after fc layer, and add dilation into ResNetHead
      * agnostic-regression for bbox
      * please set 'STRIDE_IN_1X1' to be 'False' when backbone use GN
  21. 15 2月, 2019 1 次提交
    • C
      Add RetinaNet Implementation (#102) · 6b1ab017
      Cheng-Yang Fu 提交于
      * Add RetinetNet parameters in cfg.
      * hot fix.
      * Add the retinanet head module now.
      * Add the function to generate the anchors for RetinaNet.
      * Add the SigmoidFocalLoss cuda operator.
      * Fix the bug in the extra layers.
      * Change the normalizer for SigmoidFocalLoss
      * Support multiscale in training.
      * Add retinannet  training script.
      * Add the inference part of RetinaNet.
      * Fix the bug when building the extra layers in retinanet.
      Update the matching part in retinanet_loss.
      * Add the first version of the inference of RetinaNet.
      Need to check it again to see if is there any room for speed
      * Remove the  retinanet_R-50-FPN_2x.yaml first.
      * Optimize the retinanet postprocessing.
      * quick fix.
      * Add script for training RetinaNet with ResNet101 backbone.
      * Move cfg.RETINANET to cfg.MODEL.RETINANET
      * Remove the variables which are not used.
      * revert boxlist_ops.
      Generate Empty BoxLists instead of [] in retinanet_infer
      * Remove the not used commented lines.
      * remove the not used codes.
      * Move retinanet related files under Modeling/rpn/retinanet
      * Add retinanet_X_101_32x8d_FPN_1x.yaml script.
      This model is not fully validated. I only trained it around 5000
      iterations and everything is fine.
      * set RETINANET.PRE_NMS_TOP_N as 0 in level5 (p7), because previous setting may generate zero detections and could cause
      the program break.
      This part is used in original Detectron setting.
      * Fix the rpn only bug when the training ends.
      * Minor improvements
      * Comments and add Python-only implementation
      * Bugfix and remove commented code
      * keep the generalized_rcnn same.
      Move the build_retinanet inside build_rpn.
      * Add USE_C5 in the MODEL.RETINANET
      * Add two configs using P5 to generate P6.
      * fix the bug when loading the Caffe2 ImageNet pretrained model.
      * Reduce the code depulication of RPN loss and RetinaNet loss.
      * Remove the comment which is not used.
      * Remove the hard coded number of classes.
      * share the foward part of rpn inference.
      * fix the bug in rpn inference.
      * Remove the conditional part in the inference.
      * Bug fix: add the utils file for permute and flatten of the box
      prediction layers.
      * Update the comment.
      * quick fix. Adding import cat.
      * quick fix: forget including import.
      * Adjust the normalization part according to Detectron's setting.
      * Use the bbox reg normalization term.
      * Clean the code according to recent review.
      * Using CUDA version for training now. And the python version for training
      on cpu.
      * rename the directory to retinanet.
      * Make the train and val datasets are consistent with mask r-cnn setting.
      * add comment.
  22. 12 2月, 2019 2 次提交
    • F
      Add RPN configs (#66) · 6286a6c8
      Francisco Massa 提交于
      * Add RPN config files
      * Add more RPN models
    • F
      [WIP] Add Keypoint R-CNN (#69) · e0a525a0
      Francisco Massa 提交于
      * [WIP] Keypoints inference on C2 models work
      * Training seems to work
      Still gives slightly worse results
      * e2e training works but gives 3 and 5 mAP less
      * Add modification proposed by @ChangErgou
      Improves mAP by 1.5 points, to 0.514 and 0.609
      * Keypoints reproduce expected results
      * Clean coco.py
      * Linter + remove unnecessary code
      * Merge criteria for empty bboxes in has_valid_annotation
      * Remove trailing print
      * Add demo support for keypoints
      Still need further cleanups and improvements, like adding fields support for the other ops in Keypoints
      * More cleanups and misc improvements
      * Fixes after rebase
      * Add information to the readme
      * Fix md formatting
  23. 04 2月, 2019 1 次提交
  24. 21 1月, 2019 1 次提交
    • Z
      add GroupNorm (#346) · 3b27142e
      zimenglan 提交于
      * make pixel indexes 0-based for bounding box in pascal voc dataset
      * replacing all instances of torch.distributed.deprecated with torch.distributed
      * replacing all instances of torch.distributed.deprecated with torch.distributed
      * add GroupNorm
      * add GroupNorm -- sort out yaml files
      * use torch.nn.GroupNorm instead, replace 'use_gn' with 'conv_block' and use 'BaseStem'&'Bottleneck' to simply codes
      * modification on 'group_norm' and 'conv_with_kaiming_uniform' function
      * modification on yaml files in configs/gn_baselines/ and reduce the amount of indentation and code duplication
  25. 06 12月, 2018 1 次提交
    • H
      Support more datasets (#232) · 0f61b004
      Henry Wang 提交于
      * add force json option
      * fix the same issue as #185
      * bug fix
      * cityscapes config
      * update paths catalog
      * discard config change
      * organize code for more-datasets
      * use better representation for coco-style datasets
      * rename coco-style config
      * remove import
      * chmod 644
      * make the config more verbose
      * update readme
      * rename
      * chmod
  26. 23 11月, 2018 1 次提交
    • F
      add support for pascal voc dataset and evaluate (#207) · 9a1ba140
      Francisco Massa 提交于
      * add support for pascal voc dataset and evaluate
      * optimization for adding voc dataset
      * make inference.py dataset-agnostic; add use_difficult option to voc dataset
      * handle voc difficult objects correctly
      * Remove dependency on lxml plus minor improvements
      * More cleanups
      * More comments and improvements
      * Lint fix
      * Move configs to their own folder
  27. 25 10月, 2018 1 次提交