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......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# 1. 基础练习
#### 1.1 Java
类别 | - | - | - | - | -
类别 | 列1 | 列2 | 列3 | 列4 | 列5
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
Java | [Java 基础操练](https://github.com/hbulpf/JavaPrinciple) | [JavaEE](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/JavaEETest)
Spring | [Spring Demo](https://github.com/hbulpf/spring01-demo) |
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Android | [AndroidOfferKiller](https://github.com/Blankj/AndroidOfferKiller)
#### 1.2 GO
类别 | - | - | - | -
类别 | 列1 | 列2 | 列3 | 列4
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
GOLang | [GoLang入门](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/golang_faq) | [GolangTraining](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/GolangTraining) | [Go Web](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/build-web-application-with-golang)
函数库 |[GoLang标准库](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/The-Golang-Standard-Library-by-Example) | [go-restful](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/go-restful)
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Python | [Python 100 Days](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/Python-100-Days) | [Pyt
项目 | [python-spider](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/python-spider) | [知乎爬虫](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/Zhihu_bigdata)
#### 1.4 算法
类别 | - | -
类别 | 列1 | 列2
--- | --- | --
算法 | [各种语言的各种算法](https://github.com/TheAlgorithms) | [javascript-algorithms](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/javascript-algorithms)
leetcode | [leetcode](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/leetcode) | [java-leetcode](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/awesome-java-leetcode) | [leetbook](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/leetbook)
......@@ -35,19 +35,19 @@ acm | [ACM-Code](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/ACM-Code)
#### 1.5 数据库
类别 | -
类别 | 列1
--- | ---
mysql | [Mysql](./开发/mysql/)
#### 1.6 前端
类别 | -
类别 | 列1
--- | ---
教程 | [前端教程](https://github.com/hbulpf/Web)
vue | [vue-demo](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/vue-demo)
#### 1.7 其他
类别 | - | - | -
类别 | 列1 | 列2 | 列3
--- | --- | --- | ---
IOT | [物联网入门](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/IoT-Firstep)| [awesome-iot](https://github.com/phodal/awesome-iot)| [iot最小系统](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/iot) |
Quant | [EliteQuant](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/EliteQuant)
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Quant | [EliteQuant](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/EliteQuant)
# 2. Dev/Ops
### 2.1 命令与应用
OS | - | - | - | - | -
OS | 列1 | 列2 | 列3 | 列4 | 列5
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
Linux | [Linux 命令与应用](https://github.com/hbulpf/LinuxFun) | [Linux服务器运维脚本](https://github.com/hbulpf/ServerOps) | [shell](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/shell) | [the-art-of-command-line](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/the-art-of-command-line)
Windows | [Windows 常用命令](./开发/winDos.md)
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Windows | [Windows 常用命令](./开发/winDos.md)
+ 开发人员工具
用途 | - | - | -
用途 | 列1 | 列2 | 列3
--- | --- | --- | ---
接口设计 | [swagger](./工具/swagger/README.md)
开发工具 | [IdeaJ](工具/IDEAJ/Idea.md)
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Windows | [Windows 常用命令](./开发/winDos.md)
### 2.3 效率提升利器
类别 | - | - | - | - | -
类别 | 列1 | 列2 | 列3 | 列4 | 列5
--- | --- | --- | ---| ---| ---
工具类 | [站长工具](https://tool.lu/) | [前端开发网站导航](https://nav.web-hub.cn/) | [MiKuTools](https://tool.imiku.me/) | [atoolbox](http://www.atoolbox.net/) | [toolnb](https://www.toolnb.com/)
教程类 | [菜鸟教程](https://www.runoob.com/)
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Windows | [Windows 常用命令](./开发/winDos.md)
### 2.4 面试相关
类别 | - | - | -
类别 | 列1 | 列2 | 列3
--- | --- | --- | ---
笔试 | [写简历](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/resume-1)
技术面 | [秋招笔记](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/Interview-Notebook) | [`sre/ops` 技术面试](./面试/sre.md)
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ hr | [hr面试](./面试/hr.md)
# 3. 云计算
1. Docker与Kubernetes
类别 | - | - | - | -
类别 | 列1 | 列2 | 列3 | 列4
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
Docker | [Docker 实验室](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/dockerlab) | [docker-pytorch](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/docker-pytorch)
K8S | [K8S 入门](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/k8spath) | [基于容器的弹性大数据平台](https://github.com/hbulpf/HSDocker) | [K8S examples](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/examples) | [《Kubernetes权威指南 第2版》源代码](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/k8s_2th_guide_code)
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ K8S | [K8S 入门](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/k8spath) | [基于容器的弹
# 4. 大数据
类别 | - | - | -
类别 | 列1 | 列2 | 列3
--- | --- | --- | ---
大数据 | [大数据架构师应掌握的技能](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/big_data_architect_skills) |
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ K8S | [K8S 入门](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/k8spath) | [基于容器的弹
## 5.1 Tensorflow
类别 | - | - | -
类别 | 列1 | 列2 | 列3
--- | --- | --- | ---
教程 | [Tensorflow教程](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/Tensorflow-Tutorial) | [tensorflow](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/tensorflow)
项目 | [docker-tensorflow-inception](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/bitnami-docker-tensorflow-inception)
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ K8S | [K8S 入门](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/k8spath) | [基于容器的弹
# 6. 其他
## 6.1. 常用软件资源
镜像源 | -
镜像源 | 列1
------------ | -------------
[网易开源镜像站](http://mirrors.163.com) |
[清华大学开源软件镜像站](https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn) |
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ K8S | [K8S 入门](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/k8spath) | [基于容器的弹
1. [问问题的礼仪](其他/How-To-Ask-Questions-The-Smart-Way.md)
2. 生活
类别 | - | - | -
类别 | 列1 | 列2 | 列3
--- | --- | --- | ---
出行 | [12306](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/12306)
买卖 | [房价预测](https://github.com/RunAtWorld/HousePricing) | [如何买房](https://github.com/houshanren/hangzhou_house_knowledge)
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