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### Ada
* [Introduction to Ada](https://learn.adacore.com/courses/intro-to-ada/index.html)
* [Introduction to Ada](https://learn.adacore.com/courses/intro-to-ada/index.html) - Adacore
### Android
* [Android Tutorial](https://www.tutlane.com/tutorial/android) - tutlane
* [Javatpoint Android Tutorial](https://www.javatpoint.com/android-tutorial)
* [Javatpoint Android Tutorial](https://www.javatpoint.com/android-tutorial) - javaTpoint
### Bash
* [Help messages will explain everything](https://explainshell.com)
* [Learn Shell Programming](http://www.learnshell.org)
* [Help messages will explain everything](https://explainshell.com) - explainshell
* [Learn Shell Programming](http://www.learnshell.org) - learnshell
### C
* [Learn C](http://www.learn-c.org)
* [Learn C](http://www.learn-c.org) - Learn-C
### C Sharp
* [C# Tutorial](https://www.tutlane.com/tutorial/csharp) - tutlane
* [C# Tutorial](https://www.w3schools.com/cs) - W3Schools
* [Codeasy](https://codeasy.net/course/csharp_elementary)
* [Learn C#](http://www.learncs.org)
* [Codeasy](https://codeasy.net/course/csharp_elementary) - codeasy
* [Learn C#](http://www.learncs.org) - learnCS
* [Learn C#](https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-c-sharp) - Codecademy
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### Clojure
* [4Clojure - Koans](http://www.4clojure.com)
* [Clojure Koans](http://clojurekoans.com)
* [Clojure Koans](http://clojurekoans.com) - Clojure Koans
* [ClojureScript Koans](http://clojurescriptkoans.com)
* [Try Clojure](http://www.tryclj.com)
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### Dart
* [Dart Official Codelabs](https://dart.dev/codelabs)
* [Dart Official Codelabs](https://dart.dev/codelabs) - Dart
### Data Science
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