未验证 提交 8530b477 编写于 作者: V victor felder 提交者: GitHub

fix: CI linter config (#5239)

* fix: CI linter config

* chore: lint all files
上级 3e60c442
......@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ jobs:
- name: Use Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: '6.x'
node-version: '14.x'
- run: npm install -g free-programming-books-lint
- run: fpb-lint .
- run: fpb-lint ./books/
- run: fpb-lint ./casts/
- run: fpb-lint ./courses/
- run: fpb-lint ./more/
......@@ -7,8 +7,11 @@ jobs:
language: node_js
- 6
- 14
- npm install -g free-programming-books-lint
- fpb-lint .
- fpb-lint ./books/
- fpb-lint ./casts/
- fpb-lint ./courses/
- fpb-lint ./more/
......@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
### C
* [Програмиране = ++Алгоритми;](https://programirane.org/download-now/) - Преслав Наков и Панайот Добриков
* [ANSI C - Курс за начинаещи](http://www.progstarter.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8&Itemid=121&lang=bg) - Димо Петков
* [ANSI C - Пълен справочник](http://progstarter.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9&Itemid=122&lang=bg) - Димо Петков
* [Програмиране = ++Алгоритми;](https://programirane.org/download-now/) - Преслав Наков и Панайот Добриков
### C Sharp
......@@ -30,16 +30,16 @@
### Java
* [Java за цифрово подписване на документи в уеб](https://nakov.com/books/signatures/) - Светлин Наков
* [Въведение в програмирането с Java](https://introprogramming.info/intro-java-book/) - Светлин Наков и колектив
* [Интернет програмиране с Java](https://nakov.com/books/inetjava/) - Светлин Наков
* [Основи на програмирането с Java](https://java-book.softuni.bg) - Светлин Наков и колектив
* [Java за цифрово подписване на документи в уеб](https://nakov.com/books/signatures/) - Светлин Наков
### JavaScript
* [Eloquent JavaScript](https://to6esko.github.io) - Marijn Haverbeke (HTML)
* [Основи на програмирането с JavaScript](https://js-book.softuni.bg) - Светлин Наков и колектив
* [Eloquent JavaScript](https://to6esko.github.io) - Marijn Haverbeke (HTML)
### LaTeX
......@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@
* [Spring Boot参考指南](https://github.com/qibaoguang/Spring-Boot-Reference-Guide) (:construction: *翻译中*)
* [Spring Framework 4.x参考文档](https://github.com/waylau/spring-framework-4-reference)
* [用jersey构建REST服务](https://github.com/waylau/RestDemo)
* [阿里巴巴 Java 开发手册](https://github.com/alibaba/p3c/blob/master/Java%E5%BC%80%E5%8F%91%E6%89%8B%E5%86%8C%EF%BC%88%E5%B5%A9%E5%B1%B1%E7%89%88%EF%BC%89.pdf)(PDF)
* [阿里巴巴 Java 开发手册](https://github.com/alibaba/p3c/blob/master/Java%E5%BC%80%E5%8F%91%E6%89%8B%E5%86%8C%EF%BC%88%E5%B5%A9%E5%B1%B1%E7%89%88%EF%BC%89.pdf) (PDF)
### JavaScript
......@@ -1064,11 +1064,11 @@ Kerridge (PDF) (email address *requested*, not required)
### BETA
* [Object-Oriented Programming in the BETA Programming Language](https://beta.cs.au.dk/Books/) - Ole Lehrmann Madsen, Birger Møller-Pedersen, Kristen Nygaard
* [MIA 90-02: BETA Compiler - Reference Manual](https://beta.cs.au.dk/Manuals/latest/compiler/index.html) - Mjølner Informatics
* [MIA 94-26: BETA Language Introduction - Tutorial](https://beta.cs.au.dk/Manuals/latest/beta-intro/index.html) - Mjølner Informatics
* [MIA 99-41: BETA Language Modifications - Reference Manual](https://beta.cs.au.dk/Manuals/latest/beta/beta-index.html) - Mjølner Informatics
* [MIA 99-42: The Fragment System: Further Specification](https://beta.cs.au.dk/Manuals/latest/beta/fragment.html) - Mjølner Informatics
* [Object-Oriented Programming in the BETA Programming Language](https://beta.cs.au.dk/Books/) - Ole Lehrmann Madsen, Birger Møller-Pedersen, Kristen Nygaard
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