提交 b1d0b085 编写于 作者: wu-sheng's avatar wu-sheng 提交者: GitHub

Update README.md

上级 9ec5a464
......@@ -24,12 +24,11 @@ SkyWalking: Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure, 是一个对
|plugins|using config file|using dynamic byte code| coding |remarks|
| ----------- |---------| ----------|----------|----------|
|web-plugin|web.xml| - | - | - |
|dubbo-plugin| dubbo/dubbox config file | - | - | - |
|spring-plugin| spring config file | - | - | - |
|tomcat8-plugin| - | YES | - | - |
|dubbo-plugin| - | YES | - | - |
|jdbc-plugin| jdbc config file | - | - | - |
|mysql-plugin| - | YES | - | - |
|httpClient-4.x-plugin| - | YES | - | - |
|httpClient-4.x-plugin-dubbox-rest-attachment| - | YES | - | required client-4.x-plugin |
|jedis-2.x-plugin| - | YES | - | - |
......@@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ SkyWalking: Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure, 是一个对
# Quick Start
- master分支正在进行1.0-Final迭代。1.0b的完整代码,请参见 [1.0-beta-tag](https://github.com/wu-sheng/sky-walking/tree/1.0-beta)
- master用于迭代开发,需要稳定版本请参见[Releases](releases)。1.0b的完整代码,请参见 [1.0-beta-tag](https://github.com/wu-sheng/sky-walking/tree/1.0-beta)
- Developing of version 1.0-Final on branch Master. The source code of version [1.0-beta-tag](https://github.com/wu-sheng/sky-walking/tree/1.0-beta)
## 部署第三方软件 / Required of third party softwares
......@@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ SkyWalking: Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure, 是一个对
- redis-3.0.5
## 插件支持的JDK / Supported jdk version
- 1.6以上版本 / support 1.6+
- 1.7以上版本 / support 1.7+
## 编译与部署 / Build and deploy
- 服务端发布版本[下载](https://github.com/wu-sheng/sky-walking/releases) (.tar.gz)
......@@ -105,66 +104,18 @@ SkyWalking: Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure, 是一个对
- [Code compilation instructions](BUILD_DOC.md)
## 引入核心SDK / Import SDK
[ ![Download](https://api.bintray.com/packages/wu-sheng/skywalking/com.ai.cloud.skywalking-api/images/download.svg) ](https://bintray.com/wu-sheng/skywalking/com.ai.cloud.skywalking-api/_latestVersion)
## 下载官方的agent / Download offical agent
[ ![Download](https://api.bintray.com/packages/wu-sheng/skywalking/com.ai.cloud.skywalking-agent/images/download.svg) ](https://bintray.com/wu-sheng/skywalking/com.ai.cloud.skywalking-agent/_latestVersion)
- 核心SDK通过[skywalking bintray官网](https://bintray.com/wu-sheng/skywalking/)托管,可使用公网仓库[https://jcenter.bintray.com/](https://jcenter.bintray.com/)下载。
- 官方agent通过[skywalking bintray官网](https://bintray.com/wu-sheng/skywalking/)托管,可使用公网仓库[https://jcenter.bintray.com/](https://jcenter.bintray.com/)下载。
- use public repository [https://jcenter.bintray.com/](https://jcenter.bintray.com/) to download sdk
- 无论试用哪种插件,都必须引入
- add dependencies to pom.xml
<!-- API日志输出,客户端可指定所需的log4j2版本 -->
<!-- 2.4.1为开发过程所选用版本 -->
<!-- 监控api,可监控插件不支持的调用 -->
## 使用-javaagent 或 全新的main class
- start application with -javaagent.
- Or using new main class, instead of the original main class.
## 使用-javaagent 启动应用程序 / start application with -javaagent
- 为应用程序添加启动参数
#original starup command
java com.company.product.Startup arg0 arg1
#new starup command
java com.ai.cloud.skywalking.plugin.TracingBootstrap com.company.product.Startup arg0 arg1
- 如果应用为Tomcat,需要修改tomcat相关启动文件:catalina.sh。推荐将项目转为tomcat-embeded模式。以下修改,仅作为参考。
- If you want to trace a tomcat application, you need to modify 'catalina.sh'
java -jar ... -javaagent:/..ospath../skywalking-agent-x.x-Final.jar
# add skywalking jar into CLASSPATH
# use new main, samples in Tomcat8
-Djava.endorsed.dirs="$JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS" -classpath "$CLASSPATH" \
-sourcepath "$CATALINA_HOME"/../../java \
-Djava.security.manager \
-Djava.security.policy=="$CATALINA_BASE"/conf/catalina.policy \
-Dcatalina.base="$CATALINA_BASE" \
-Dcatalina.home="$CATALINA_HOME" \
-Djava.io.tmpdir="$CATALINA_TMPDIR" \
com.ai.cloud.skywalking.plugin.TracingBootstrap org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap "$@" start
## 根据所需插件,配置应用程序 / Config application
- Ref 《[SDK Guides](skywalking-sdk-plugin)
- 所有插件,已经通过[skywalking bintray官网](https://bintray.com/wu-sheng/skywalking/)托管,可使用公网仓库[https://jcenter.bintray.com/](https://jcenter.bintray.com/)下载。
- 注意:插件不会引用所需的第三方组件(如Spring、dubbo、dubbox等),请自行引入所需的版本。
## 下载并设置授权文件 / Download auth file
- 注册并登陆过skywalking-webui,创建应用。(一个用户代表一个逻辑集群,一个应用代表一个服务集群。如前后端应用应该设置两个应用,但归属一个用户)
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