未验证 提交 84af1d23 编写于 作者: H haoyann 提交者: GitHub

Fix the unexpected RunningContext recreation in the Tomcat plugin. (#6001)

上级 4a0a933d
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Release Notes.
* The operation name of quartz-scheduler plugin, has been changed as the `quartz-scheduler/${className}` format.
* Fix jdk-http and okhttp-3.x plugin did not overwrite the old trace header.
* Support collecting logs of log4j, log4j2, and logback in the tracing context with a new `logger-plugin`.
* Fix the unexpected RunningContext recreation in the Tomcat plugin.
#### OAP-Backend
* Make meter receiver support MAL.
......@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ public class TomcatInvokeInterceptor implements InstanceMethodsAroundInterceptor
if (!TomcatPluginConfig.Plugin.Tomcat.COLLECT_HTTP_PARAMS && span.isProfiling()) {
collectHttpParam(request, span);
return ret;
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