未验证 提交 00a73659 编写于 作者: M Marc Navarro 提交者: GitHub

Fix istio control and data planes naming (#8475)

上级 f729c0c5
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ including
1. Go and C++ SDKs.
1. LUA agent especially for Nginx, OpenResty and Apache APISIX.
1. Browser agent.
1. Service Mesh Observability. Control panel and data panel.
1. Service Mesh Observability. Control plane and data plane.
1. Metrics system, including Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, Spring Sleuth(Micrometer), Zabbix.
1. Logs.
1. Zipkin v1/v2 trace.(No Analysis)
......@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ SkyWalking is an Observability Analysis Platform that provides full observabilit
SkyWalking covers all 3 areas of observability, including, **Tracing**, **Metrics** and **Logging**.
- **Tracing**. SkyWalking native data formats, including Zipkin v1 and v2, as well as Jaeger.
- **Metrics**. SkyWalking integrates with Service Mesh platforms, such as Istio, Envoy, and Linkerd, to build observability into the data panel
or control panel. Also, SkyWalking native agents can run in the metrics mode, which greatly improves performances.
- **Metrics**. SkyWalking integrates with Service Mesh platforms, such as Istio, Envoy, and Linkerd, to build observability into the data plane
or control plane. Also, SkyWalking native agents can run in the metrics mode, which greatly improves performances.
- **Logging**. Includes logs collected from disk or through network. Native agents could bind the tracing context with logs automatically,
or use SkyWalking to bind the trace and log through the text content.
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ On a high level, there are three typical categories in all SkyWalking probes.
the SkyWalking Java agent uses the `-javaagent` command line argument to manipulate codes in runtime, where `manipulate` means to change and inject
user's codes. Another kind of agents uses certain hook or intercept mechanism provided by target libraries. As you can see, these agents are based on languages and libraries.
- **Service Mesh probes**. Service Mesh probes collect data from sidecar, control panel in service mesh or proxy. In the old days, proxy
- **Service Mesh probes**. Service Mesh probes collect data from sidecar, control plane in service mesh or proxy. In the old days, proxy
is only used as an ingress of the whole cluster, but with the Service Mesh and sidecar, we can now perform observability functions.
- **3rd-party instrument library**. SkyWalking accepts many widely used instrument libraries data formats. It analyzes the
......@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ Its requirements can include discovery, load balancing, failure recovery, metric
such as A/B testing, canary releases, rate limiting, access control, and end-to-end authentication.
## Where does the probe collect data from?
Istio is a typical Service Mesh design and implementor. It defines **Control Panel** and **Data Panel**,
Istio is a typical Service Mesh design and implementor. It defines **Control Plane** and **Data Plane**,
which are widely used. Here is the Istio Architecture:
![Istio Architecture](https://istio.io/latest/docs/ops/deployment/architecture/arch.svg)
The Service Mesh probe can choose to collect data from **Data Panel**. In Istio, it means collecting telemetry data from
Envoy sidecar (Data Panel). The probe collects two telemetry entities from the client end and the server end per request.
The Service Mesh probe can choose to collect data from **Data Plane**. In Istio, it means collecting telemetry data from
Envoy sidecar (Data Plane). The probe collects two telemetry entities from the client end and the server end per request.
## How does Service Mesh make backend work?
In this kind of probes, you can see that there is no trace related to them. So how does the SkyWalking
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ for identification of the metric data.
| Rule Name | Description | Configuration File | Data Source |
|istio-controlplane| Metrics of Istio control panel | otel-oc-rules/istio-controlplane.yaml | Istio Control Panel -> OpenTelemetry Collector --OC format--> SkyWalking OAP Server |
|istio-controlplane| Metrics of Istio Control Plane | otel-oc-rules/istio-controlplane.yaml | Istio Control Plane -> OpenTelemetry Collector --OC format--> SkyWalking OAP Server |
|oap| Metrics of SkyWalking OAP server itself | otel-oc-rules/oap.yaml | SkyWalking OAP Server(SelfObservability) -> OpenTelemetry Collector --OC format--> SkyWalking OAP Server |
|vm| Metrics of VMs | otel-oc-rules/vm.yaml | Prometheus node-exporter(VMs) -> OpenTelemetry Collector --OC format--> SkyWalking OAP Server |
|k8s-cluster| Metrics of K8s cluster | otel-oc-rules/k8s-cluster.yaml | K8s kube-state-metrics -> OpenTelemetry Collector --OC format--> SkyWalking OAP Server |
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