名称 最后提交 最后更新
broker Fixed Transactional message will be lost under extreme condition
client Remove unnecessary code in test case
common common model modify org.apache.rocketmq.common.constant.DBMsgConstants.MAX_BODY_SIZE value
dev [ROCKETMQ-302] TLP clean up, removes incubating related info from code base
distribution Clean code, don't list the default config in JVM
docs modify architecture.md
example Polish async send message sample
filter [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
logappender [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
logging [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
namesrv [ISSUE #512]Bugfix for option -p can not print config items when using admin tool (#514)
openmessaging [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
remoting FixSemaphoreProblem
srvutil [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
store recover unit test file
style Polish
test Add integration test case
tools Format the precision output TPS
.gitignore To ignore localbin
.travis.yml [ROCKETMQ-302] TLP clean up, removes incubating related info from code base
BUILDING [ROCKETMQ-168] Polish the BUILDING guide.
CONTRIBUTING.md [ROCKETMQ-302] TLP clean up, removes incubating related info from code base
LICENSE [ROCKETMQ-87] Add separate LICENSE and NOTICE files for binary release and source release.
NOTICE update the year info in NOTICE
README.md Update README.md
pom.xml exclude docs folder when running apache-rat-plugin





贡献者 368



  • Java 98.8 %
  • Shell 0.8 %
  • Python 0.3 %
  • Batchfile 0.2 %