名称 最后提交 最后更新
.github doc(rocketmq) add a recommendation to PR template
acl Merge pull request #2418 from Git-Yang/enhanced_acl
broker [ISSUE 2883] Remove an duplicate MessageDecoder.string2messageProperties for each message, and prevent store "WAIT=true" property (in most case) to save 9 bytes for each message.
client Merge pull request #2930 from zhangjidi2016/litePullConsumer_support_msgTrace
common Revert "Add unit tests for org.apache.rocketmq.common.UtilAll (#1249)"
dev [ROCKETMQ-302] TLP clean up, removes incubating related info from code base
distribution [ISSUE #2926] fix fast-try.sh fail to run in ubuntu (#2927)
docs Update operation.md
example Merge pull request #2608 from xxd763795151/bench_consumer
filter Fix some code style issue and remove redundant code (#1378)
logappender [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
logging Fix some code style issue and remove redundant code (#1378)
namesrv #2935 check kv config should not be null
openmessaging [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
remoting [ISSUE #1057]Filter out docker0 when finding a local address (#1177)
srvutil [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
store fix(dledger): reload the delay offset when master changed (#2518)
style Polish
test Fix ConcurrentModificationException
tools [ISSUE #2556] The queryMsgTraceById command supports specifying the customerTraceTopic
.gitignore Merge branch 'develop' into store_with_dledger
.travis.yml [ISSUE #2650] Make ulimit unlimited when execute ci
BUILDING [ROCKETMQ-168] Polish the BUILDING guide.
CONTRIBUTING.md fixed the text description in chinese doc (#1339)
LICENSE [ISSUE #2576] update NOTICE and fix typo in license (#2600)
NOTICE [ISSUE #2576] update NOTICE and fix typo in license (#2600)
README.md Redirect the twitter account
pom.xml update fastjson version from 1.2.69 to 1.2.76





贡献者 368



  • Java 98.8 %
  • Shell 0.8 %
  • Python 0.3 %
  • Batchfile 0.2 %
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