提交 02d23821 编写于 作者: H Harrycoda Wang

RIP-9 RocketMQ Develop Guide: add description section for broker configuration

上级 d9e50290
......@@ -176,11 +176,24 @@ msgId一定是全局唯一标识符,但是实际使用中,可能会存在相
### 3.2 FlushDiskType
​ SYNC_FLUSH(同步刷新)相比于ASYNC_FLUSH(异步处理)会损失很多性能,但是也更可靠,所以需要根据实际的业务场景做好权衡。
​### 3.3 Broker配置
| 参数名 | 默认值 | 说明 |
| -------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| listenPort | 10911 | 接受客户端连接的监听端口 |
| namesrvAddr | null | nameServer 地址 |
| brokerIP1 | 网卡的InetAddress | 当前broker监听的IP |
| brokerIP2 | 跟brokerIP1一样 | 存在broker主从时,在broker主节点上配置了brokerIP2的话,broker从节点会连接主节点配置的brokerIP2来同步 |
| brokerName | null | broker 名 |
| brokerClusterName | DefaultCluster | 本 broker 所属的 Cluser 名字 |
| brokerId | 0 | broker id, 0 表示 master, 其他的正整数表示 slave |
| storePathCommitLog | $HOME/store/commitlog/ | 存储 commit log 的路径 |
| storePathConsumerQueue | $HOME/store/consumequeue/ | 存储 consume queue 的路径 |
| mapedFileSizeCommitLog | 1024 * 1024 * 1024(1G) | commit log 的映射文件大小 |​
| deleteWhen | 04 | 在每天的什么时间删除已经超过文件保留时间的 commit log |​
| fileReserverdTime | 72 | 以小时计算的文件保留时间 |​
| flushDiskType | ASYNC_FLUSH | {SYNC_FLUSH/ASYNC_FLUSH}. Broker of SYNC_FLUSH 模式下的 broker 保证在收到确认生产者之前将消息刷盘。ASYNC_FLUSH 模式下的 broker 则利用刷盘一组消息的模式,取得更好的性能。 |​
## 4 NameServer
......@@ -191,9 +204,6 @@ msgId一定是全局唯一标识符,但是实际使用中,可能会存在相
## 5 客户端配置
​ 相对于RocketMQ的Broker集群,生产者和消费者都是客户端。本小节主要描述生产者和消费者公共的行为配置。
......@@ -313,10 +323,6 @@ DefaultMQProducer、TransactionMQProducer、DefaultMQPushConsumer、DefaultMQPul
| DelayTimeLevel | 0 | 选填,消息延时级别,0表示不延时,大于0会延时特定的时间才会被消费 |
| WaitStoreMsgOK | TRUE | 选填,表示消息是否在服务器落盘后才返回应答。 |
## 6 系统配置
# Best practices
## 1 Producer
## 2 Consumer
## 3 Broker
### 3.1 Broker Role
### 3.2 FlushDiskType
​### 3.3 Broker Configuration
| Parameter name | Default | Description |
| -------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| listenPort | 10911 | listen port for client |
| namesrvAddr | null | name server address |
| brokerIP1 | InetAddress for network interface | Should be configured if having multiple addresses |
| brokerIP2 | InetAddress for network interface | If configured for the Master broker in the Master/Slave cluster, slave broker will connect to this port for data synchronization |
| brokerName | null | broker name |
| brokerClusterName | DefaultCluster | this broker belongs to which cluster |
| brokerId | 0 | broker id, 0 means master, positive integers mean slave |
| storePathCommitLog | $HOME/store/commitlog/ | file path for commit log |
| storePathConsumerQueue | $HOME/store/consumequeue/ | file path for consume queue |
| mapedFileSizeCommitLog | 1024 * 1024 * 1024(1G) | mapped file size for commit log |​
| deleteWhen | 04 | When to delete the commitlog which is out of the reserve time |​
| fileReserverdTime | 72 | The number of hours to keep a commitlog before deleting it |​
| flushDiskType | ASYNC_FLUSH | {SYNC_FLUSH/ASYNC_FLUSH}. Broker of SYNC_FLUSH mode flushes each message onto disk before acknowledging producer. Broker of ASYNC_FLUSH mode, on the other hand, takes advantage of group-committing, achieving better performance. |​
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