@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ In PaddleOCR, the network is divided into four stages: Transform, Backbone, Neck
| num_workers | The number of sub-processes used to load data, if it is 0, the sub-process is not started, and the data is loaded in the main process | 8 | \ |
## 3. Multi-language config yml file generation
PaddleOCR currently supports 80 (except Chinese) language recognition. A multi-language configuration file template is
provided under the path `configs/rec/multi_languages`: [rec_multi_language_lite_train.yml](../../configs/rec/multi_language/rec_multi_language_lite_train.yml)。
@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ Italian is made up of Latin letters, so after executing the command, you will ge
Currently, the multi-language algorithms supported by PaddleOCR are:
| Configuration file | Algorithm name | backbone | trans | seq | pred | language | character_type |
If you want to use your own data for training, please refer to the following to organize your data.
@@ -84,11 +84,12 @@ Similar to the training set, the test set also needs to be provided a folder con
#### 1.2 Dataset download
### 1.2 Dataset download
If you do not have a dataset locally, you can download it on the official website [icdar2015](http://rrc.cvc.uab.es/?ch=4&com=downloads). Also refer to [DTRB](https://github.com/clovaai/deep-text-recognition-benchmark#download-lmdb-dataset-for-traininig-and-evaluation-from-here) ,download the lmdb format dataset required for benchmark
- ICDAR2015
If you want to reproduce the paper indicators of SRN, you need to download offline [augmented data](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-HSZ-ZVdqBF2HaBZ5pRAKA), extraction code: y3ry. The augmented data is obtained by rotation and perturbation of mjsynth and synthtext. Please unzip the data to {your_path}/PaddleOCR/train_data/data_lmdb_Release/training/path.
If you do not have a dataset locally, you can download it on the official website [icdar2015](http://rrc.cvc.uab.es/?ch=4&com=downloads).
Also refer to [DTRB](https://github.com/clovaai/deep-text-recognition-benchmark#download-lmdb-dataset-for-traininig-and-evaluation-from-here) ,download the lmdb format dataset required for benchmark
PaddleOCR provides label files for training the icdar2015 dataset, which can be downloaded in the following ways:
The data format is as follows, (a) is the original picture, (b) is the Ground Truth text file corresponding to each picture:

- Multilingual dataset
The multi-language model training method is the same as the Chinese model. The training data set is 100w synthetic data. A small amount of fonts and test data can be downloaded using the following two methods.
Finally, a dictionary ({word_dict_name}.txt) needs to be provided so that when the model is trained, all the characters that appear can be mapped to the dictionary index.
@@ -145,14 +166,26 @@ To customize the dict file, please modify the `character_dict_path` field in `co
If you need to customize dic file, please add character_dict_path field in configs/rec/rec_icdar15_train.yml to point to your dictionary path. And set character_type to ch.
#### 1.4 Add space category
### 1.4 Add space category
If you want to support the recognition of the `space` category, please set the `use_space_char` field in the yml file to `True`.
**Note: use_space_char only takes effect when character_type=ch**
### 2.1 Data Augmentation
PaddleOCR provides a variety of data augmentation methods. All the augmentation methods are enabled by default.
The default perturbation methods are: cvtColor, blur, jitter, Gasuss noise, random crop, perspective, color reverse, TIA augmentation.
Each disturbance method is selected with a 40% probability during the training process. For specific code implementation, please refer to: [rec_img_aug.py](../../ppocr/data/imaug/rec_img_aug.py)
### 2.2 General Training
PaddleOCR provides training scripts, evaluation scripts, and prediction scripts. In this section, the CRNN recognition model will be used as an example:
PaddleOCR provides a variety of data augmentation methods. All the augmentation methods are enabled by default.
The default perturbation methods are: cvtColor, blur, jitter, Gasuss noise, random crop, perspective, color reverse, TIA augmentation.
Each disturbance method is selected with a 40% probability during the training process. For specific code implementation, please refer to: [rec_img_aug.py](../../ppocr/data/imaug/rec_img_aug.py)
#### 2.2 Training
PaddleOCR supports alternating training and evaluation. You can modify `eval_batch_step` in `configs/rec/rec_icdar15_train.yml` to set the evaluation frequency. By default, it is evaluated every 500 iter and the best acc model is saved under `output/rec_CRNN/best_accuracy` during the evaluation process.
@@ -277,87 +304,7 @@ Eval:
**Note that the configuration file for prediction/evaluation must be consistent with the training.**
#### 2.3 Multi-language
PaddleOCR currently supports 80 (except Chinese) language recognition. A multi-language configuration file template is
provided under the path `configs/rec/multi_languages`: [rec_multi_language_lite_train.yml](../../configs/rec/multi_language/rec_multi_language_lite_train.yml)。
There are two ways to create the required configuration file::
1. Automatically generated by script
[generate_multi_language_configs.py](../../configs/rec/multi_language/generate_multi_language_configs.py) Can help you generate configuration files for multi-language models
- Take Italian as an example, if your data is prepared in the following format:
|- it_train.txt # train_set label
|- it_val.txt # val_set label
|- data
|- word_001.jpg
|- word_002.jpg
|- word_003.jpg
| ...
You can use the default parameters to generate a configuration file:
# The code needs to be run in the specified directory
cd PaddleOCR/configs/rec/multi_language/
# Set the configuration file of the language to be generated through the -l or --language parameter.
# This command will write the default parameters into the configuration file
python3 generate_multi_language_configs.py -l it
- If your data is placed in another location, or you want to use your own dictionary, you can generate the configuration file by specifying the relevant parameters:
# -l or --language field is required
# --train to modify the training set
# --val to modify the validation set
# --data_dir to modify the data set directory
# --dict to modify the dict path
# -o to modify the corresponding default parameters
cd PaddleOCR/configs/rec/multi_language/
python3 generate_multi_language_configs.py -l it \ # language
--train {path/of/train_label.txt} \ # path of train_label
--val {path/of/val_label.txt} \ # path of val_label
--data_dir {train_data/path} \ # root directory of training data
--dict {path/of/dict} \ # path of dict
-o Global.use_gpu=False # whether to use gpu
Italian is made up of Latin letters, so after executing the command, you will get the rec_latin_lite_train.yml.
2. Manually modify the configuration file
You can also manually modify the following fields in the template:
use_gpu: True
epoch_num: 500
character_type: it # language
character_dict_path: {path/of/dict} # path of dict
name: SimpleDataSet
data_dir: train_data/ # root directory of training data
data_dir: train_data/ # root directory of val data
label_file_list: ["./train_data/val_list.txt"] # val label path
### 2.3 Multi-language Training
Currently, the multi-language algorithms supported by PaddleOCR are:
@@ -376,9 +323,6 @@ Currently, the multi-language algorithms supported by PaddleOCR are:
For more supported languages, please refer to : [Multi-language model](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/blob/release/2.1/doc/doc_en/multi_languages_en.md#4-support-languages-and-abbreviations)
The multi-language model training method is the same as the Chinese model. The training data set is 100w synthetic data. A small amount of fonts and test data can be downloaded using the following two methods.
Using the model trained by paddleocr, you can quickly get prediction through the following script.
The default prediction picture is stored in `infer_img`, and the weight is specified via `-o Global.checkpoints`:
The default prediction picture is stored in `infer_img`, and the trained weight is specified via `-o Global.checkpoints`:
According to the `save_model_dir` and `save_epoch_step` fields set in the configuration file, the following parameters will be saved:
├── best_accuracy.pdopt
├── best_accuracy.pdparams
├── best_accuracy.states
├── config.yml
├── iter_epoch_3.pdopt
├── iter_epoch_3.pdparams
├── iter_epoch_3.states
├── latest.pdopt
├── latest.pdparams
├── latest.states
└── train.log
Among them, best_accuracy.* is the best model on the evaluation set; iter_epoch_x.* is the model saved at intervals of `save_epoch_step`; latest.* is the model of the last epoch.
-[3. Data and vertical scenes](#3-data-and-vertical-scenes)
*[3.1 Training data](#31-training-data)
*[3.2 Vertical scene](#32-vertical-scene)
*[3.3 Build your own data set](#33-build-your-own-data-set)
This article will introduce the basic concepts that need to be mastered during model training and the tuning methods during training.
At the same time, it will briefly introduce the components of the PaddleOCR model training data and how to prepare the data finetune model in the vertical scene.
# 1. Basic concepts
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) refers to the process of analyzing and recognizing images to obtain text and layout information. It is a typical computer vision task.
It usually consists of two subtasks: text detection and text recognition.
The following parameters need to be paid attention to when tuning the model:
## 1.1 Learning rate
The learning rate is one of the important hyperparameters for training neural networks. It represents the step length of the gradient moving to the optimal solution of the loss function in each iteration.
A variety of learning rate update strategies are provided in PaddleOCR, which can be modified through configuration files, for example:
name: Piecewise
decay_epochs : [700, 800]
values : [0.001, 0.0001]
warmup_epoch: 5
Piecewise stands for piecewise constant attenuation. Different learning rates are specified in different learning stages,
and the learning rate is the same in each stage.
warmup_epoch means that in the first 5 epochs, the learning rate will gradually increase from 0 to base_lr. For all strategies, please refer to the code [learning_rate.py](../../ppocr/optimizer/learning_rate.py).
## 1.2 Regularization
Regularization can effectively avoid algorithm overfitting. PaddleOCR provides L1 and L2 regularization methods.
L1 and L2 regularization are the most commonly used regularization methods.
L1 regularization adds a regularization term to the objective function to reduce the sum of absolute values of the parameters;
while in L2 regularization, the purpose of adding a regularization term is to reduce the sum of squared parameters.
The configuration method is as follows:
name: L2
factor: 2.0e-05
## 1.3 Evaluation indicators
(1) Detection stage: First, evaluate according to the IOU of the detection frame and the labeled frame. If the IOU is greater than a certain threshold, it is judged that the detection is accurate. Here, the detection frame and the label frame are different from the general general target detection frame, and they are represented by polygons. Detection accuracy: the percentage of the correct detection frame number in all detection frames is mainly used to judge the detection index. Detection recall rate: the percentage of correct detection frames in all marked frames, which is mainly an indicator of missed detection.
(2) Recognition stage: Character recognition accuracy, that is, the ratio of correctly recognized text lines to the number of marked text lines. Only the entire line of text recognition pairs can be regarded as correct recognition.
(3) End-to-end statistics: End-to-end recall rate: accurately detect and correctly identify the proportion of text lines in all labeled text lines; End-to-end accuracy rate: accurately detect and correctly identify the number of text lines in the detected text lines The standard for accurate detection is that the IOU of the detection box and the labeled box is greater than a certain threshold, and the text in the correctly identified detection box is the same as the labeled text.
# 2. FAQ
**Q**: How to choose a suitable network input shape when training CRNN recognition?
A: The general height is 32, the longest width is selected, there are two methods:
(1) Calculate the aspect ratio distribution of training sample images. The selection of the maximum aspect ratio considers 80% of the training samples.
(2) Count the number of texts in training samples. The selection of the longest number of characters considers the training sample that satisfies 80%. Then the aspect ratio of Chinese characters is approximately considered to be 1, and that of English is 3:1, and the longest width is estimated.
**Q**: During the recognition training, the accuracy of the training set has reached 90, but the accuracy of the verification set has been kept at 70, what should I do?
A: If the accuracy of the training set is 90 and the test set is more than 70, it should be over-fitting. There are two methods to try:
(1) Add more augmentation methods or increase the [probability] of augmented prob (https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/blob/dygraph/ppocr/data/imaug/rec_img_aug.py#L341), The default is 0.4.
(2) Increase the [l2 dcay value] of the system (https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/blob/a501603d54ff5513fc4fc760319472e59da25424/configs/rec/ch_ppocr_v1.1/rec_chinese_lite_train_v1.1.yml#L47)
**Q**: When the recognition model is trained, loss can drop normally, but acc is always 0
A: It is normal for the acc to be 0 at the beginning of the recognition model training, and the indicator will come up after a longer training period.
# 3. Data and vertical scenes
## 3.1 Training data
The current open source models, data sets and magnitudes are as follows:
- Detection:
- English data set, ICDAR2015
- Chinese data set, LSVT street view data set training data 3w pictures
- Identification:
- English data set, MJSynth and SynthText synthetic data, the data volume is tens of millions.
- Chinese data set, LSVT street view data set crops the image according to the truth value, and performs position calibration, a total of 30w images. In addition, based on the LSVT corpus, 500w of synthesized data.
- Small language data set, using different corpora and fonts, respectively generated 100w synthetic data set, and using ICDAR-MLT as the verification set.
Among them, the public data sets are all open source, users can search and download by themselves, or refer to [Chinese data set](./datasets.md), synthetic data is not open source, users can use open source synthesis tools to synthesize by themselves. Synthesis tools include [text_renderer](https://github.com/Sanster/text_renderer), [SynthText](https://github.com/ankush-me/SynthText), [TextRecognitionDataGenerator](https://github.com/Belval/TextRecognitionDataGenerator) etc.
## 3.2 Vertical scene
PaddleOCR mainly focuses on general OCR. If you have vertical requirements, you can use PaddleOCR + vertical data to train yourself;
If there is a lack of labeled data, or if you do not want to invest in research and development costs, it is recommended to directly call the open API, which covers some of the more common vertical categories.
## 3.3 Build your own data set
There are several experiences for reference when constructing the data set:
(1) The amount of data in the training set:
a. The data required for detection is relatively small. For Fine-tune based on the PaddleOCR model, 500 sheets are generally required to achieve good results.
b. Recognition is divided into English and Chinese. Generally, English scenarios require hundreds of thousands of data to achieve good results, while Chinese requires several million or more.
(2) When the amount of training data is small, you can try the following three ways to get more data:
a. Manually collect more training data, the most direct and effective way.
b. Basic image processing or transformation based on PIL and opencv. For example, the three modules of ImageFont, Image, ImageDraw in PIL write text into the background, opencv's rotating affine transformation, Gaussian filtering and so on.
c. Use data generation algorithms to synthesize data, such as algorithms such as pix2pix.