名称 最后提交 最后更新
contrib Windows/online (#14474)
layers Windows/online (#14474)
tests fix(Cpu): fix cpu compile and unittest
transpiler Merge pull request #14467 from jacquesqiao/update-trainer-retry
.gitignore Fix CI and enhance gitignore
__init__.py Windows/online (#14474)
annotations.py Apply 2to3 to current paddle main python code
average.py Add print_function for all python files
backward.py hide operator API (#12543)
clip.py Merge pull request #14036 from phlrain/add_dropout_att_new
data_feeder.py Support variable data shape of non-sequence data. (#13482)
debugger.py Add print_function for all python files
default_scope_funcs.py Add print_function for all python files
distribute_lookup_table.py follow comment test=develop
evaluator.py Refine detection mAP in metrics.py.
executor.py Add print_function for all python files
framework.py better fix
graphviz.py Add print_function for all python files
inferencer.py Move trainer to contrib
initializer.py Fix truncated normal. (#13509)
io.py Fix mkdir conflict in save_inference_model (#14285)
layer_helper.py better handle var type inference
lod_tensor.py fix lod tensor
metrics.py "fix comp bug. test=develop" (#14104)
net_drawer.py Add print_function for all python files
nets.py Fix add doc for bias_attr (#13937)
op.py Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle into add_reorg_op
optimizer.py follow comment test=develop
parallel_executor.py Add strategy doc (#13849)
param_attr.py clean a few more kwargs
profiler.py Add print_function for all python files
recordio_writer.py fix_recordio_internal_link
regularizer.py Fix input<tensor> (#14208)
trainer.py Move trainer to contrib
unique_name.py Add print_function for all python files


Object Detection toolkit based on PaddlePaddle. It supports object detection, instance segmentation, multiple object tracking and real-time multi-person keypoint detection.

:rocket: Github 镜像仓库 :rocket:

源项目地址 :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down:




贡献者 41



  • Python 92.8 %
  • C++ 3.5 %
  • Jupyter Notebook 1.6 %
  • Cuda 1.1 %
  • CMake 0.7 %