名称 最后提交 最后更新
benchmark Merge pull request #6852 from tensor-tang/alexnet
cmake Add libprotobuf-lite.a when install. (#6340)
doc Merge pull request #6779 from guoshengCS/add-python-reduceMean
doc_theme mistaken: Folk -> Fork in develop branch
go Add log to `InitParam` `GetParameter` `SendGrad` and etc. (#5162)
paddle add data layout (#6832)
proto Refine AvgPooling with excludeMode to make it compatible with the raw prototxt
python add data layout (#6832)
v1_api_demo refine README.md for v1_api_demo and v1_api_tutorials
.clang-format Send recv op (#5520)
.clang_format.hook clang format with version check (#3513)
.dockerignore refine docker build
.gitignore Add version api (#2985)
.pre-commit-config.yaml Fix gometalinter versioning (#4832)
.style.yapf change python code style to pep8
.travis.yml Refine CheckStyle Script (#5942)
AUTHORS.md sort the Author.md with Alphabetical order
CMakeLists.txt add version and path for both CXX and C compiler
CONTRIBUTING.md * Add symbolic link from Paddle/CONTRIBUTING.md to doc/howto/dev/contribute_to_paddle_en.md so sphinx can generate the document
Dockerfile Send recv op (#5520)
Dockerfile.android Add ARGS ANDROID_API in Dockerfile.android, to support using toolchain of different api level.
ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md Revise one word in ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md (#371)
LICENSE Change "Baidu, Inc" into "PaddlePaddle Authors"
README.md update the link of doc.paddlepaddle.org in README.md
RELEASE.cn.md update v0.11.0 release note
RELEASE.md change Fluid description


Object Detection toolkit based on PaddlePaddle. It supports object detection, instance segmentation, multiple object tracking and real-time multi-person keypoint detection.

:rocket: Github 镜像仓库 :rocket:

源项目地址 :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down:




贡献者 41



  • Python 92.8 %
  • C++ 3.5 %
  • Jupyter Notebook 1.6 %
  • Cuda 1.1 %
  • CMake 0.7 %