未验证 提交 e557611f 编写于 作者: A Abhinav Arora 提交者: GitHub

Fix equations in sequence_pool op (#6355)

上级 45b015be
......@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ Sequence Pool Operator.
The SequencePoolOp pools features of all time-steps of each instance.
It supports six pooling types:
1. AVERAGE: Out[i] = $$avg(X_i)$$
2. SUM: Out[i] = $$\sum_jX_{ij}$$
3. SQRT: Out[i] = $$\frac{\sum_jX_{ij}}{\sqrt{len(X_i)}}$$
1. AVERAGE: $$Out[i] = \frac{\sum_i X_i}{N}$$
2. SUM: $$Out[i] = \sum_jX_{ij}$$
3. SQRT: $$Out[i] = \frac{\sum_jX_{ij}}{\sqrt{len(X_i)}}$$
4. LAST: Out[i] = last instance in i-th sequence X[i]
5. FIRST: Out[i] = first instance in i-th sequence X[i]
6. MAX: Out[i] = $$max(X_i)$$
6. MAX: $$Out[i] = max(X_i)$$
The following example explains how this works:
For a mini-batch of 3 variable-length sentences,
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