- PP-YOLO_r18vd is trained on COCO train2017 datast and evaluated on val2017 & test-dev2017 dataset,Box AP50<sup>val</sup> is evaluation results of `mAP(IoU=0.5)`.
- PP-YOLO_r18vd used 4 GPUs for training and mini-batch size as 32 on each GPU, if GPU number and mini-batch size is changed, learning rate and iteration times should be adjusted according [FAQ](../../docs/FAQ.md).
- PP-YOLO_r18vd inference speeding testing environment and configuration is same as PP-YOLO above.
- PP-YOLO_MobileNetV3 is trained on COCO train2017 datast and evaluated on val2017 dataset,Box AP<sup>val</sup> is evaluation results of `mAP(IoU=0.5:0.95)`.
- PP-YOLO_MobileNetV3 used 4 GPUs for training and mini-batch size as 32 on each GPU, if GPU number and mini-batch size is changed, learning rate and iteration times should be adjusted according [FAQ](../../docs/FAQ.md).
- PP-YOLO_MobileNetV3 inference speed is tested on Kirin 990 with 1 thread.
### Slim PP-YOLO
| Model | GPU number | images/GPU | Prune Ratio | Teacher Model | Model Size | input shape | Box AP<sup>val</sup> | Kirin 990(FPS) | download | config |