`optimize_op_attrs` is not in the `VarDesc` message, but kept in the Python instance, as it will be used in the Python space when creating the optimize operator's `OpDesc`, and will be in the `OpDesc` message.
## Layer Functions
## Layer Function
A layer is a Python function that creates some operators and variables. Layers simplify the work of application programmers.
A layer is a Python function that creates some operators and variables. Layers simplify the work of application programmers.
### Data Layer
Layer functions take `Variable` and configuration parameters as its input and return the output variable(s).
For example, `FullyConnected` take one or more variable as its input. The input could be input data or another layer's output. There are many configuration options for a `FullyConnected` layer, such as layer size, activation, parameter names, initialization strategies of parameters, and so on. The `FullyConnected` layer will return an output variable.
### Necessity for reusing code between layer functions
There are a lot of code that can be reused. Such as
* Give the default value of configuration. e.g., default initialize strategy for parameters is uniform random with `min = -1.0`, `max = 1.0`. and default initialize strategy for bias is to fill zero.
* Append the activation operator.
* Create a temporary variable.
* Create parameter.
* Generate a unique name.
* Add a bias.
* ...
A mechanism to reuse code between layer functions is necessary. It will be around [150 lines of code](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pull/4724/files#diff-823b27e07e93914ada859232ae23f846R12) if we write a `FullyConnected` layer without any helper functions.
### Comparision between global functions and helper class
The `FullyConnected` layer will be as follow when we provide global functions:
The input to the feed operator is a special variable in the global scope, which is the output of [Python readers](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/doc/design/reader/README.md).
We can provide many helpers functions for layer developers. However, there are several disadvantages for global helper functions:
1. We need a namespace for these methods, then layer developers can quickly figure out what method they can use.
2. Global functions will force layer developers to pass its parameter time by time.
So we provide a helper class, `LayerHelper`, to share code between layer functions. The `FullyConnected` Layer will be as follow.
We not only use the fewer lines of code to write `fc_layer` but also make the code clearer to understand. At the same time, layer developers can figure out what function they can invoke by typing `helper.` in a python editor.
### Implementation of layer helper
### FC Layer
We just keep all parameters of a layer function as a dictionary in layer helper as a private data member. Every method of layer helper will look up the dictionary after it is invoked. In that way, we can implement a layer helper for all layer functions even some layer does not contain some operator. For example, The `activation` is used by the FullyConnected layer or convolution layers, but a cross-entropy layer does not use it. The example code of `add_activation` are: