提交 78ae1e63 编写于 作者: Z zhiboniu 提交者: zhiboniu

add reid and mtmct to pphuman

上级 d6ffa2b5
...@@ -27,3 +27,7 @@ ACTION: ...@@ -27,3 +27,7 @@ ACTION:
max_frames: 50 max_frames: 50
display_frames: 80 display_frames: 80
coord_size: [384, 512] coord_size: [384, 512]
model_dir: output_inference/reid_model/
batch_size: 16
# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import copy
class Result(object):
def __init__(self):
self.res_dict = {
'det': dict(),
'mot': dict(),
'attr': dict(),
'kpt': dict(),
'action': dict(),
'reid': dict()
def update(self, res, name):
def get(self, name):
if name in self.res_dict and len(self.res_dict[name]) > 0:
return self.res_dict[name]
return None
class DataCollector(object):
DataCollector of pphuman Pipeline, collect results in every frames and assign it to each track ids.
mainly used in mtmct.
data struct:
- [id1]: (all results of N frames)
- frames(list of int): Nx[int]
- rects(list of rect): Nx[rect(conf, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)]
- features(list of array(256,)): Nx[array(256,)]
- qualities(list of float): Nx[float]
- attrs(list of attr): refer to attrs for details
- kpts(list of kpts): refer to kpts for details
- actions(list of actions): refer to actions for details
- [idN]
def __init__(self):
#id, frame, rect, score, label, attrs, kpts, actions
self.mots = {
"frames": [],
"rects": [],
"attrs": [],
"kpts": [],
"features": [],
"qualities": [],
"actions": []
self.collector = {}
def append(self, frameid, Result):
mot_res = Result.get('mot')
attr_res = Result.get('attr')
kpt_res = Result.get('kpt')
action_res = Result.get('action')
reid_res = Result.get('reid')
for idx, mot_item in enumerate(reid_res['rects']):
ids = int(mot_item[0])
if ids not in self.collector:
self.collector[ids] = copy.deepcopy(self.mots)
if attr_res:
if kpt_res:
if action_res:
# action model generate result per X frames, Not available every frames
if reid_res:
def get_res(self):
return self.collector
# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import motmetrics as mm
from pptracking.python.mot.visualize import plot_tracking
import os
import re
import cv2
import gc
import numpy as np
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
from functools import reduce
import warnings
def gen_restxt(output_dir_filename, map_tid, cid_tid_dict):
pattern = re.compile(r'c(\d)_t(\d)')
f_w = open(output_dir_filename, 'w')
for key, res in cid_tid_dict.items():
cid, tid = pattern.search(key).groups()
cid = int(cid) + 1
rects = res["rects"]
frames = res["frames"]
for idx, bbox in enumerate(rects):
bbox[0][3:] -= bbox[0][1:3]
fid = frames[idx] + 1
rect = [max(int(x), 0) for x in bbox[0][1:]]
if key in map_tid:
new_tid = map_tid[key]
str(cid) + ' ' + str(new_tid) + ' ' + str(fid) + ' ' +
' '.join(map(str, rect)) + '\n')
print('gen_res: write file in {}'.format(output_dir_filename))
def get_mtmct_matching_results(pred_mtmct_file, secs_interval=0.5,
res = np.loadtxt(pred_mtmct_file) # 'cid, tid, fid, x1, y1, w, h, -1, -1'
camera_ids = list(map(int, np.unique(res[:, 0])))
res = res[:, :7]
# each line in res: 'cid, tid, fid, x1, y1, w, h'
camera_tids = []
camera_results = dict()
for c_id in camera_ids:
camera_results[c_id] = res[res[:, 0] == c_id]
tids = np.unique(camera_results[c_id][:, 1])
tids = list(map(int, tids))
# select common tids throughout each video
common_tids = reduce(np.intersect1d, camera_tids)
# get mtmct matching results by cid_tid_fid_results[c_id][t_id][f_id]
cid_tid_fid_results = dict()
cid_tid_to_fids = dict()
interval = int(secs_interval * video_fps) # preferably less than 10
for c_id in camera_ids:
cid_tid_fid_results[c_id] = dict()
cid_tid_to_fids[c_id] = dict()
for t_id in common_tids:
tid_mask = camera_results[c_id][:, 1] == t_id
cid_tid_fid_results[c_id][t_id] = dict()
camera_trackid_results = camera_results[c_id][tid_mask]
fids = np.unique(camera_trackid_results[:, 2])
fids = fids[fids % interval == 0]
fids = list(map(int, fids))
cid_tid_to_fids[c_id][t_id] = fids
for f_id in fids:
st_frame = f_id
ed_frame = f_id + interval
st_mask = camera_trackid_results[:, 2] >= st_frame
ed_mask = camera_trackid_results[:, 2] < ed_frame
frame_mask = np.logical_and(st_mask, ed_mask)
cid_tid_fid_results[c_id][t_id][f_id] = camera_trackid_results[
return camera_results, cid_tid_fid_results
def save_mtmct_vis_results(camera_results, captures, output_dir):
# camera_results: 'cid, tid, fid, x1, y1, w, h'
camera_ids = list(camera_results.keys())
import shutil
save_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'mtmct_vis')
if os.path.exists(save_dir):
for idx, video_file in enumerate(captures):
capture = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file)
cid = camera_ids[idx]
video_out_name = "mtmct_vis_c" + str(cid) + ".mp4"
print("Start visualizing output video: {}".format(video_out_name))
out_path = os.path.join(save_dir, video_out_name)
# Get Video info : resolution, fps, frame count
width = int(capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
height = int(capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
fps = int(capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS))
frame_count = int(capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(* 'mp4v')
writer = cv2.VideoWriter(out_path, fourcc, fps, (width, height))
frame_id = 0
while (1):
if frame_id % 50 == 0:
print('frame id: ', frame_id)
ret, frame = capture.read()
frame_id += 1
if not ret:
if frame_id == 1:
print("video read failed!")
frame_results = camera_results[cid][camera_results[cid][:, 2] ==
boxes = frame_results[:, -4:]
ids = frame_results[:, 1]
image = plot_tracking(frame, boxes, ids, frame_id=frame_id, fps=fps)
def get_euclidean(x, y, **kwargs):
m = x.shape[0]
n = y.shape[0]
distmat = (np.power(x, 2).sum(axis=1, keepdims=True).repeat(
n, axis=1) + np.power(y, 2).sum(axis=1, keepdims=True).repeat(
m, axis=1).T)
distmat -= np.dot(2 * x, y.T)
return distmat
def cosine_similarity(x, y, eps=1e-12):
Computes cosine similarity between two tensors.
Value == 1 means the same vector
Value == 0 means perpendicular vectors
x_n, y_n = np.linalg.norm(
x, axis=1, keepdims=True), np.linalg.norm(
y, axis=1, keepdims=True)
x_norm = x / np.maximum(x_n, eps * np.ones_like(x_n))
y_norm = y / np.maximum(y_n, eps * np.ones_like(y_n))
sim_mt = np.dot(x_norm, y_norm.T)
return sim_mt
def get_cosine(x, y, eps=1e-12):
Computes cosine distance between two tensors.
The cosine distance is the inverse cosine similarity
-> cosine_distance = abs(-cosine_distance) to make it
similar in behaviour to euclidean distance
sim_mt = cosine_similarity(x, y, eps)
return sim_mt
def get_dist_mat(x, y, func_name="euclidean"):
if func_name == "cosine":
dist_mat = get_cosine(x, y)
elif func_name == "euclidean":
dist_mat = get_euclidean(x, y)
print("Using {func_name} as distance function during evaluation")
return dist_mat
def intracam_ignore(st_mask, cid_tids):
count = len(cid_tids)
for i in range(count):
for j in range(count):
if cid_tids[i][1] == cid_tids[j][1]:
st_mask[i, j] = 0.
return st_mask
def get_sim_matrix_new(cid_tid_dict, cid_tids):
# Note: camera independent get_sim_matrix function,
# which is different from the one in camera_utils.py.
count = len(cid_tids)
q_arr = np.array(
[cid_tid_dict[cid_tids[i]]['mean_feat'] for i in range(count)])
g_arr = np.array(
[cid_tid_dict[cid_tids[i]]['mean_feat'] for i in range(count)])
#compute distmat
distmat = get_dist_mat(q_arr, g_arr, func_name="cosine")
#mask the element which belongs to same video
st_mask = np.ones((count, count), dtype=np.float32)
st_mask = intracam_ignore(st_mask, cid_tids)
sim_matrix = distmat * st_mask
np.fill_diagonal(sim_matrix, 0.)
return 1. - sim_matrix
def get_match(cluster_labels):
cluster_dict = dict()
cluster = list()
for i, l in enumerate(cluster_labels):
if l in list(cluster_dict.keys()):
cluster_dict[l] = [i]
for idx in cluster_dict:
return cluster
def get_cid_tid(cluster_labels, cid_tids):
cluster = list()
for labels in cluster_labels:
cid_tid_list = list()
for label in labels:
return cluster
def get_labels(cid_tid_dict, cid_tids):
#compute cost matrix between features
cost_matrix = get_sim_matrix_new(cid_tid_dict, cid_tids)
#cluster all the features
cluster1 = AgglomerativeClustering(
cluster_labels1 = cluster1.fit_predict(cost_matrix)
labels = get_match(cluster_labels1)
sub_cluster = get_cid_tid(labels, cid_tids)
return labels
def sub_cluster(cid_tid_dict):
cid_tid_dict: all camera_id and track_id
#get all keys
cid_tids = sorted([key for key in cid_tid_dict.keys()])
#cluster all trackid
clu = get_labels(cid_tid_dict, cid_tids)
#relabel every cluster groups
new_clu = list()
for c_list in clu:
new_clu.append([cid_tids[c] for c in c_list])
cid_tid_label = dict()
for i, c_list in enumerate(new_clu):
for c in c_list:
cid_tid_label[c] = i + 1
return cid_tid_label
def distill_idfeat(mot_res):
qualities_list = mot_res["qualities"]
feature_list = mot_res["features"]
rects = mot_res["rects"]
qualities_new = []
feature_new = []
#filter rect less than 100*20
for idx, rect in enumerate(rects):
conf, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = rect[0]
if (xmax - xmin) * (ymax - ymin) and (xmax > xmin) > 2000:
#take all features if available rect is less than 2
if len(qualities_new) < 2:
qualities_new = qualities_list
feature_new = feature_list
#if available frames number is more than 200, take one frame data per 20 frames
if len(qualities_new) > 200:
skipf = 20
skipf = max(10, len(qualities_new) // 10)
quality_skip = np.array(qualities_new[::skipf])
feature_skip = np.array(feature_new[::skipf])
#sort features with image qualities, take the most trustworth features
topk_argq = np.argsort(quality_skip)[::-1]
if (quality_skip > 0.6).sum() > 1:
topk_feat = feature_skip[topk_argq[quality_skip > 0.6]]
topk_feat = feature_skip[topk_argq]
#get final features by mean or cluster, at most take five
mean_feat = np.mean(topk_feat[:5], axis=0)
return mean_feat
def res2dict(multi_res):
cid_tid_dict = {}
for cid, c_res in enumerate(multi_res):
for tid, res in c_res.items():
key = "c" + str(cid) + "_t" + str(tid)
if key not in cid_tid_dict:
cid_tid_dict[key] = res
cid_tid_dict[key]['mean_feat'] = distill_idfeat(res)
return cid_tid_dict
def mtmct_process(multi_res, captures, mtmct_vis=True, output_dir="output"):
cid_tid_dict = res2dict(multi_res)
map_tid = sub_cluster(cid_tid_dict)
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
pred_mtmct_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'mtmct_result.txt')
gen_restxt(pred_mtmct_file, map_tid, cid_tid_dict)
if mtmct_vis:
camera_results, cid_tid_fid_res = get_mtmct_matching_results(
save_mtmct_vis_results(camera_results, captures, output_dir=output_dir)
...@@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ def argsparser(): ...@@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ def argsparser():
default=None, default=None,
help="Path of video file, `video_file` or `camera_id` has a highest priority." help="Path of video file, `video_file` or `camera_id` has a highest priority."
) )
help="Dir of video file, `video_file` has a higher priority.")
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
"--model_dir", nargs='*', help="set model dir in pipeline") "--model_dir", nargs='*', help="set model dir in pipeline")
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
...@@ -143,6 +148,7 @@ class PipeTimer(Times): ...@@ -143,6 +148,7 @@ class PipeTimer(Times):
'attr': Times(), 'attr': Times(),
'kpt': Times(), 'kpt': Times(),
'action': Times(), 'action': Times(),
'reid': Times()
} }
self.img_num = 0 self.img_num = 0
...@@ -268,7 +274,7 @@ def get_test_images(infer_dir, infer_img): ...@@ -268,7 +274,7 @@ def get_test_images(infer_dir, infer_img):
return images return images
def crop_image_with_det(batch_input, det_res): def crop_image_with_det(batch_input, det_res, thresh=0.3):
boxes = det_res['boxes'] boxes = det_res['boxes']
score = det_res['boxes'][:, 1] score = det_res['boxes'][:, 1]
boxes_num = det_res['boxes_num'] boxes_num = det_res['boxes_num']
...@@ -279,21 +285,38 @@ def crop_image_with_det(batch_input, det_res): ...@@ -279,21 +285,38 @@ def crop_image_with_det(batch_input, det_res):
boxes_i = boxes[start_idx:start_idx + boxes_num_i, :] boxes_i = boxes[start_idx:start_idx + boxes_num_i, :]
score_i = score[start_idx:start_idx + boxes_num_i] score_i = score[start_idx:start_idx + boxes_num_i]
res = [] res = []
for box in boxes_i: for box, s in zip(boxes_i, score_i):
crop_image, new_box, ori_box = expand_crop(input, box) if s > thresh:
if crop_image is not None: crop_image, new_box, ori_box = expand_crop(input, box)
res.append(crop_image) if crop_image is not None:
crop_res.append(res) crop_res.append(res)
return crop_res return crop_res
def crop_image_with_mot(input, mot_res): def normal_crop(image, rect):
imgh, imgw, c = image.shape
label, conf, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = [int(x) for x in rect.tolist()]
org_rect = [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
if label != 0:
return None, None, None
xmin = max(0, xmin)
ymin = max(0, ymin)
xmax = min(imgw, xmax)
ymax = min(imgh, ymax)
return image[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax, :], [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], org_rect
def crop_image_with_mot(input, mot_res, expand=True):
res = mot_res['boxes'] res = mot_res['boxes']
crop_res = [] crop_res = []
new_bboxes = [] new_bboxes = []
ori_bboxes = [] ori_bboxes = []
for box in res: for box in res:
crop_image, new_bbox, ori_bbox = expand_crop(input, box[1:]) if expand:
crop_image, new_bbox, ori_bbox = expand_crop(input, box[1:])
crop_image, new_bbox, ori_bbox = normal_crop(input, box[1:])
if crop_image is not None: if crop_image is not None:
crop_res.append(crop_image) crop_res.append(crop_image)
new_bboxes.append(new_bbox) new_bboxes.append(new_bbox)
...@@ -21,7 +21,11 @@ import numpy as np ...@@ -21,7 +21,11 @@ import numpy as np
import math import math
import paddle import paddle
import sys import sys
import copy
from collections import Sequence from collections import Sequence
from reid import ReID
from datacollector import DataCollector, Result
from mtmct import mtmct_process
# add deploy path of PadleDetection to sys.path # add deploy path of PadleDetection to sys.path
parent_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, *(['..'] * 2))) parent_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, *(['..'] * 2)))
...@@ -32,7 +36,7 @@ from python.attr_infer import AttrDetector ...@@ -32,7 +36,7 @@ from python.attr_infer import AttrDetector
from python.keypoint_infer import KeyPointDetector from python.keypoint_infer import KeyPointDetector
from python.keypoint_postprocess import translate_to_ori_images from python.keypoint_postprocess import translate_to_ori_images
from python.action_infer import ActionRecognizer from python.action_infer import ActionRecognizer
from python.action_utils import KeyPointCollector, ActionVisualCollector from python.action_utils import KeyPointBuff, ActionVisualHelper
from pipe_utils import argsparser, print_arguments, merge_cfg, PipeTimer from pipe_utils import argsparser, print_arguments, merge_cfg, PipeTimer
from pipe_utils import get_test_images, crop_image_with_det, crop_image_with_mot, parse_mot_res, parse_mot_keypoint from pipe_utils import get_test_images, crop_image_with_det, crop_image_with_mot, parse_mot_res, parse_mot_keypoint
...@@ -75,6 +79,7 @@ class Pipeline(object): ...@@ -75,6 +79,7 @@ class Pipeline(object):
image_file=None, image_file=None,
image_dir=None, image_dir=None,
video_file=None, video_file=None,
camera_id=-1, camera_id=-1,
enable_attr=False, enable_attr=False,
enable_action=True, enable_action=True,
...@@ -89,8 +94,10 @@ class Pipeline(object): ...@@ -89,8 +94,10 @@ class Pipeline(object):
output_dir='output'): output_dir='output'):
self.multi_camera = False self.multi_camera = False
self.is_video = False self.is_video = False
self.output_dir = output_dir
self.vis_result = cfg['visual']
self.input = self._parse_input(image_file, image_dir, video_file, self.input = self._parse_input(image_file, image_dir, video_file,
camera_id) video_dir, camera_id)
if self.multi_camera: if self.multi_camera:
self.predictor = [ self.predictor = [
PipePredictor( PipePredictor(
...@@ -126,7 +133,8 @@ class Pipeline(object): ...@@ -126,7 +133,8 @@ class Pipeline(object):
if self.is_video: if self.is_video:
self.predictor.set_file_name(video_file) self.predictor.set_file_name(video_file)
def _parse_input(self, image_file, image_dir, video_file, camera_id): def _parse_input(self, image_file, image_dir, video_file, video_dir,
# parse input as is_video and multi_camera # parse input as is_video and multi_camera
...@@ -136,19 +144,23 @@ class Pipeline(object): ...@@ -136,19 +144,23 @@ class Pipeline(object):
self.multi_camera = False self.multi_camera = False
elif video_file is not None: elif video_file is not None:
if isinstance(video_file, list): self.multi_camera = False
input = video_file
self.is_video = True
elif video_dir is not None:
videof = [os.path.join(video_dir, x) for x in os.listdir(video_dir)]
if len(videof) > 1:
self.multi_camera = True self.multi_camera = True
input = [cv2.VideoCapture(v) for v in video_file] videof.sort()
input = videof
else: else:
input = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file) input = videof[0]
self.is_video = True self.is_video = True
elif camera_id != -1: elif camera_id != -1:
if isinstance(camera_id, Sequence): self.multi_camera = False
self.multi_camera = True input = camera_id
input = [cv2.VideoCapture(i) for i in camera_id]
input = cv2.VideoCapture(camera_id)
self.is_video = True self.is_video = True
else: else:
...@@ -163,34 +175,18 @@ class Pipeline(object): ...@@ -163,34 +175,18 @@ class Pipeline(object):
multi_res = [] multi_res = []
for predictor, input in zip(self.predictor, self.input): for predictor, input in zip(self.predictor, self.input):
predictor.run(input) predictor.run(input)
res = predictor.get_result() collector_data = predictor.get_result()
multi_res.append(res) multi_res.append(collector_data)
mtmct_process(multi_res) multi_res,
else: else:
self.predictor.run(self.input) self.predictor.run(self.input)
class Result(object):
def __init__(self):
self.res_dict = {
'det': dict(),
'mot': dict(),
'attr': dict(),
'kpt': dict(),
'action': dict()
def update(self, res, name):
def get(self, name):
if name in self.res_dict and len(self.res_dict[name]) > 0:
return self.res_dict[name]
return None
class PipePredictor(object): class PipePredictor(object):
""" """
Predictor in single camera Predictor in single camera
...@@ -255,10 +251,18 @@ class PipePredictor(object): ...@@ -255,10 +251,18 @@ class PipePredictor(object):
self.with_attr = cfg.get('ATTR', False) and enable_attr self.with_attr = cfg.get('ATTR', False) and enable_attr
self.with_action = cfg.get('ACTION', False) and enable_action self.with_action = cfg.get('ACTION', False) and enable_action
self.with_mtmct = cfg.get('REID', False) and multi_camera
if self.with_attr: if self.with_attr:
print('Attribute Recognition enabled') print('Attribute Recognition enabled')
if self.with_action: if self.with_action:
print('Action Recognition enabled') print('Action Recognition enabled')
if multi_camera:
if not self.with_mtmct:
'Warning!!! MTMCT enabled, but cannot find REID config in [infer_cfg.yml], please check!'
print("MTMCT enabled")
self.is_video = is_video self.is_video = is_video
self.multi_camera = multi_camera self.multi_camera = multi_camera
...@@ -269,6 +273,7 @@ class PipePredictor(object): ...@@ -269,6 +273,7 @@ class PipePredictor(object):
self.pipeline_res = Result() self.pipeline_res = Result()
self.pipe_timer = PipeTimer() self.pipe_timer = PipeTimer()
self.file_name = None self.file_name = None
self.collector = DataCollector()
if not is_video: if not is_video:
det_cfg = self.cfg['DET'] det_cfg = self.cfg['DET']
...@@ -327,7 +332,7 @@ class PipePredictor(object): ...@@ -327,7 +332,7 @@ class PipePredictor(object):
cpu_threads, cpu_threads,
enable_mkldnn, enable_mkldnn,
use_dark=False) use_dark=False)
self.kpt_collector = KeyPointCollector(action_frames) self.kpt_buff = KeyPointBuff(action_frames)
self.action_predictor = ActionRecognizer( self.action_predictor = ActionRecognizer(
action_model_dir, action_model_dir,
...@@ -342,14 +347,22 @@ class PipePredictor(object): ...@@ -342,14 +347,22 @@ class PipePredictor(object):
enable_mkldnn, enable_mkldnn,
window_size=action_frames) window_size=action_frames)
self.action_visual_collector = ActionVisualCollector( self.action_visual_helper = ActionVisualHelper(display_frames)
if self.with_mtmct:
reid_cfg = self.cfg['REID']
model_dir = reid_cfg['model_dir']
batch_size = reid_cfg['batch_size']
self.reid_predictor = ReID(model_dir, device, run_mode, batch_size,
trt_min_shape, trt_max_shape,
trt_opt_shape, trt_calib_mode,
cpu_threads, enable_mkldnn)
def set_file_name(self, path): def set_file_name(self, path):
self.file_name = os.path.split(path)[-1] self.file_name = os.path.split(path)[-1]
def get_result(self): def get_result(self):
return self.pipeline_res return self.collector.get_res()
def run(self, input): def run(self, input):
if self.is_video: if self.is_video:
...@@ -406,10 +419,11 @@ class PipePredictor(object): ...@@ -406,10 +419,11 @@ class PipePredictor(object):
if self.cfg['visual']: if self.cfg['visual']:
self.visualize_image(batch_file, batch_input, self.pipeline_res) self.visualize_image(batch_file, batch_input, self.pipeline_res)
def predict_video(self, capture): def predict_video(self, video_file):
# mot # mot
# mot -> attr # mot -> attr
# mot -> pose -> action # mot -> pose -> action
capture = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file)
video_out_name = 'output.mp4' if self.file_name is None else self.file_name video_out_name = 'output.mp4' if self.file_name is None else self.file_name
# Get Video info : resolution, fps, frame count # Get Video info : resolution, fps, frame count
...@@ -434,7 +448,8 @@ class PipePredictor(object): ...@@ -434,7 +448,8 @@ class PipePredictor(object):
if frame_id > self.warmup_frame: if frame_id > self.warmup_frame:
self.pipe_timer.total_time.start() self.pipe_timer.total_time.start()
self.pipe_timer.module_time['mot'].start() self.pipe_timer.module_time['mot'].start()
res = self.mot_predictor.predict_image([frame], visual=False) res = self.mot_predictor.predict_image(
[copy.deepcopy(frame)], visual=False)
if frame_id > self.warmup_frame: if frame_id > self.warmup_frame:
self.pipe_timer.module_time['mot'].end() self.pipe_timer.module_time['mot'].end()
...@@ -485,16 +500,15 @@ class PipePredictor(object): ...@@ -485,16 +500,15 @@ class PipePredictor(object):
self.pipeline_res.update(kpt_res, 'kpt') self.pipeline_res.update(kpt_res, 'kpt')
self.kpt_collector.update(kpt_res, self.kpt_buff.update(kpt_res, mot_res) # collect kpt output
mot_res) # collect kpt output state = self.kpt_buff.get_state(
state = self.kpt_collector.get_state(
) # whether frame num is enough or lost tracker ) # whether frame num is enough or lost tracker
action_res = {} action_res = {}
if state: if state:
if frame_id > self.warmup_frame: if frame_id > self.warmup_frame:
self.pipe_timer.module_time['action'].start() self.pipe_timer.module_time['action'].start()
collected_keypoint = self.kpt_collector.get_collected_keypoint( collected_keypoint = self.kpt_buff.get_collected_keypoint(
) # reoragnize kpt output with ID ) # reoragnize kpt output with ID
action_input = parse_mot_keypoint(collected_keypoint, action_input = parse_mot_keypoint(collected_keypoint,
self.coord_size) self.coord_size)
...@@ -505,18 +519,32 @@ class PipePredictor(object): ...@@ -505,18 +519,32 @@ class PipePredictor(object):
self.pipeline_res.update(action_res, 'action') self.pipeline_res.update(action_res, 'action')
if self.cfg['visual']: if self.cfg['visual']:
self.action_visual_collector.update(action_res) self.action_visual_helper.update(action_res)
if self.with_mtmct:
crop_input, img_qualities, rects = self.reid_predictor.crop_image_with_mot(
frame, mot_res)
if frame_id > self.warmup_frame:
reid_res = self.reid_predictor.predict_batch(crop_input)
if frame_id > self.warmup_frame:
reid_res_dict = {
'features': reid_res,
"qualities": img_qualities,
"rects": rects
self.pipeline_res.update(reid_res_dict, 'reid')
self.collector.append(frame_id, self.pipeline_res)
if frame_id > self.warmup_frame: if frame_id > self.warmup_frame:
self.pipe_timer.img_num += 1 self.pipe_timer.img_num += 1
self.pipe_timer.total_time.end() self.pipe_timer.total_time.end()
frame_id += 1 frame_id += 1
if self.multi_camera:
self.pipeline_res) # parse output result for multi-camera
if self.cfg['visual']: if self.cfg['visual']:
_, _, fps = self.pipe_timer.get_total_time() _, _, fps = self.pipe_timer.get_total_time()
im = self.visualize_video(frame, self.pipeline_res, frame_id, im = self.visualize_video(frame, self.pipeline_res, frame_id,
...@@ -527,7 +555,7 @@ class PipePredictor(object): ...@@ -527,7 +555,7 @@ class PipePredictor(object):
print('save result to {}'.format(out_path)) print('save result to {}'.format(out_path))
def visualize_video(self, image, result, frame_id, fps): def visualize_video(self, image, result, frame_id, fps):
mot_res = result.get('mot') mot_res = copy.deepcopy(result.get('mot'))
if mot_res is not None: if mot_res is not None:
ids = mot_res['boxes'][:, 0] ids = mot_res['boxes'][:, 0]
scores = mot_res['boxes'][:, 2] scores = mot_res['boxes'][:, 2]
...@@ -559,7 +587,7 @@ class PipePredictor(object): ...@@ -559,7 +587,7 @@ class PipePredictor(object):
action_res = result.get('action') action_res = result.get('action')
if action_res is not None: if action_res is not None:
image = visualize_action(image, mot_res['boxes'], image = visualize_action(image, mot_res['boxes'],
self.action_visual_collector, "Falling") self.action_visual_helper, "Falling")
return image return image
...@@ -598,10 +626,10 @@ def main(): ...@@ -598,10 +626,10 @@ def main():
print_arguments(cfg) print_arguments(cfg)
pipeline = Pipeline( pipeline = Pipeline(
cfg, FLAGS.image_file, FLAGS.image_dir, FLAGS.video_file, cfg, FLAGS.image_file, FLAGS.image_dir, FLAGS.video_file,
FLAGS.camera_id, FLAGS.enable_attr, FLAGS.enable_action, FLAGS.device, FLAGS.video_dir, FLAGS.camera_id, FLAGS.enable_attr,
FLAGS.run_mode, FLAGS.trt_min_shape, FLAGS.trt_max_shape, FLAGS.enable_action, FLAGS.device, FLAGS.run_mode, FLAGS.trt_min_shape,
FLAGS.trt_opt_shape, FLAGS.trt_calib_mode, FLAGS.cpu_threads, FLAGS.trt_max_shape, FLAGS.trt_opt_shape, FLAGS.trt_calib_mode,
FLAGS.enable_mkldnn, FLAGS.output_dir) FLAGS.cpu_threads, FLAGS.enable_mkldnn, FLAGS.output_dir)
pipeline.run() pipeline.run()
# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import sys
import cv2
import numpy as np
# add deploy path of PadleDetection to sys.path
parent_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, *(['..'] * 2)))
sys.path.insert(0, parent_path)
from python.infer import PredictConfig
from pptracking.python.det_infer import load_predictor
from python.utils import Timer
class ReID(object):
ReID of SDE methods
pred_config (object): config of model, defined by `Config(model_dir)`
model_dir (str): root path of model.pdiparams, model.pdmodel and infer_cfg.yml
device (str): Choose the device you want to run, it can be: CPU/GPU/XPU, default is CPU
run_mode (str): mode of running(paddle/trt_fp32/trt_fp16)
batch_size (int): size of per batch in inference, default 50 means at most
50 sub images can be made a batch and send into ReID model
trt_min_shape (int): min shape for dynamic shape in trt
trt_max_shape (int): max shape for dynamic shape in trt
trt_opt_shape (int): opt shape for dynamic shape in trt
trt_calib_mode (bool): If the model is produced by TRT offline quantitative
calibration, trt_calib_mode need to set True
cpu_threads (int): cpu threads
enable_mkldnn (bool): whether to open MKLDNN
def __init__(self,
self.pred_config = self.set_config(model_dir)
self.predictor, self.config = load_predictor(
self.det_times = Timer()
self.cpu_mem, self.gpu_mem, self.gpu_util = 0, 0, 0
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.input_wh = [128, 256]
def set_config(self, model_dir):
return PredictConfig(model_dir)
def check_img_quality(self, crop, bbox, xyxy):
if crop is None:
return None
eclipse_quality = 1.0
inner_rect = np.zeros(xyxy.shape)
inner_rect[:, :2] = np.maximum(xyxy[:, :2], bbox[None, :2])
inner_rect[:, 2:] = np.minimum(xyxy[:, 2:], bbox[None, 2:])
wh_array = inner_rect[:, 2:] - inner_rect[:, :2]
filt = np.logical_and(wh_array[:, 0] > 0, wh_array[:, 1] > 0)
wh_array = wh_array[filt]
if wh_array.shape[0] > 1:
eclipse_ratio = wh_array / (bbox[2:] - bbox[:2])
eclipse_area_ratio = eclipse_ratio[:, 0] * eclipse_ratio[:, 1]
ear_lst = eclipse_area_ratio.tolist()
eclipse_quality = 1.0 - ear_lst[1]
bbox_wh = (bbox[2:] - bbox[:2])
height_quality = bbox_wh[1] / (bbox_wh[0] * 2)
eclipse_quality = min(eclipse_quality, height_quality)
cropgray = cv2.cvtColor(crop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
definition = int(cv2.Laplacian(cropgray, cv2.CV_64F, ksize=3).var())
brightness = int(cropgray.mean())
bd_quality = min(1., brightness / 50.)
eclipse_weight = 0.7
return eclipse_quality * eclipse_weight + bd_quality * (1 -
def normal_crop(self, image, rect):
imgh, imgw, c = image.shape
label, conf, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = [int(x) for x in rect.tolist()]
xmin = max(0, xmin)
ymin = max(0, ymin)
xmax = min(imgw, xmax)
ymax = min(imgh, ymax)
if label != 0 or xmax <= xmin or ymax <= ymin:
print("Warning! label missed!!")
return None, None, None
return image[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax, :]
def crop_image_with_mot(self, image, mot_res):
res = mot_res['boxes']
crop_res = []
img_quality = []
rects = []
for box in res:
crop_image = self.normal_crop(image, box[1:])
quality_item = self.check_img_quality(crop_image, box[3:],
res[:, 3:])
if crop_image is not None:
return crop_res, img_quality, rects
def preprocess(self,
mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]):
im_batch = []
for img in imgs:
img = cv2.resize(img, self.input_wh)
img = img.astype('float32') / 255.
img -= np.array(mean)
img /= np.array(std)
im_batch.append(img.transpose((2, 0, 1)))
inputs = {}
inputs['x'] = np.array(im_batch).astype('float32')
return inputs
def predict(self, crops, repeats=1, add_timer=True, seq_name=''):
# preprocess
if add_timer:
inputs = self.preprocess(crops)
input_names = self.predictor.get_input_names()
for i in range(len(input_names)):
input_tensor = self.predictor.get_input_handle(input_names[i])
if add_timer:
# model prediction
for i in range(repeats):
output_names = self.predictor.get_output_names()
feature_tensor = self.predictor.get_output_handle(output_names[0])
pred_embs = feature_tensor.copy_to_cpu()
if add_timer:
if add_timer:
self.det_times.img_num += 1
return pred_embs
def predict_batch(self, imgs, batch_size=4):
batch_feat = []
for b in range(0, len(imgs), batch_size):
b_end = min(len(imgs), b + batch_size)
batch_imgs = imgs[b:b_end]
feat = self.predict(batch_imgs)
return batch_feat
...@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class KeyPointSequence(object): ...@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class KeyPointSequence(object):
return False return False
class KeyPointCollector(object): class KeyPointBuff(object):
def __init__(self, max_size=100): def __init__(self, max_size=100):
self.flag_track_interrupt = False self.flag_track_interrupt = False
self.keypoint_saver = dict() self.keypoint_saver = dict()
...@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class KeyPointCollector(object): ...@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class KeyPointCollector(object):
return output return output
class ActionVisualCollector(object): class ActionVisualHelper(object):
def __init__(self, frame_life=20): def __init__(self, frame_life=20):
self.frame_life = frame_life self.frame_life = frame_life
self.action_history = {} self.action_history = {}
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