未验证 提交 1ff63c09 编写于 作者: W wangxinxin08 提交者: GitHub

fix expand shape problem (#3744)

上级 17b2c531
......@@ -24,28 +24,23 @@ __all__ = ['YOLOv3FPN', 'PPYOLOFPN', 'PPYOLOTinyFPN', 'PPYOLOPAN']
def add_coord(x, data_format):
b = x.shape[0]
if data_format == 'NCHW':
h = x.shape[2]
w = x.shape[3]
b, _, h, w = paddle.shape(x)
h = x.shape[1]
w = x.shape[2]
b, h, w, _ = paddle.shape(x)
gx = paddle.arange(w, dtype='float32') / (w - 1.) * 2.0 - 1.
if data_format == 'NCHW':
gx = gx.reshape([1, 1, 1, w]).expand([b, 1, h, w])
gx = gx.reshape([1, 1, w, 1]).expand([b, h, w, 1])
gx.stop_gradient = True
gx = paddle.arange(w, dtype=x.dtype) / ((w - 1.) * 2.0) - 1.
gy = paddle.arange(h, dtype=x.dtype) / ((h - 1.) * 2.0) - 1.
gy = paddle.arange(h, dtype='float32') / (h - 1.) * 2.0 - 1.
if data_format == 'NCHW':
gx = gx.reshape([1, 1, 1, w]).expand([b, 1, h, w])
gy = gy.reshape([1, 1, h, 1]).expand([b, 1, h, w])
gx = gx.reshape([1, 1, w, 1]).expand([b, h, w, 1])
gy = gy.reshape([1, h, 1, 1]).expand([b, h, w, 1])
gy.stop_gradient = True
gx.stop_gradient = True
gy.stop_gradient = True
return gx, gy
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