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# S2ANet Model

## Content
- [S2ANet Model](#s2anet-model)
  - [Content](#content)
  - [Introduction](#introduction)
  - [Start Training](#start-training)
    - [1. Train](#1-train)
    - [2. Evaluation](#2-evaluation)
    - [3. Prediction](#3-prediction)
    - [4. DOTA Data evaluation](#4-dota-data-evaluation)
  - [Model Library](#model-library)
    - [S2ANet Model](#s2anet-model-1)
  - [Predict Deployment](#predict-deployment)
  - [Citations](#citations)

## Introduction

[S2ANet]( is used to detect rotated objects and acheives 74.0 mAP on DOTA 1.0 dataset.

## Start Training

### 2. Train

Single GPU Training
python tools/ -c configs/rotate/s2anet/s2anet_1x_spine.yml

Multiple GPUs Training
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
python -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 tools/ -c configs/rotate/s2anet/s2anet_1x_spine.yml

You can use `--eval`to enable train-by-test.

### 3. Evaluation
python tools/ -c configs/rotate/s2anet/s2anet_1x_spine.yml -o weights=output/s2anet_1x_spine/model_final.pdparams

# Use a trained model to evaluate
python tools/ -c configs/rotate/s2anet/s2anet_1x_spine.yml -o weights=

### 4. Prediction
Executing the following command will save the image prediction results to the `output` folder.
python tools/ -c configs/rotate/s2anet/s2anet_1x_spine.yml -o weights=output/s2anet_1x_spine/model_final.pdparams --infer_img=demo/39006.jpg --draw_threshold=0.3
Prediction using models that provide training:
python tools/ -c configs/rotate/s2anet/s2anet_1x_spine.yml -o weights= --infer_img=demo/39006.jpg --draw_threshold=0.3

### 5. DOTA Data evaluation
Execute the following command, will save each image prediction result in `output` folder txt text with the same folder name.
python tools/ -c configs/rotate/s2anet/s2anet_alignconv_2x_dota.yml -o weights=./weights/s2anet_alignconv_2x_dota.pdparams --infer_dir=/path/to/test/images --output_dir=output --visualize=False --save_results=True
Refering to [DOTA Task](, You need to submit a zip file containing results for all test images for evaluation. The detection results of each category are stored in a txt file, each line of which is in the following format
`image_id score x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4`. To evaluate, you should submit the generated zip file to the Task1 of [DOTA Evaluation]( You can execute the following command to generate the file
python configs/rotate/tools/ --pred_txt_dir=output/ --output_dir=submit/ --data_type=dota10
zip -r submit

## Model Library

### S2ANet Model

|     Model     |  Conv Type  |   mAP    |   Model Download   |   Configuration File   |
|:-----------:|:----------:|:--------:| :----------:| :---------: |
|   S2ANet    |   Conv     |   71.42  |  [model]( | [config](                   |
|   S2ANet    |  AlignConv |   74.0   |  [model]( | [config](                   |

**Attention:** `multiclass_nms` is used here, which is slightly different from the original author's use of NMS.

## Predict Deployment

The inputs of the `multiclass_nms` operator in Paddle support quadrilateral inputs, so deployment can be done without relying on the rotating frame IOU operator.

Please refer to the deployment tutorial[Predict deployment](../../deploy/

## Citations
  author={J. {Han} and J. {Ding} and J. {Li} and G. -S. {Xia}},  
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing},  
  title={Align Deep Features for Oriented Object Detection},  

  title={DOTA: A large-scale dataset for object detection in aerial images},
  author={Xia, Gui-Song and Bai, Xiang and Ding, Jian and Zhu, Zhen and Belongie, Serge and Luo, Jiebo and Datcu, Mihai and Pelillo, Marcello and Zhang, Liangpei},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},