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# Model Compression

In PaddleDetection, a complete tutorial and benchmarks for model compression based on [PaddleSlim]( are provided. Currently supported methods:

- [prunning](prune)
- [quantitative](quant)
- [distillation](distill)
- [The joint strategy](extensions)

It is recommended that you use a combination of prunning and distillation training, or use prunning and quantization for test model compression. The following takes YOLOv3 as an example to carry out cutting, distillation and quantization experiments.

## Experimental Environment

- Python 3.7+
- PaddlePaddle >= 2.1.0
- PaddleSlim >= 2.1.0
- CUDA 10.1+
- cuDNN >=7.6.5

**Version Dependency between PaddleDetection, Paddle and PaddleSlim Version**
| PaddleDetection Version | PaddlePaddle Version | PaddleSlim Version |                                                                                               Note                                                                                               |
| :---------------------: | :------------------: | :----------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
|       release/2.1       |       >= 2.1.0       |        2.1         | Quantitative model exports rely on the latest Paddle Develop branch, available in[PaddlePaddle Daily version]( |
|       release/2.0       |       >= 2.0.1       |        2.0         |                                                                      Quantization depends on Paddle 2.1 and PaddleSlim 2.1                                                                       |

#### Install PaddleSlim
- Method 1: Install it directly:
pip install paddleslim -i
- Method 2: Compile and install:
git clone
cd PaddleSlim
python install

## Quick Start

### Train

python tools/ -c configs/{MODEL.yml} --slim_config configs/slim/{SLIM_CONFIG.yml}

- `-c`: Specify the model configuration file.
- `--slim_config`: Specify the compression policy profile.

### Evaluation

python tools/ -c configs/{MODEL.yml} --slim_config configs/slim/{SLIM_CONFIG.yml} -o weights=output/{SLIM_CONFIG}/model_final

- `-c`: Specify the model configuration file.
- `--slim_config`: Specify the compression policy profile.
- `-o weights`: Specifies the path of the model trained by the compression algorithm.

### Test

python tools/ -c configs/{MODEL.yml} --slim_config configs/slim/{SLIM_CONFIG.yml} \
    -o weights=output/{SLIM_CONFIG}/model_final

- `-c`: Specify the model configuration file.
- `--slim_config`: Specify the compression policy profile.
- `-o weights`: Specifies the path of the model trained by the compression algorithm.
- `--infer_img`: Specifies the test image path.

## Full Chain Deployment

### the model is derived from moving to static

python tools/ -c configs/{MODEL.yml} --slim_config configs/slim/{SLIM_CONFIG.yml} -o weights=output/{SLIM_CONFIG}/model_final

- `-c`: Specify the model configuration file.
- `--slim_config`: Specify the compression policy profile.
- `-o weights`: Specifies the path of the model trained by the compression algorithm.

### prediction and deployment

- Paddle-Inference Prediction:
    - [Python Deployment](../../deploy/python/
    - [C++ Deployment](../../deploy/cpp/
    - [TensorRT Predictive Deployment Tutorial](../../deploy/
- Server deployment: Used[PaddleServing](../../deploy/serving/
- Mobile deployment: Use[Paddle-Lite](../../deploy/lite/ Deploy it on the mobile terminal.

## Benchmark

### Prunning

#### Pascal VOC Benchmark

|       Model        | Compression Strategy  |     GFLOPs     | Model Volume(MB) | Input Size | Predict Delay(SD855) |   Box AP   |                                              Download                                              |                                                      Model Configuration File                                                      |                                              Compression Algorithm Configuration File                                               |
| :----------------: | :-------------------: | :------------: | :--------------: | :--------: | :------------------: | :--------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| YOLOv3-MobileNetV1 |       baseline        |     24.13      |        93        |    608     |       332.0ms        |    75.1    |        [link](        | [configuration file]( |                                                                  -                                                                  |
| YOLOv3-MobileNetV1 | 剪裁-l1_norm(sensity) | 15.78(-34.49%) |     66(-29%)     |    608     |          -           | 78.4(+3.3) | [link]( | [configuration file]( | [slim configuration file]( |

#### COCO Benchmark
|           Mode            | Compression Strategy | GFLOPs | Model Volume(MB) | Input Size | Predict Delay(SD855) | Box AP |                                         Download                                          |                                                     Model Configuration File                                                     |                                                  Compression Algorithm Configuration File                                                   |
| :-----------------------: | :------------------: | :----: | :--------------: | :--------: | :------------------: | :----: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| PP-YOLO-MobileNetV3_large |       baseline       |   --   |       18.5       |    608     |        25.1ms        |  23.2  |      [link](       |   [configuration file](   |                                                                      -                                                                      |
| PP-YOLO-MobileNetV3_large |      剪裁-FPGM       |  -37%  |       12.6       |    608     |          -           |  22.3  | [link]( |   [configuration file](   | [slim configuration file]( |
|     YOLOv3-DarkNet53      |       baseline       |   --   |      238.2       |    608     |          -           |  39.0  |      [link](       | [configuration file]( |                                                                      -                                                                      |
|     YOLOv3-DarkNet53      |      剪裁-FPGM       |  -24%  |        -         |    608     |          -           |  37.6  |  [link](   | [configuration file]( |  [slim configuration file](   |
|       PP-YOLO_R50vd       |       baseline       |   --   |      183.3       |    608     |          -           |  44.8  |     [link](      |  [configuration file](  |                                                                      -                                                                      |
|       PP-YOLO_R50vd       |      剪裁-FPGM       |  -35%  |        -         |    608     |          -           |  42.1  |   [link](    |  [configuration file](  |   [slim configuration file](    |

- Currently, all models except RCNN series models are supported.
- The SD855 predicts the delay for deployment using Paddle Lite, using the ARM8 architecture and using 4 Threads (4 Threads) to reason the delay.

### Quantitative

#### COCO Benchmark

| Model                     | Compression Strategy       | Input Size  | Model Volume(MB) | Prediction Delay(V100) | Prediction Delay(SD855) |        Box AP         |                                          Download                                           |                                 Download of Inference Model                                 |                                                          Model Configuration File                                                          |                                                 Compression Algorithm Configuration File                                                 |
| ------------------------- | -------------------------- | ----------- | :--------------: | :--------------------: | :---------------------: | :-------------------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
127 128 129
| PP-YOLOE-l | baseline     | 640      | - |   11.2ms(trt_fp32) | 7.7ms(trt_fp16)   | -- | 50.9     | [link]( | -  | [Configuration File]( |  - |
| PP-YOLOE-l | Common Online quantitative     | 640      | - |   6.7ms(trt_int8)  | -- | 48.8     | [link]( | -  | [Configuration File]( | [Configuration File]( |
| PP-YOLOv2_R50vd           | baseline                   | 640         |      208.6       |         19.1ms         |           --            |         49.1          |    [link](     |    [link](     |      [Configuration File](       |                                                                    -                                                                     |
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130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168
| PP-YOLOv2_R50vd           | PACT Online quantitative   | 640         |        --        |         17.3ms         |           --            |         48.1          |     [link](     |       [link](        |      [Configuration File ](       |    [Configuration File ](     |
| PP-YOLO_R50vd             | baseline                   | 608         |      183.3       |         17.4ms         |           --            |         44.8          |      [link](       |      [link](       |      [Configuration File ](       |                                                                    -                                                                     |
| PP-YOLO_R50vd             | PACT Online quantitative   | 608         |       67.3       |         13.8ms         |           --            |         44.3          |     [link](      |        [link](        |      [Configuration File ](       |     [Configuration File ](     |
| PP-YOLO-MobileNetV3_large | baseline                   | 320         |       18.5       |         2.7ms          |         27.9ms          |         23.2          |       [link](        |       [link](        |       [Configuration File ](        |                                                                    -                                                                     |
| PP-YOLO-MobileNetV3_large | Common Online quantitative | 320         |       5.6        |           --           |         25.1ms          |         24.3          |     [link](      |        [link](        |       [Configuration File ](        |     [Configuration File ](     |
| YOLOv3-MobileNetV1        | baseline                   | 608         |       94.2       |         8.9ms          |          332ms          |         29.4          |    [link](    |    [link](    |    [Configuration File ](    |                                                                    -                                                                     |
| YOLOv3-MobileNetV1        | Common Online quantitative | 608         |       25.4       |         6.6ms          |          248ms          |         30.5          |  [link](  |    [link](     |    [Configuration File ](    | [slim Configuration File ](  |
| YOLOv3-MobileNetV3        | baseline                   | 608         |       90.3       |         9.4ms          |         367.2ms         |         31.4          | [link]( | [link]( | [Configuration File ]( |                                                                    -                                                                     |
| YOLOv3-MobileNetV3        | PACT Online quantitative   | 608         |       24.4       |         8.0ms          |         280.0ms         |         31.1          |  [link](  |    [link](     | [Configuration File ]( | [slim Configuration File ](  |
| YOLOv3-DarkNet53          | baseline                   | 608         |      238.2       |         16.0ms         |           --            |         39.0          |     [link](      |     [link](      |     [Configuration File ](      |                                                                    -                                                                     |
| YOLOv3-DarkNet53          | Common Online quantitative | 608         |       78.8       |         12.4ms         |           --            |         38.8          |    [link](     |       [link](       |     [Configuration File ](      |    [slim Configuration File ](    |
| SSD-MobileNet_v1          | baseline                   | 300         |       22.5       |         4.4ms          |         26.6ms          |         73.8          |    [link](    |    [link](    |     [Configuration File ](      |                                                                    -                                                                     |
| SSD-MobileNet_v1          | Common Online quantitative | 300         |       7.1        |           --           |         21.5ms          |         72.9          |  [link](  |    [link](     |     [Configuration File ](      |   [slim Configuration File ](   |
| Mask-ResNet50-FPN         | baseline                   | (800, 1333) |      174.1       |        359.5ms         |           --            |       39.2/35.6       |      [link](      |      [link](      |    [Configuration File ](     |                                                                    -                                                                     |
| Mask-ResNet50-FPN         | Common Online quantitative | (800, 1333) |        --        |           --           |           --            | 39.7(+0.5)/35.9(+0.3) |    [link](    |      [link](       |    [Configuration File ](     | [slim Configuration File ]( |

- The above V100 prediction delay non-quantified model is tested by TensorRT FP32, and the quantified model is tested by TensorRT INT8, and both of them include NMS time.
- The SD855 predicts the delay for deployment using PaddleLite, using the ARM8 architecture and using 4 Threads (4 Threads) to reason the delay.

### Distillation

#### COCO Benchmark

| Model              | Compression Strategy | Input Size |   Box AP   |                                           Download                                            |                                                       Model Configuration File                                                       |                                                      Compression Strategy Configuration File                                                      |
| ------------------ | -------------------- | ---------- | :--------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| YOLOv3-MobileNetV1 | baseline             | 608        |    29.4    |     [link](     | [Configuration File ]( |                                                                         -                                                                         |
| YOLOv3-MobileNetV1 | Distillation         | 608        | 31.0(+1.6) | [link]( | [Configuration File ]( | [slimConfiguration File ]( |

- Please refer to the specific distillation method[Distillation Policy Document](distill/

### Distillation Prunning Combined Strategy

#### COCO Benchmark

| Model              | Compression Strategy     | Input Size |    GFLOPs    | Model Volume(MB) | Prediction Delay(SD855) |   Box AP   |                                              Download                                               |                                                       Model Configuration File                                                       |                                                          Compression Algorithm Configuration File                                                          |
| ------------------ | ------------------------ | ---------- | :----------: | :--------------: | :---------------------: | :--------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| YOLOv3-MobileNetV1 | baseline                 | 608        |    24.65     |       94.2       |         332.0ms         |    29.4    |        [link](        | [Configuration File ]( |                                                                             -                                                                              |
| YOLOv3-MobileNetV1 | Distillation + Tailoring | 608        | 7.54(-69.4%) |   30.9(-67.2%)   |         166.1ms         | 28.4(-1.0) | [link]( | [Configuration File ]( | [slimConfiguration File ]( |