未验证 提交 a538b268 编写于 作者: 杭州_燕十三's avatar 杭州_燕十三 提交者: GitHub

[bsp] add bl808 lp core (#7069)

* Add riscv_32e support

* add bl808 lp core

* update README.md
上级 576ddc5a
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ RT-THREAD bsp company list
- 紫芯
- [asm9260t](asm9260t)
- 博流
- [bl808](bl808)
- [bouffalo_lab](bouffalo_lab) series
- 航顺
- [hk32](hk32) series
- 辉芒微
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ Windows下推荐使用[env工具][1],在console下进入bsp/bouffalo_lab/bl61x
### 3.1. GUI方式下载
1. 连接好串口并在工具上选择对应的串口号
......@@ -9,3 +9,7 @@ boot2_isp_mode = 0
filedir = ./m0/rtthread_m0.bin
address = 0x000000
filedir = ./lp/rtthread_lp.bin
address = 0xC0000
mainmenu "RT-Thread Project Configuration"
config BSP_DIR
option env="BSP_ROOT"
default "."
config RTT_DIR
option env="RTT_ROOT"
default "../../../.."
config PKGS_DIR
option env="PKGS_ROOT"
default "packages"
option env="LIBRARIES_DIR"
default "../../libraries"
source "$RTT_DIR/Kconfig"
source "$PKGS_DIR/Kconfig"
source "board/Kconfig"
source "$LIBRARIES_DIR/Kconfig"
# for module compiling
import os
from building import *
cwd = GetCurrentDir()
objs = []
list = os.listdir(cwd)
for d in list:
path = os.path.join(cwd, d)
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'SConscript')):
objs = objs + SConscript(os.path.join(d, 'SConscript'))
import os
import sys
import rtconfig
from rtconfig import RTT_ROOT
sys.path = sys.path + [os.path.join(RTT_ROOT, 'tools')]
from building import *
TARGET = 'rtthread.' + rtconfig.TARGET_EXT
env = Environment(tools = ['mingw'],
AS = rtconfig.AS, ASFLAGS = rtconfig.AFLAGS,
CC = rtconfig.CC, CFLAGS = rtconfig.CFLAGS,
CXX = rtconfig.CXX, CXXFLAGS = rtconfig.CXXFLAGS,
AR = rtconfig.AR, ARFLAGS = '-rc',
LINK = rtconfig.LINK, LINKFLAGS = rtconfig.LFLAGS)
env.PrependENVPath('PATH', rtconfig.EXEC_PATH)
env['ASCOM'] = env['ASPPCOM']
SDK_ROOT = os.path.abspath('./')
if os.path.exists(SDK_ROOT + '/../libraries'):
libraries_path_prefix = SDK_ROOT + '/../libraries'
libraries_path_prefix = os.path.dirname(SDK_ROOT) + '/../libraries'
SDK_LIB = libraries_path_prefix
# prepare building environment
objs = PrepareBuilding(env, RTT_ROOT, has_libcpu = False)
# include libraries
objs.extend(SConscript(libraries_path_prefix + '/bl_mcu_sdk/SConscript', variant_dir='build/libraries/bl_mcu_sdk', duplicate=0))
# include drivers
objs.extend(SConscript(libraries_path_prefix + '/rt_drivers/SConscript', variant_dir='build/libraries/rt_drivers', duplicate=0))
# make a building
DoBuilding(TARGET, objs)
from building import *
cwd = GetCurrentDir()
src = Glob('*.c') + Glob('*.cpp')
CPPPATH = [cwd]
group = DefineGroup('Applications', src, depend = [''], CPPPATH = CPPPATH)
* Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2022/12/25 flyingcys first version
#include <rtthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
rt_kprintf("Hello, RISC-V!\n");
return 0;
config BSP_USING_BL808
select ARCH_RISCV32
select BL808_CORE_LP
default y
config BL808_CORE_LP
default y
\ No newline at end of file
from building import *
cwd = GetCurrentDir()
src = Glob('*.c') + Glob('*.cpp') + Glob('*.S')
CPPPATH = [cwd]
group = DefineGroup('Applications', src, depend = [''], CPPPATH = CPPPATH)
* Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2023/03/15 flyingcys first version
#include <rthw.h>
#include <rtthread.h>
#include "board.h"
#include "drv_uart.h"
#define RT_HEAP_SIZE 1024
static uint32_t user_heap[RT_HEAP_SIZE]; // heap default size: 4K(1024 * 4)
/* This is the timer interrupt service routine. */
static void systick_isr(void)
void rt_hw_board_init(void)
CPU_Set_MTimer_CLK(ENABLE, CPU_Get_MTimer_Source_Clock() / 1000 / 1000 - 1);
bflb_mtimer_config(HW_MTIMER_CLOCK * 2 / RT_TICK_PER_SECOND, systick_isr);
/* initialize memory system */
rt_system_heap_init((void *)user_heap, (void *)user_heap + RT_HEAP_SIZE);
/* UART driver initialization is open by default */
/* Set the shell console output device */
#if defined(RT_USING_CONSOLE) && defined(RT_USING_DEVICE)
void rt_hw_cpu_reset(void)
MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(rt_hw_cpu_reset, reboot, reset machine);
* Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2023/03/15 flyingcys first version
#ifndef BOARD_H__
#define BOARD_H__
#include <rtconfig.h>
#include "bflb_uart.h"
#include "bflb_gpio.h"
#include "bflb_clock.h"
#include "bflb_rtc.h"
#include "bflb_flash.h"
#include "bl808_glb.h"
#include "bl808_psram_uhs.h"
#include "bl808_tzc_sec.h"
#include "bl808_ef_cfg.h"
#include "bl808_uhs_phy.h"
#define HW_MTIMER_CLOCK 1000000
extern uint8_t __HeapBase;
extern uint8_t __HeapLimit;
#define RT_HW_HEAP_BEGIN (void*)&__HeapBase
#define RT_HW_HEAP_END (void*)&__HeapLimit
void rt_hw_board_init(void);
#include "fw_header.h"
__attribute__((section(".fw_header"))) struct bootheader_t fw_header = {
.magiccode = 0x504e4642,
.rivison = 0x00000001,
/*flash config */
.flash_cfg.magiccode = 0x47464346,
.flash_cfg.cfg.ioMode = 0x11, /*!< Serail flash interface mode,bit0-3:IF mode,bit4:unwrap */
.flash_cfg.cfg.cReadSupport = 0x00, /*!< Support continuous read mode,bit0:continuous read mode support,bit1:read mode cfg */
.flash_cfg.cfg.clkDelay = 0x01, /*!< SPI clock delay,bit0-3:delay,bit4-6:pad delay */
.flash_cfg.cfg.clkInvert = 0x01, /*!< SPI clock phase invert,bit0:clck invert,bit1:rx invert,bit2-4:pad delay,bit5-7:pad delay */
.flash_cfg.cfg.resetEnCmd = 0x66, /*!< Flash enable reset command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.resetCmd = 0x99, /*!< Flash reset command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.resetCreadCmd = 0xff, /*!< Flash reset continuous read command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.resetCreadCmdSize = 0x03, /*!< Flash reset continuous read command size */
.flash_cfg.cfg.jedecIdCmd = 0x9f, /*!< JEDEC ID command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.jedecIdCmdDmyClk = 0x00, /*!< JEDEC ID command dummy clock */
.flash_cfg.cfg.enter32BitsAddrCmd = 0xb7, /*!< Enter 32-bits addr command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.exit32BitsAddrCmd = 0xe9, /*!< Exit 32-bits addr command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.sectorSize = 0x04, /*!< *1024bytes */
.flash_cfg.cfg.mid = 0x00, /*!< Manufacturer ID */
.flash_cfg.cfg.pageSize = 0x100, /*!< Page size */
.flash_cfg.cfg.chipEraseCmd = 0xc7, /*!< Chip erase cmd */
.flash_cfg.cfg.sectorEraseCmd = 0x20, /*!< Sector erase command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.blk32EraseCmd = 0x52, /*!< Block 32K erase command,some Micron not support */
.flash_cfg.cfg.blk64EraseCmd = 0xd8, /*!< Block 64K erase command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.writeEnableCmd = 0x06, /*!< Need before every erase or program */
.flash_cfg.cfg.pageProgramCmd = 0x02, /*!< Page program cmd */
.flash_cfg.cfg.qpageProgramCmd = 0x32, /*!< QIO page program cmd */
.flash_cfg.cfg.qppAddrMode = 0x00, /*!< QIO page program address mode */
.flash_cfg.cfg.fastReadCmd = 0x0b, /*!< Fast read command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.frDmyClk = 0x01, /*!< Fast read command dummy clock */
.flash_cfg.cfg.qpiFastReadCmd = 0x0b, /*!< QPI fast read command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.qpiFrDmyClk = 0x01, /*!< QPI fast read command dummy clock */
.flash_cfg.cfg.fastReadDoCmd = 0x3b, /*!< Fast read dual output command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.frDoDmyClk = 0x01, /*!< Fast read dual output command dummy clock */
.flash_cfg.cfg.fastReadDioCmd = 0xbb, /*!< Fast read dual io comamnd */
.flash_cfg.cfg.frDioDmyClk = 0x00, /*!< Fast read dual io command dummy clock */
.flash_cfg.cfg.fastReadQoCmd = 0x6b, /*!< Fast read quad output comamnd */
.flash_cfg.cfg.frQoDmyClk = 0x01, /*!< Fast read quad output comamnd dummy clock */
.flash_cfg.cfg.fastReadQioCmd = 0xeb, /*!< Fast read quad io comamnd */
.flash_cfg.cfg.frQioDmyClk = 0x02, /*!< Fast read quad io comamnd dummy clock */
.flash_cfg.cfg.qpiFastReadQioCmd = 0xeb, /*!< QPI fast read quad io comamnd */
.flash_cfg.cfg.qpiFrQioDmyClk = 0x02, /*!< QPI fast read QIO dummy clock */
.flash_cfg.cfg.qpiPageProgramCmd = 0x02, /*!< QPI program command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.writeVregEnableCmd = 0x50, /*!< Enable write reg */
.flash_cfg.cfg.wrEnableIndex = 0x00, /*!< Write enable register index */
.flash_cfg.cfg.qeIndex = 0x01, /*!< Quad mode enable register index */
.flash_cfg.cfg.busyIndex = 0x00, /*!< Busy status register index */
.flash_cfg.cfg.wrEnableBit = 0x01, /*!< Write enable bit pos */
.flash_cfg.cfg.qeBit = 0x01, /*!< Quad enable bit pos */
.flash_cfg.cfg.busyBit = 0x00, /*!< Busy status bit pos */
.flash_cfg.cfg.wrEnableWriteRegLen = 0x02, /*!< Register length of write enable */
.flash_cfg.cfg.wrEnableReadRegLen = 0x01, /*!< Register length of write enable status */
.flash_cfg.cfg.qeWriteRegLen = 0x02, /*!< Register length of contain quad enable */
.flash_cfg.cfg.qeReadRegLen = 0x01, /*!< Register length of contain quad enable status */
.flash_cfg.cfg.releasePowerDown = 0xab, /*!< Release power down command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.busyReadRegLen = 0x01, /*!< Register length of contain busy status */
.flash_cfg.cfg.readRegCmd[0] = 0x05, /*!< Read register command buffer */
.flash_cfg.cfg.readRegCmd[1] = 0x35, /*!< Read register command buffer */
.flash_cfg.cfg.readRegCmd[2] = 0x00, /*!< Read register command buffer */
.flash_cfg.cfg.readRegCmd[3] = 0x00, /*!< Read register command buffer */
.flash_cfg.cfg.writeRegCmd[0] = 0x01, /*!< Write register command buffer */
.flash_cfg.cfg.writeRegCmd[1] = 0x01, /*!< Write register command buffer */
.flash_cfg.cfg.writeRegCmd[2] = 0x00, /*!< Write register command buffer */
.flash_cfg.cfg.writeRegCmd[3] = 0x00, /*!< Write register command buffer */
.flash_cfg.cfg.enterQpi = 0x38, /*!< Enter qpi command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.exitQpi = 0xff, /*!< Exit qpi command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.cReadMode = 0x20, /*!< Config data for continuous read mode */
.flash_cfg.cfg.cRExit = 0xf0, /*!< Config data for exit continuous read mode */
.flash_cfg.cfg.burstWrapCmd = 0x77, /*!< Enable burst wrap command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.burstWrapCmdDmyClk = 0x03, /*!< Enable burst wrap command dummy clock */
.flash_cfg.cfg.burstWrapDataMode = 0x02, /*!< Data and address mode for this command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.burstWrapData = 0x40, /*!< Data to enable burst wrap */
.flash_cfg.cfg.deBurstWrapCmd = 0x77, /*!< Disable burst wrap command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.deBurstWrapCmdDmyClk = 0x03, /*!< Disable burst wrap command dummy clock */
.flash_cfg.cfg.deBurstWrapDataMode = 0x02, /*!< Data and address mode for this command */
.flash_cfg.cfg.deBurstWrapData = 0xf0, /*!< Data to disable burst wrap */
.flash_cfg.cfg.timeEsector = 300, /*!< 4K erase time */
.flash_cfg.cfg.timeE32k = 1200, /*!< 32K erase time */
.flash_cfg.cfg.timeE64k = 1200, /*!< 64K erase time */
.flash_cfg.cfg.timePagePgm = 50, /*!< Page program time */
.flash_cfg.cfg.timeCe = 30000, /*!< Chip erase time in ms */
.flash_cfg.cfg.pdDelay = 20, /*!< Release power down command delay time for wake up */
.flash_cfg.cfg.qeData = 0, /*!< QE set data */
.flash_cfg.crc32 = 0xdeadbeef,
/* clock cfg */
.clk_cfg.magiccode = 0x47464350,
.clk_cfg.cfg.xtal_type = 0x07, /*!< 0:None,1:24M,2:32M,3:38.4M,4:40M,5:26M,6:RC32M */
.clk_cfg.cfg.mcu_clk = 0x04, /*!< mcu_clk 0:RC32M,1:Xtal,2:cpupll 400M,3:wifipll 192M,4:wifipll 320M */
.clk_cfg.cfg.mcu_clk_div = 0x00,
.clk_cfg.cfg.mcu_bclk_div = 0x00,
.clk_cfg.cfg.mcu_pbclk_div = 0x03,
.clk_cfg.cfg.lp_div = 0x01,
.clk_cfg.cfg.dsp_clk = 0x03, /* 0:RC32M,1:Xtal,2:wifipll 240M,3:wifipll 320M,4:cpupll 400M */
.clk_cfg.cfg.dsp_clk_div = 0x00,
.clk_cfg.cfg.dsp_bclk_div = 0x01,
.clk_cfg.cfg.dsp_pbclk = 0x02, /* 0:RC32M,1:Xtal,2:wifipll 160M,3:cpupll 160M,4:wifipll 240M */
.clk_cfg.cfg.dsp_pbclk_div = 0x00,
.clk_cfg.cfg.emi_clk = 0x02, /*!< 0:mcu pbclk,1:cpupll 200M,2:wifipll 320M,3:cpupll 400M */
.clk_cfg.cfg.emi_clk_div = 0x01,
.clk_cfg.cfg.flash_clk_type = 0x01, /*!< 0:wifipll 120M,1:xtal,2:cpupll 100M,3:wifipll 80M,4:bclk,5:wifipll 96M */
.clk_cfg.cfg.flash_clk_div = 0x00,
.clk_cfg.cfg.wifipll_pu = 0x01,
.clk_cfg.cfg.aupll_pu = 0x01,
.clk_cfg.cfg.cpupll_pu = 0x01,
.clk_cfg.cfg.mipipll_pu = 0x01,
.clk_cfg.cfg.uhspll_pu = 0x01,
.clk_cfg.crc32 = 0xdeadbeef,
/* basic cfg */
.basic_cfg.sign_type = 0x0, /* [1: 0] for sign */
.basic_cfg.encrypt_type = 0x0, /* [3: 2] for encrypt */
.basic_cfg.key_sel = 0x0, /* [5: 4] key slot */
.basic_cfg.xts_mode = 0x0, /* [6] for xts mode */
.basic_cfg.aes_region_lock = 0x0, /* [7] rsvd */
.basic_cfg.no_segment = 0x1, /* [8] no segment info */
.basic_cfg.rsvd_0 = 0x0, /* [9] boot2 enable(rsvd_0) */
.basic_cfg.rsvd_1 = 0x0, /* [10] boot2 rollback(rsvd_1) */
.basic_cfg.cpu_master_id = 0x0, /* [14: 11] master id */
.basic_cfg.notload_in_bootrom = 0x0, /* [15] notload in bootrom */
.basic_cfg.crc_ignore = 0x1, /* [16] ignore crc */
.basic_cfg.hash_ignore = 0x1, /* [17] hash ignore */
.basic_cfg.power_on_mm = 0x1, /* [18] power on mm */
.basic_cfg.em_sel = 0x1, /* [21: 19] em_sel */
.basic_cfg.cmds_en = 0x1, /* [22] command spliter enable */
#if 0
# 0 : cmds bypass wrap commands to macro, original mode;
# 1 : cmds handle wrap commands, original mode;
# 2 : cmds bypass wrap commands to macro, cmds force wrap16 * 4 splitted into two wrap8 * 4;
# 3 : cmds handle wrap commands, cmds force wrap16 * 4 splitted into two wrap8 * 4
.basic_cfg.cmds_wrap_mode = 0x1, /* [24: 23] cmds wrap mode */
#if 0
# 3 : SF_CTRL_WRAP_LEN_64, 9 : SF_CTRL_WRAP_LEN_4096
.basic_cfg.cmds_wrap_len = 0x9, /* [28: 25] cmds wrap len */
.basic_cfg.icache_invalid = 0x1, /* [29] icache invalid */
.basic_cfg.dcache_invalid = 0x1, /* [30] dcache invalid */
.basic_cfg.rsvd_3 = 0x0, /* [31] rsvd_3 */
#ifdef BFLB_BOOT2
.basic_cfg.group_image_offset = 0x00002000, /* flash controller offset */
.basic_cfg.group_image_offset = 0x00001000, /* flash controller offset */
.basic_cfg.aes_region_len = 0x00000000, /* aes region length */
.basic_cfg.img_len_cnt = 0x00010000, /* image length or segment count */
.basic_cfg.hash = { 0xdeadbeef }, /* hash of the image */
/* cpu cfg */
.cpu_cfg[0].config_enable = 0x01, /* coinfig this cpu */
.cpu_cfg[0].halt_cpu = 0x0, /* halt this cpu */
.cpu_cfg[0].cache_enable = 0x0, /* cache setting :only for BL Cache */
.cpu_cfg[0].cache_wa = 0x0, /* cache setting :only for BL Cache*/
.cpu_cfg[0].cache_wb = 0x0, /* cache setting :only for BL Cache*/
.cpu_cfg[0].cache_wt = 0x0, /* cache setting :only for BL Cache*/
.cpu_cfg[0].cache_way_dis = 0x0, /* cache setting :only for BL Cache*/
.cpu_cfg[0].rsvd = 0x0,
.cpu_cfg[0].cache_range_h = 0x00000000,
.cpu_cfg[0].cache_range_l = 0x00000000,
/* image_address_offset */
.cpu_cfg[0].image_address_offset = 0x0,
.cpu_cfg[0].rsvd0 = 0x58000000, /* rsvd0 */
.cpu_cfg[0].msp_val = 0x00000000, /* msp value */
/* cpu cfg */
.cpu_cfg[1].config_enable = 0x0, /* coinfig this cpu */
.cpu_cfg[1].halt_cpu = 0x0, /* halt this cpu */
.cpu_cfg[1].cache_enable = 0x0, /* cache setting :only for BL Cache */
.cpu_cfg[1].cache_wa = 0x0, /* cache setting :only for BL Cache*/
.cpu_cfg[1].cache_wb = 0x0, /* cache setting :only for BL Cache*/
.cpu_cfg[1].cache_wt = 0x0, /* cache setting :only for BL Cache*/
.cpu_cfg[1].cache_way_dis = 0x0, /* cache setting :only for BL Cache*/
.cpu_cfg[1].rsvd = 0x0,
.cpu_cfg[1].cache_range_h = 0x00000000,
.cpu_cfg[1].cache_range_l = 0x00000000,
/* image_address_offset */
.cpu_cfg[1].image_address_offset = 0x0,
.cpu_cfg[1].rsvd0 = 0x58000000, /* rsvd0 */
.cpu_cfg[1].msp_val = 0x00000000, /* msp value */
/* address of partition table 0 */ /* 4 */
.boot2_pt_table_0_rsvd = 0x00000000,
/* address of partition table 1 */ /* 4 */
.boot2_pt_table_1_rsvd = 0x00000000,
/* address of flashcfg table list */ /* 4 */
.flash_cfg_table_addr = 0x00000000,
/* flashcfg table list len */ /* 4 */
.flash_cfg_table_len = 0x00000000,
.rsvd1[0] = 0x20000320,
.rsvd1[1] = 0x00000000,
.rsvd1[2] = 0x2000F038,
.rsvd1[3] = 0x18000000,
.crc32 = 0xdeadbeef /* 4 */
#ifndef __FW_HEADER_H__
#define __FW_HEADER_H__
#include "stdint.h"
#include "stdio.h"
struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) spi_flash_cfg_t {
uint8_t ioMode; /*!< Serail flash interface mode,bit0-3:IF mode,bit4:unwrap */
uint8_t cReadSupport; /*!< Support continuous read mode,bit0:continuous read mode support,bit1:read mode cfg */
uint8_t clkDelay; /*!< SPI clock delay,bit0-3:delay,bit4-6:pad delay */
uint8_t clkInvert; /*!< SPI clock phase invert,bit0:clck invert,bit1:rx invert,bit2-4:pad delay,bit5-7:pad delay */
uint8_t resetEnCmd; /*!< Flash enable reset command */
uint8_t resetCmd; /*!< Flash reset command */
uint8_t resetCreadCmd; /*!< Flash reset continuous read command */
uint8_t resetCreadCmdSize; /*!< Flash reset continuous read command size */
uint8_t jedecIdCmd; /*!< JEDEC ID command */
uint8_t jedecIdCmdDmyClk; /*!< JEDEC ID command dummy clock */
uint8_t enter32BitsAddrCmd; /*!< Enter 32-bits addr command */
uint8_t exit32BitsAddrCmd; /*!< Exit 32-bits addr command */
uint8_t sectorSize; /*!< *1024bytes */
uint8_t mid; /*!< Manufacturer ID */
uint16_t pageSize; /*!< Page size */
uint8_t chipEraseCmd; /*!< Chip erase cmd */
uint8_t sectorEraseCmd; /*!< Sector erase command */
uint8_t blk32EraseCmd; /*!< Block 32K erase command,some Micron not support */
uint8_t blk64EraseCmd; /*!< Block 64K erase command */
uint8_t writeEnableCmd; /*!< Need before every erase or program */
uint8_t pageProgramCmd; /*!< Page program cmd */
uint8_t qpageProgramCmd; /*!< QIO page program cmd */
uint8_t qppAddrMode; /*!< QIO page program address mode */
uint8_t fastReadCmd; /*!< Fast read command */
uint8_t frDmyClk; /*!< Fast read command dummy clock */
uint8_t qpiFastReadCmd; /*!< QPI fast read command */
uint8_t qpiFrDmyClk; /*!< QPI fast read command dummy clock */
uint8_t fastReadDoCmd; /*!< Fast read dual output command */
uint8_t frDoDmyClk; /*!< Fast read dual output command dummy clock */
uint8_t fastReadDioCmd; /*!< Fast read dual io comamnd */
uint8_t frDioDmyClk; /*!< Fast read dual io command dummy clock */
uint8_t fastReadQoCmd; /*!< Fast read quad output comamnd */
uint8_t frQoDmyClk; /*!< Fast read quad output comamnd dummy clock */
uint8_t fastReadQioCmd; /*!< Fast read quad io comamnd */
uint8_t frQioDmyClk; /*!< Fast read quad io comamnd dummy clock */
uint8_t qpiFastReadQioCmd; /*!< QPI fast read quad io comamnd */
uint8_t qpiFrQioDmyClk; /*!< QPI fast read QIO dummy clock */
uint8_t qpiPageProgramCmd; /*!< QPI program command */
uint8_t writeVregEnableCmd; /*!< Enable write reg */
uint8_t wrEnableIndex; /*!< Write enable register index */
uint8_t qeIndex; /*!< Quad mode enable register index */
uint8_t busyIndex; /*!< Busy status register index */
uint8_t wrEnableBit; /*!< Write enable bit pos */
uint8_t qeBit; /*!< Quad enable bit pos */
uint8_t busyBit; /*!< Busy status bit pos */
uint8_t wrEnableWriteRegLen; /*!< Register length of write enable */
uint8_t wrEnableReadRegLen; /*!< Register length of write enable status */
uint8_t qeWriteRegLen; /*!< Register length of contain quad enable */
uint8_t qeReadRegLen; /*!< Register length of contain quad enable status */
uint8_t releasePowerDown; /*!< Release power down command */
uint8_t busyReadRegLen; /*!< Register length of contain busy status */
uint8_t readRegCmd[4]; /*!< Read register command buffer */
uint8_t writeRegCmd[4]; /*!< Write register command buffer */
uint8_t enterQpi; /*!< Enter qpi command */
uint8_t exitQpi; /*!< Exit qpi command */
uint8_t cReadMode; /*!< Config data for continuous read mode */
uint8_t cRExit; /*!< Config data for exit continuous read mode */
uint8_t burstWrapCmd; /*!< Enable burst wrap command */
uint8_t burstWrapCmdDmyClk; /*!< Enable burst wrap command dummy clock */
uint8_t burstWrapDataMode; /*!< Data and address mode for this command */
uint8_t burstWrapData; /*!< Data to enable burst wrap */
uint8_t deBurstWrapCmd; /*!< Disable burst wrap command */
uint8_t deBurstWrapCmdDmyClk; /*!< Disable burst wrap command dummy clock */
uint8_t deBurstWrapDataMode; /*!< Data and address mode for this command */
uint8_t deBurstWrapData; /*!< Data to disable burst wrap */
uint16_t timeEsector; /*!< 4K erase time */
uint16_t timeE32k; /*!< 32K erase time */
uint16_t timeE64k; /*!< 64K erase time */
uint16_t timePagePgm; /*!< Page program time */
uint16_t timeCe; /*!< Chip erase time in ms */
uint8_t pdDelay; /*!< Release power down command delay time for wake up */
uint8_t qeData; /*!< QE set data */
struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) boot_flash_cfg_t {
uint32_t magiccode;
struct spi_flash_cfg_t cfg;
uint32_t crc32;
struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) sys_clk_cfg_t {
uint8_t xtal_type;
uint8_t mcu_clk;
uint8_t mcu_clk_div;
uint8_t mcu_bclk_div;
uint8_t mcu_pbclk_div;
uint8_t lp_div;
uint8_t dsp_clk;
uint8_t dsp_clk_div;
uint8_t dsp_bclk_div;
uint8_t dsp_pbclk;
uint8_t dsp_pbclk_div;
uint8_t emi_clk;
uint8_t emi_clk_div;
uint8_t flash_clk_type;
uint8_t flash_clk_div;
uint8_t wifipll_pu;
uint8_t aupll_pu;
uint8_t cpupll_pu;
uint8_t mipipll_pu;
uint8_t uhspll_pu;
struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) boot_clk_cfg_t {
uint32_t magiccode;
struct sys_clk_cfg_t cfg;
uint32_t crc32;
struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) boot_basic_cfg_t {
uint32_t sign_type : 2; /* [1: 0] for sign */
uint32_t encrypt_type : 2; /* [3: 2] for encrypt */
uint32_t key_sel : 2; /* [5: 4] key slot */
uint32_t xts_mode : 1; /* [6] for xts mode */
uint32_t aes_region_lock : 1; /* [7] rsvd */
uint32_t no_segment : 1; /* [8] no segment info */
uint32_t rsvd_0 : 1; /* [9] boot2 enable(rsvd_0) */
uint32_t rsvd_1 : 1; /* [10] boot2 rollback(rsvd_1) */
uint32_t cpu_master_id : 4; /* [14: 11] master id */
uint32_t notload_in_bootrom : 1; /* [15] notload in bootrom */
uint32_t crc_ignore : 1; /* [16] ignore crc */
uint32_t hash_ignore : 1; /* [17] hash ignore */
uint32_t power_on_mm : 1; /* [18] power on mm */
uint32_t em_sel : 3; /* [21: 19] em_sel */
uint32_t cmds_en : 1; /* [22] command spliter enable */
uint32_t cmds_wrap_mode : 2; /* [24: 23] cmds wrap mode */
uint32_t cmds_wrap_len : 4; /* [28: 25] cmds wrap len */
uint32_t icache_invalid : 1; /* [29] icache invalid */
uint32_t dcache_invalid : 1; /* [30] dcache invalid */
uint32_t rsvd_3 : 1; /* [31] rsvd_3 */
uint32_t group_image_offset; /* flash controller offset */
uint32_t aes_region_len; /* aes region length */
uint32_t img_len_cnt; /* image length or segment count */
uint32_t hash[32 / 4]; /* hash of the image */
struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) boot_cpu_cfg_t {
uint8_t config_enable; /* coinfig this cpu */
uint8_t halt_cpu; /* halt this cpu */
uint8_t cache_enable : 1; /* cache setting */
uint8_t cache_wa : 1; /* cache setting */
uint8_t cache_wb : 1; /* cache setting */
uint8_t cache_wt : 1; /* cache setting */
uint8_t cache_way_dis : 4; /* cache setting */
uint8_t rsvd;
uint32_t cache_range_h; /* cache range high */
uint32_t cache_range_l; /* cache range low */
uint32_t image_address_offset; /* image_address_offset */
uint32_t rsvd0; /* rsvd0 */
uint32_t msp_val; /* msp value */
struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) aesiv_cfg_t {
uint8_t aesiv[16];
uint32_t crc32;
struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) pkey_cfg_t {
uint8_t eckeyx[32]; /* ec key in boot header */
uint8_t eckeyy[32]; /* ec key in boot header */
uint32_t crc32;
struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) sign_cfg_t {
uint32_t sig_len;
uint8_t signature[32];
uint32_t crc32;
struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) bootheader_t {
uint32_t magiccode; /* 4 */
uint32_t rivison; /* 4 */
struct boot_flash_cfg_t flash_cfg; /* 4 + 84 + 4 */
struct boot_clk_cfg_t clk_cfg; /* 4 + 20 + 4 */
struct boot_basic_cfg_t basic_cfg; /* 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4*8 */
struct boot_cpu_cfg_t cpu_cfg[3]; /*24*3 */
uint32_t boot2_pt_table_0_rsvd; /* address of partition table 0 */ /* 4 */
uint32_t boot2_pt_table_1_rsvd; /* address of partition table 1 */ /* 4 */
uint32_t flash_cfg_table_addr; /* address of flashcfg table list */ /* 4 */
uint32_t flash_cfg_table_len; /* flashcfg table list len */ /* 4 */
uint32_t rsvd0[8]; /* rsvd */
uint32_t rsvd1[8]; /* rsvd */
uint32_t rsvd3[5]; /* 20 */
uint32_t crc32; /* 4 */
* @file flash.ld
* @brief This file is the link script file (gnuarm or armgcc).
* Copyright (C) BouffaloLab 2021
/* configure the CPU type */
OUTPUT_ARCH( "riscv" )
/* link with the standard c library */
/* link with the standard GCC library */
/* configure the entry point */
StackSize = 0x0400; /* 1KB */
HeapMinSize = 0x1000; /* 4KB */
fw_header_memory (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x580C0000 - 0x1000, LENGTH = 4K
xip_memory (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x580C0000, LENGTH = 1M
itcm_memory (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x2202C000, LENGTH = 16K
dtcm_memory (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x22030000, LENGTH = 16K
nocache_ram_memory (!rx) : ORIGIN = 0x22030000, LENGTH = 0K
ram_memory (!rx) : ORIGIN = 0x22034000, LENGTH = 16K
xram_memory (!rx) : ORIGIN = 0x40000000, LENGTH = 16K
.fw_header :
} > fw_header_memory
.text :
. = ALIGN(4);
__text_code_start__ = .;
KEEP (*(SORT_NONE(.init)))
KEEP (*(SORT_NONE(.vector)))
/* section information for finsh shell */
. = ALIGN(4);
__fsymtab_start = .;
__fsymtab_end = .;
. = ALIGN(4);
__vsymtab_start = .;
__vsymtab_end = .;
. = ALIGN(4);
/* section information for modules */
. = ALIGN(4);
__rtmsymtab_start = .;
__rtmsymtab_end = .;
/* section information for initialization */
. = ALIGN(4);
__rt_init_start = .;
__rt_init_end = .;
/* section information for usb usbh_class_info */
. = ALIGN(4);
__usbh_class_info_start__ = .;
. = ALIGN(4);
__usbh_class_info_end__ = .;
/*put .rodata**/
*(EXCLUDE_FILE( *bl808_glb*.o* \
*bl808_glb_gpio*.o* \
*bl808_pds*.o* \
*bl808_aon*.o* \
*bl808_hbn*.o* \
*bl808_l1c*.o* \
*bl808_common*.o* \
*bl808_clock*.o* \
*bl808_ef_ctrl*.o* \
*bl808_sf_cfg*.o* \
*bl808_sf_ctrl*.o* \
*bl808_sflash*.o* \
*bl808_xip_sflash*.o* \
*bl808_romapi_patch*.o* ) .rodata*)
. = ALIGN(4);
__text_code_end__ = .;
} > xip_memory
. = ALIGN(4);
__itcm_load_addr = .;
.itcm_region : AT (__itcm_load_addr)
. = ALIGN(4);
__tcm_code_start__ = .;
. = ALIGN(4);
__tcm_code_end__ = .;
} > itcm_memory
__dtcm_load_addr = __itcm_load_addr + SIZEOF(.itcm_region);
.dtcm_region : AT (__dtcm_load_addr)
. = ALIGN(4);
__tcm_data_start__ = .;
/* *finger_print.o(.data*) */
. = ALIGN(4);
__tcm_data_end__ = .;
} > dtcm_memory
/* .stack_dummy section doesn't contains any symbols. It is only
* used for linker to calculate size of stack sections, and assign
* values to stack symbols later */
.stack_dummy (NOLOAD):
. = ALIGN(0x4);
. = . + StackSize;
. = ALIGN(0x4);
} > dtcm_memory
/* Set stack top to end of RAM, and stack limit move down by
* size of stack_dummy section */
__StackTop = ORIGIN(dtcm_memory) + LENGTH(dtcm_memory);
PROVIDE( __freertos_irq_stack_top = __StackTop);
PROVIDE( __rt_rvstack = . );
__StackLimit = __StackTop - SIZEOF(.stack_dummy);
/* Check if data + heap + stack exceeds RAM limit */
ASSERT(__StackLimit >= __tcm_data_end__, "region RAM overflowed with stack")
__nocache_ram_load_addr = __dtcm_load_addr + SIZEOF(.dtcm_region);
.nocache_ram_region : AT (__nocache_ram_load_addr)
. = ALIGN(4);
__nocache_ram_data_start__ = .;
. = ALIGN(4);
__nocache_ram_data_end__ = .;
} > nocache_ram_memory
__ram_load_addr = __nocache_ram_load_addr + SIZEOF(.nocache_ram_region);
/* Data section */
RAM_DATA : AT (__ram_load_addr)
. = ALIGN(4);
__ram_data_start__ = .;
PROVIDE( __global_pointer$ = . + 0x800 );
. = ALIGN(4);
__bflog_tags_start__ = .;
. = ALIGN(4);
__bflog_tags_end__ = .;
__ram_data_end__ = .;
} > ram_memory
__etext_final = (__ram_load_addr + SIZEOF (RAM_DATA));
ASSERT(__etext_final <= ORIGIN(xip_memory) + LENGTH(xip_memory), "code memory overflow")
.bss (NOLOAD) :
. = ALIGN(4);
__bss_start__ = .;
. = ALIGN(4);
__bss_end__ = .;
} > ram_memory
.noinit_data (NOLOAD) :
. = ALIGN(4);
__noinit_data_start__ = .;
. = ALIGN(4);
__noinit_data_end__ = .;
} > ram_memory
.nocache_noinit_ram_region (NOLOAD) :
. = ALIGN(4);
__nocache_noinit_ram_data_start__ = .;
. = ALIGN(4);
__nocache_noinit_ram_data_end__ = .;
} > nocache_ram_memory
.heap (NOLOAD):
. = ALIGN(4);
__HeapBase = .;
/*__end__ = .;*/
/*end = __end__;*/
. = ALIGN(4);
__HeapLimit = .;
} > ram_memory
__HeapLimit = ORIGIN(ram_memory) + LENGTH(ram_memory);
ASSERT(__HeapLimit - __HeapBase >= HeapMinSize, "heap region overflow")
#include "cpuport.h"
.globl rt_hw_do_after_save_above
.type rt_hw_do_after_save_above,@function
addi sp, sp, -4
STORE ra, 0 * REGBYTES(sp)
csrr t1, mcause
andi t1, t1, 0x3FF
/* get ISR */
la t2, interrupt_entry
jalr t2
LOAD ra, 0 * REGBYTES(sp)
addi sp, sp, 4
\ No newline at end of file
set -e
SYSTEM=`uname -s`
echo "system: $SYSTEM"
if [ $SYSTEM = "Darwin" ]
elif [ $SYSTEM = "Linux" ]
if [ -f "$TOOL_DIR/$TOOL_NAME" ]
echo "bflb_fw_post_proc exist"
echo "bflb_fw_post_proc not exist, try download... url:$TOOL_ADDR"
if [ $SYSTEM = "Darwin" ]; then
elif [ $SYSTEM = "Linux" ]; then
./$TOOL_DIR/$TOOL_NAME --chipname=$CHIPNAME --brdcfgdir=$CONFIG --imgfile=$BIN_FILE
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef RT_CONFIG_H__
#define RT_CONFIG_H__
/* Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT. */
/* RT-Thread Project Configuration */
/* RT-Thread Kernel */
#define RT_NAME_MAX 8
#define RT_ALIGN_SIZE 8
#define RT_TICK_PER_SECOND 1000
/* kservice optimization */
#define RT_DEBUG
/* Inter-Thread communication */
/* Memory Management */
#define RT_PAGE_MAX_ORDER 11
/* Kernel Device Object */
#define RT_CONSOLE_DEVICE_NAME "uart1"
#define RT_VER_NUM 0x50000
#define ARCH_RISCV
#define ARCH_RISCV32
/* RT-Thread Components */
/* Device Drivers */
#define RT_USING_PIN
/* Using USB */
/* C/C++ and POSIX layer */
/* POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) layer */
/* Interprocess Communication (IPC) */
/* Socket is in the 'Network' category */
/* Network */
/* Utilities */
/* RT-Thread Utestcases */
/* RT-Thread online packages */
/* IoT - internet of things */
/* Wi-Fi */
/* Marvell WiFi */
/* Wiced WiFi */
/* IoT Cloud */
/* security packages */
/* language packages */
/* JSON: JavaScript Object Notation, a lightweight data-interchange format */
/* XML: Extensible Markup Language */
/* multimedia packages */
/* LVGL: powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI library */
/* u8g2: a monochrome graphic library */
/* PainterEngine: A cross-platform graphics application framework written in C language */
/* tools packages */
/* system packages */
/* enhanced kernel services */
/* acceleration: Assembly language or algorithmic acceleration packages */
/* CMSIS: ARM Cortex-M Microcontroller Software Interface Standard */
/* Micrium: Micrium software products porting for RT-Thread */
/* peripheral libraries and drivers */
/* sensors drivers */
/* touch drivers */
/* Kendryte SDK */
/* AI packages */
/* Signal Processing and Control Algorithm Packages */
/* miscellaneous packages */
/* project laboratory */
/* samples: kernel and components samples */
/* entertainment: terminal games and other interesting software packages */
/* Arduino libraries */
/* Projects */
/* Sensors */
/* Display */
/* Timing */
/* Data Processing */
/* Data Storage */
/* Communication */
/* Device Control */
/* Other */
/* Signal IO */
/* Uncategorized */
#define BSP_USING_BL808
#define BL808_CORE_LP
/* General Drivers Configuration */
/* General Purpose UARTs */
import os
# toolchains options
ARCH ='risc-v'
VENDOR ='t-head'
CPU ='e9xx'
if os.getenv('RTT_ROOT'):
RTT_ROOT = os.getenv('RTT_ROOT')
RTT_ROOT = r'../../../..'
if os.getenv('RTT_CC'):
CROSS_TOOL = os.getenv('RTT_CC')
if CROSS_TOOL == 'gcc':
PLATFORM = 'gcc'
EXEC_PATH = r'/opt/Xuantie-900-gcc-elf-newlib-x86_64-V2.6.1/bin'
print('Please make sure your toolchains is GNU GCC!')
if os.getenv('RTT_EXEC_PATH'):
EXEC_PATH = os.getenv('RTT_EXEC_PATH')
BUILD = 'debug'
if PLATFORM == 'gcc':
# toolchains
PREFIX = 'riscv64-unknown-elf-'
CC = PREFIX + 'gcc'
CXX = PREFIX + 'g++'
AS = PREFIX + 'gcc'
AR = PREFIX + 'ar'
LINK = PREFIX + 'gcc'
TARGET_EXT = 'elf'
SIZE = PREFIX + 'size'
OBJDUMP = PREFIX + 'objdump'
OBJCPY = PREFIX + 'objcopy'
DEVICE = ' -march=rv32emcxtheadse -mabi=ilp32e -mtune=e902'
CFLAGS = DEVICE + ' -std=gnu99 -fno-jump-tables -fno-common -fms-extensions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -Wchar-subscripts -Wformat -Wundef -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wignored-qualifiers'
CFLAGS += ' -fstrict-volatile-bitfields -fshort-enums -Wno-error=unused-variable -Wno-error=format= -Wno-error=unused-function -Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wno-format'
LINKER_SCRIPTS = r'board/linker_scripts/bl808_flash_lp.ld'
AFLAGS = ' -c' + DEVICE + ' -x assembler-with-cpp'
LFLAGS = DEVICE + ' -nostartfiles -ufw_header -fms-extensions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wl,--gc-sections,-Map=rtthread.map,-cref,-u,_start -T ' + LINKER_SCRIPTS
CPATH = ''
LPATH = ''
if BUILD == 'debug':
CFLAGS += ' -O2 -g3'
AFLAGS += ' -g3'
CFLAGS += ' -O3'
CXXFLAGS = CFLAGS + ' -std=gnu++17 -Wno-multichar'
DUMP_ACTION = OBJDUMP + ' -D -S $TARGET > rtt.asm\n'
POST_ACTION = OBJCPY + ' -O binary $TARGET rtthread_lp.bin\n' + SIZE + ' $TARGET \n'
POST_ACTION += 'sh combine.sh bl808 ./rtthread_lp.bin\n'
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
* 2018/12/27 Jesven Add SMP support
* 2020/11/20 BalanceTWK Add FPU support
* 2022/12/28 WangShun Add macro to distinguish whether FPU is supported
* 2023/03/19 Flyingcys Add riscv_32e support
#define __ASSEMBLY__
......@@ -115,7 +116,12 @@ rt_hw_context_switch:
FSTORE f31, 31 * FREGBYTES(sp)
#ifndef __riscv_32e
addi sp, sp, -32 * REGBYTES
addi sp, sp, -16 * REGBYTES
STORE sp, (a0)
STORE x1, 0 * REGBYTES(sp)
......@@ -140,6 +146,7 @@ save_mpie:
STORE x13, 13 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x14, 14 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x15, 15 * REGBYTES(sp)
#ifndef __riscv_32e
STORE x16, 16 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x17, 17 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x18, 18 * REGBYTES(sp)
......@@ -156,7 +163,7 @@ save_mpie:
STORE x29, 29 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x30, 30 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x31, 31 * REGBYTES(sp)
/* restore to thread context
* sp(0) -> epc;
* sp(1) -> ra;
......@@ -237,6 +244,7 @@ rt_hw_context_switch_exit:
LOAD x13, 13 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x14, 14 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x15, 15 * REGBYTES(sp)
#ifndef __riscv_32e
LOAD x16, 16 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x17, 17 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x18, 18 * REGBYTES(sp)
......@@ -255,6 +263,9 @@ rt_hw_context_switch_exit:
LOAD x31, 31 * REGBYTES(sp)
addi sp, sp, 32 * REGBYTES
addi sp, sp, 16 * REGBYTES
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2023/01/17 WangShun The first version
* 2023/03/19 Flyingcys Add riscv_32e support
#define __ASSEMBLY__
#include "cpuport.h"
......@@ -58,7 +59,11 @@ SW_handler:
FSTORE f31, 31 * FREGBYTES(sp)
/* save all from thread context */
#ifndef __riscv_32e
addi sp, sp, -32 * REGBYTES
addi sp, sp, -16 * REGBYTES
STORE x5, 5 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x1, 1 * REGBYTES(sp)
/* Mandatory set the MPIE of mstatus */
......@@ -75,6 +80,7 @@ SW_handler:
STORE x13, 13 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x14, 14 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x15, 15 * REGBYTES(sp)
#ifndef __riscv_32e
STORE x16, 16 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x17, 17 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x18, 18 * REGBYTES(sp)
......@@ -91,7 +97,7 @@ SW_handler:
STORE x29, 29 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x30, 30 * REGBYTES(sp)
STORE x31, 31 * REGBYTES(sp)
/* switch to interrupt stack */
csrrw sp,mscratch,sp
/* interrupt handle */
......@@ -104,22 +110,22 @@ SW_handler:
csrrw sp,mscratch,sp
/* Determine whether to trigger scheduling at the interrupt function */
la s0, rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag
lw s2, 0(s0)
beqz s2, 1f
la t0, rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag
lw t2, 0(t0)
beqz t2, 1f
/* clear the flag of rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag */
sw zero, 0(s0)
sw zero, 0(t0)
csrr a0, mepc
STORE a0, 0 * REGBYTES(sp)
la s0, rt_interrupt_from_thread
LOAD s1, 0(s0)
STORE sp, 0(s1)
la t0, rt_interrupt_from_thread
LOAD t1, 0(t0)
STORE sp, 0(t1)
la s0, rt_interrupt_to_thread
LOAD s1, 0(s0)
LOAD sp, 0(s1)
la t0, rt_interrupt_to_thread
LOAD t1, 0(t0)
LOAD sp, 0(t1)
LOAD a0, 0 * REGBYTES(sp)
csrw mepc, a0
......@@ -145,6 +151,7 @@ SW_handler:
LOAD x13, 13 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x14, 14 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x15, 15 * REGBYTES(sp)
#ifndef __riscv_32e
LOAD x16, 16 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x17, 17 * REGBYTES(sp)
LOAD x18, 18 * REGBYTES(sp)
......@@ -163,6 +170,10 @@ SW_handler:
LOAD x31, 31 * REGBYTES(sp)
addi sp, sp, 32 * REGBYTES
addi sp, sp, 16 * REGBYTES
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ typedef struct rt_hw_stack_frame
rt_ubase_t a3; /* x13 - a3 - function argument 3 */
rt_ubase_t a4; /* x14 - a4 - function argument 4 */
rt_ubase_t a5; /* x15 - a5 - function argument 5 */
#ifndef __riscv_32e
rt_ubase_t a6; /* x16 - a6 - function argument 6 */
rt_ubase_t a7; /* x17 - a7 - function argument 7 */
rt_ubase_t s2; /* x18 - s2 - saved register 2 */
......@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ typedef struct rt_hw_stack_frame
rt_ubase_t t4; /* x29 - t4 - temporary register 4 */
rt_ubase_t t5; /* x30 - t5 - temporary register 5 */
rt_ubase_t t6; /* x31 - t6 - temporary register 6 */
rv_floatreg_t f0; /* f0 */
rv_floatreg_t f1; /* f1 */
......@@ -96,10 +96,12 @@ rt_weak void rt_show_stack_frame(void)
rt_kprintf("a3 : 0x%08x\r\n", s_stack_frame->a3);
rt_kprintf("a4 : 0x%08x\r\n", s_stack_frame->a4);
rt_kprintf("a5 : 0x%08x\r\n", s_stack_frame->a5);
#ifndef __riscv_32e
rt_kprintf("a6 : 0x%08x\r\n", s_stack_frame->a6);
rt_kprintf("a7 : 0x%08x\r\n", s_stack_frame->a7);
rt_kprintf("t3 : 0x%08x\r\n", s_stack_frame->t3);
rt_kprintf("t4 : 0x%08x\r\n", s_stack_frame->t4);
rt_kprintf("t5 : 0x%08x\r\n", s_stack_frame->t5);
rt_kprintf("t6 : 0x%08x\r\n", s_stack_frame->t6);
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