提交 6cb093aa 编写于 作者: G guozhanxin

[kernel] Improve code comments.

上级 e6f5282f
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ RTM_EXPORT(rt_tick_from_millisecond);
* @brief This function will return the passed millisecond from boot.
* @note When the value of RT_TICK_PER_SECOND is lower than 1000 or
* @note if the value of RT_TICK_PER_SECOND is lower than 1000 or
* is not an integral multiple of 1000, this function will not
* provide the correct 1ms-based tick.
......@@ -78,7 +78,9 @@ static int rti_end(void)
INIT_EXPORT(rti_end, "6.end");
* @brief RT-Thread Components Initialization for board.
* @brief Onboard components initialization. In this function, the board-level
* initialization function will be called to complete the initialization
* of the on-board peripherals.
void rt_components_board_init(void)
......@@ -225,9 +227,8 @@ void rt_application_init(void)
* @brief RT-Thread startup function. This function will call all levels of initialization
* functions to complete the initialization of the system, and finally start the
* scheduler.
* @brief This function will call all levels of initialization functions to complete
* the initialization of the system, and finally start the scheduler.
int rtthread_startup(void)
......@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ static void _cpu_preempt_enable(void)
* @brief Initialize a static spinlock object.
* @param lock is a pointer to the spinlock to initialize.
* It is assumed that storage for the spinlock will be allocated in your application.
void rt_spin_lock_init(struct rt_spinlock *lock)
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