未验证 提交 01d1bbe4 编写于 作者: Thomas_Fly's avatar Thomas_Fly 提交者: GitHub

[action] add ra6m3-hmi-board (#11) (#7508)

上级 6cea1422
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ jobs:
#- "lpc43xx/M4"
- "renesas/ra6m3-ek"
- "renesas/ra6m4-cpk"
#- "renesas/ra6m3-hmi-board"
- "renesas/ra6m3-hmi-board"
- RTT_BSP: "gd32_n32_apm32"
RTT_TOOL_CHAIN: "sourcery-arm"
......@@ -365,4 +365,4 @@ jobs:
{ total_time=$(grep "Total command execution time" output.log | awk '{print $5}'); \
echo "- ✅ build $bsp success in $total_time seconds " >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY ; echo "::endgroup::" ; }
exit $failed
\ No newline at end of file
exit $failed
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