提交 ae75d3e6 编写于 作者: Y Yifan Wu

Update Docker

上级 c6b262fc
DOCKER_NAME ?= dinghao188/rcore-tutorial DOCKER_NAME ?= rcore-tutorial-v3
.PHONY: docker build_docker .PHONY: docker build_docker
docker: docker:
docker run --rm -it --mount type=bind,source=$(shell pwd),destination=/mnt ${DOCKER_NAME} docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/mnt -w /mnt ${DOCKER_NAME} bash
build_docker: build_docker:
docker build -t ${DOCKER_NAME} . docker build -t ${DOCKER_NAME} .
fmt: fmt:
cd easy-fs; cargo fmt; cd ../easy-fs-fuse cargo fmt; cd ../os ; cargo fmt; cd ../user; cargo fmt; cd .. cd easy-fs; cargo fmt; cd ../easy-fs-fuse cargo fmt; cd ../os ; cargo fmt; cd ../user; cargo fmt; cd ..
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