提交 48c4ba8d 编写于 作者: Y Yifan Wu

Add coroutine examples

上级 b543a037
// we porting below codes to Rcore Tutorial v3
// https://cfsamson.gitbook.io/green-threads-explained-in-200-lines-of-rust/
// https://github.com/cfsamson/example-greenthreads
extern crate alloc;
extern crate user_lib;
use core::arch::asm;
use alloc::vec;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use user_lib::exit;
// In our simple example we set most constraints here.
const DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE: usize = 4096; //128 got SEGFAULT, 256(1024, 4096) got right results.
const MAX_TASKS: usize = 5;
static mut RUNTIME: usize = 0;
pub struct Runtime {
tasks: Vec<Task>,
current: usize,
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
enum State {
struct Task {
id: usize,
stack: Vec<u8>,
ctx: TaskContext,
state: State,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
#[repr(C)] // not strictly needed but Rust ABI is not guaranteed to be stable
pub struct TaskContext {
// 15 u64
x1: u64, //ra: return addres
x2: u64, //sp
x8: u64, //s0,fp
x9: u64, //s1
x18: u64, //x18-27: s2-11
x19: u64,
x20: u64,
x21: u64,
x22: u64,
x23: u64,
x24: u64,
x25: u64,
x26: u64,
x27: u64,
nx1: u64, //new return addres
impl Task {
fn new(id: usize) -> Self {
// We initialize each task here and allocate the stack. This is not neccesary,
// we can allocate memory for it later, but it keeps complexity down and lets us focus on more interesting parts
// to do it here. The important part is that once allocated it MUST NOT move in memory.
Task {
stack: vec![0_u8; DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE],
ctx: TaskContext::default(),
state: State::Available,
impl Runtime {
pub fn new() -> Self {
// This will be our base task, which will be initialized in the `running` state
let base_task = Task {
id: 0,
stack: vec![0_u8; DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE],
ctx: TaskContext::default(),
state: State::Running,
// We initialize the rest of our tasks.
let mut tasks = vec![base_task];
let mut available_tasks: Vec<Task> = (1..MAX_TASKS).map(|i| Task::new(i)).collect();
tasks.append(&mut available_tasks);
Runtime { tasks, current: 0 }
/// This is cheating a bit, but we need a pointer to our Runtime stored so we can call yield on it even if
/// we don't have a reference to it.
pub fn init(&self) {
unsafe {
let r_ptr: *const Runtime = self;
RUNTIME = r_ptr as usize;
/// This is where we start running our runtime. If it is our base task, we call yield until
/// it returns false (which means that there are no tasks scheduled) and we are done.
pub fn run(&mut self) {
while self.t_yield() {}
println!("All tasks finished!");
/// This is our return function. The only place we use this is in our `guard` function.
/// If the current task is not our base task we set its state to Available. It means
/// we're finished with it. Then we yield which will schedule a new task to be run.
fn t_return(&mut self) {
if self.current != 0 {
self.tasks[self.current].state = State::Available;
/// This is the heart of our runtime. Here we go through all tasks and see if anyone is in the `Ready` state.
/// If no task is `Ready` we're all done. This is an extremely simple scheduler using only a round-robin algorithm.
/// If we find a task that's ready to be run we change the state of the current task from `Running` to `Ready`.
/// Then we call switch which will save the current context (the old context) and load the new context
/// into the CPU which then resumes based on the context it was just passed.
/// NOITCE: if we comment below `#[inline(never)]`, we can not get the corrent running result
fn t_yield(&mut self) -> bool {
let mut pos = self.current;
while self.tasks[pos].state != State::Ready {
pos += 1;
if pos == self.tasks.len() {
pos = 0;
if pos == self.current {
return false;
if self.tasks[self.current].state != State::Available {
self.tasks[self.current].state = State::Ready;
self.tasks[pos].state = State::Running;
let old_pos = self.current;
self.current = pos;
unsafe {
switch(&mut self.tasks[old_pos].ctx, &self.tasks[pos].ctx);
// NOTE: this might look strange and it is. Normally we would just mark this as `unreachable!()` but our compiler
// is too smart for it's own good so it optimized our code away on release builds. Curiously this happens on windows
// and not on linux. This is a common problem in tests so Rust has a `black_box` function in the `test` crate that
// will "pretend" to use a value we give it to prevent the compiler from eliminating code. I'll just do this instead,
// this code will never be run anyways and if it did it would always be `true`.
self.tasks.len() > 0
/// While `yield` is the logically interesting function I think this the technically most interesting.
/// When we spawn a new task we first check if there are any available tasks (tasks in `Parked` state).
/// If we run out of tasks we panic in this scenario but there are several (better) ways to handle that.
/// We keep things simple for now.
/// When we find an available task we get the stack length and a pointer to our u8 bytearray.
/// The next part we have to use some unsafe functions. First we write an address to our `guard` function
/// that will be called if the function we provide returns. Then we set the address to the function we
/// pass inn.
/// Third, we set the value of `sp` which is the stack pointer to the address of our provided function so we start
/// executing that first when we are scheuled to run.
/// Lastly we set the state as `Ready` which means we have work to do and is ready to do it.
pub fn spawn(&mut self, f: fn()) {
let available = self
.find(|t| t.state == State::Available)
.expect("no available task.");
let size = available.stack.len();
unsafe {
let s_ptr = available.stack.as_mut_ptr().offset(size as isize);
// make sure our stack itself is 8 byte aligned - it will always
// offset to a lower memory address. Since we know we're at the "high"
// memory address of our allocated space, we know that offsetting to
// a lower one will be a valid address (given that we actually allocated)
// enough space to actually get an aligned pointer in the first place).
let s_ptr = (s_ptr as usize & !7) as *mut u8;
available.ctx.x1 = guard as u64; //ctx.x1 is old return address
available.ctx.nx1 = f as u64; //ctx.nx2 is new return address
available.ctx.x2 = s_ptr.offset(-32) as u64; //cxt.x2 is sp
available.state = State::Ready;
/// This is our guard function that we place on top of the stack. All this function does is set the
/// state of our current task and then `yield` which will then schedule a new task to be run.
fn guard() {
unsafe {
let rt_ptr = RUNTIME as *mut Runtime;
/// We know that Runtime is alive the length of the program and that we only access from one core
/// (so no datarace). We yield execution of the current task by dereferencing a pointer to our
/// Runtime and then calling `t_yield`
pub fn yield_task() {
unsafe {
let rt_ptr = RUNTIME as *mut Runtime;
/// So here is our inline Assembly. As you remember from our first example this is just a bit more elaborate where we first
/// read out the values of all the registers we need and then sets all the register values to the register values we
/// saved when we suspended exceution on the "new" task.
/// This is essentially all we need to do to save and resume execution.
/// Some details about inline assembly.
/// The assembly commands in the string literal is called the assemblt template. It is preceeded by
/// zero or up to four segments indicated by ":":
/// - First ":" we have our output parameters, this parameters that this function will return.
/// - Second ":" we have the input parameters which is our contexts. We only read from the "new" context
/// but we modify the "old" context saving our registers there (see volatile option below)
/// - Third ":" This our clobber list, this is information to the compiler that these registers can't be used freely
/// - Fourth ":" This is options we can pass inn, Rust has 3: "alignstack", "volatile" and "intel"
/// For this to work on windows we need to use "alignstack" where the compiler adds the neccesary padding to
/// make sure our stack is aligned. Since we modify one of our inputs, our assembly has "side effects"
/// therefore we should use the `volatile` option. I **think** this is actually set for us by default
/// when there are no output parameters given (my own assumption after going through the source code)
/// for the `asm` macro, but we should make it explicit anyway.
/// One last important part (it will not work without this) is the #[naked] attribute. Basically this lets us have full
/// control over the stack layout since normal functions has a prologue-and epilogue added by the
/// compiler that will cause trouble for us. We avoid this by marking the funtion as "Naked".
/// For this to work on `release` builds we also need to use the `#[inline(never)] attribute or else
/// the compiler decides to inline this function (curiously this currently only happens on Windows).
/// If the function is inlined we get a curious runtime error where it fails when switching back
/// to as saved context and in general our assembly will not work as expected.
/// see: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1201-naked-fns.md
/// see: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/reference/inline-assembly.html
/// see: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/rust-by-example/unsafe/asm.html
unsafe fn switch(old: *mut TaskContext, new: *const TaskContext) {
// a0: _old, a1: _new
sd x1, 0x00(a0)
sd x2, 0x08(a0)
sd x8, 0x10(a0)
sd x9, 0x18(a0)
sd x18, 0x20(a0)
sd x19, 0x28(a0)
sd x20, 0x30(a0)
sd x21, 0x38(a0)
sd x22, 0x40(a0)
sd x23, 0x48(a0)
sd x24, 0x50(a0)
sd x25, 0x58(a0)
sd x26, 0x60(a0)
sd x27, 0x68(a0)
sd x1, 0x70(a0)
ld x1, 0x00(a1)
ld x2, 0x08(a1)
ld x8, 0x10(a1)
ld x9, 0x18(a1)
ld x18, 0x20(a1)
ld x19, 0x28(a1)
ld x20, 0x30(a1)
ld x21, 0x38(a1)
ld x22, 0x40(a1)
ld x23, 0x48(a1)
ld x24, 0x50(a1)
ld x25, 0x58(a1)
ld x26, 0x60(a1)
ld x27, 0x68(a1)
ld t0, 0x70(a1)
jr t0
pub fn main() {
println!("stackful_coroutine begin...");
println!("TASK 0(Runtime) STARTING");
let mut runtime = Runtime::new();
runtime.spawn(|| {
println!("TASK 1 STARTING");
let id = 1;
for i in 0..4 {
println!("task: {} counter: {}", id, i);
println!("TASK 1 FINISHED");
runtime.spawn(|| {
println!("TASK 2 STARTING");
let id = 2;
for i in 0..8 {
println!("task: {} counter: {}", id, i);
println!("TASK 2 FINISHED");
runtime.spawn(|| {
println!("TASK 3 STARTING");
let id = 3;
for i in 0..12 {
println!("task: {} counter: {}", id, i);
println!("TASK 3 FINISHED");
runtime.spawn(|| {
println!("TASK 4 STARTING");
let id = 4;
for i in 0..16 {
println!("task: {} counter: {}", id, i);
println!("TASK 4 FINISHED");
println!("stackful_coroutine PASSED");
// https://blog.aloni.org/posts/a-stack-less-rust-coroutine-100-loc/
// https://github.com/chyyuu/example-coroutine-and-thread/tree/stackless-coroutine-x86
use core::future::Future;
use core::pin::Pin;
use core::task::{Context, Poll};
use core::task::{RawWaker, RawWakerVTable, Waker};
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::collections::VecDeque;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
extern crate user_lib;
enum State {
struct Task {
state: State,
impl Task {
fn waiter<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Waiter<'a> {
Waiter { task: self }
struct Waiter<'a> {
task: &'a mut Task,
impl<'a> Future for Waiter<'a> {
type Output = ();
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
match self.task.state {
State::Halted => {
self.task.state = State::Running;
State::Running => {
self.task.state = State::Halted;
struct Executor {
tasks: VecDeque<Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()>>>>,
impl Executor {
fn new() -> Self {
Executor {
tasks: VecDeque::new(),
fn push<C, F>(&mut self, closure: C)
F: Future<Output = ()> + 'static,
C: FnOnce(Task) -> F,
let task = Task {
state: State::Running,
fn run(&mut self) {
let waker = create_waker();
let mut context = Context::from_waker(&waker);
while let Some(mut task) = self.tasks.pop_front() {
match task.as_mut().poll(&mut context) {
Poll::Pending => {
Poll::Ready(()) => {}
pub fn create_waker() -> Waker {
// Safety: The waker points to a vtable with functions that do nothing. Doing
// nothing is memory-safe.
unsafe { Waker::from_raw(RAW_WAKER) }
const RAW_WAKER: RawWaker = RawWaker::new(core::ptr::null(), &VTABLE);
const VTABLE: RawWakerVTable = RawWakerVTable::new(clone, wake, wake_by_ref, drop);
unsafe fn clone(_: *const ()) -> RawWaker {
unsafe fn wake(_: *const ()) {}
unsafe fn wake_by_ref(_: *const ()) {}
unsafe fn drop(_: *const ()) {}
pub fn main() -> i32 {
println!("stackless coroutine Begin..");
let mut exec = Executor::new();
println!(" Create futures");
for instance in 1..=3 {
exec.push(move |mut task| async move {
println!(" Task {}: begin state", instance);
println!(" Task {}: next state", instance);
println!(" Task {}: end state", instance);
println!(" Running");
println!(" Done");
println!("stackless coroutine PASSED");
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