提交 1722d0d4 编写于 作者: chyyuu1972's avatar chyyuu1972

run in qemu -bios none ENV

上级 683a4fdc
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ ifeq ($(MODE), release)
KERNEL_ENTRY_PA := 0x80200000
KERNEL_ENTRY_PA := 0x80000000
# Binutils
OBJDUMP := rust-objdump --arch-name=riscv64
......@@ -71,7 +71,21 @@ disasm-vim: kernel
@nvim $(DISASM_TMP)
run: run-inner
run: run-inner-none
run-inner-none: build
@qemu-system-riscv64 \
-M 128m \
-machine virt \
-bios none \
-kernel $(KERNEL_ELF) \
-drive file=$(FS_IMG),if=none,format=raw,id=x0 \
-device virtio-blk-device,drive=x0 \
# -device virtio-gpu-device \
-device virtio-keyboard-device \
-device virtio-mouse-device \
-serial stdio
run-inner: build
@qemu-system-riscv64 \
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ pub const CLOCK_FREQ: usize = 12500000;
pub const MMIO: &[(usize, usize)] = &[
(0x0010_0000, 0x00_2000), // VIRT_TEST/RTC in virt machine
(0x2000000, 0x10000),
(0x2000000, 0x10000), // core local interrupter (CLINT)
(0xc000000, 0x210000), // VIRT_PLIC in virt machine
(0x10000000, 0x9000), // VIRT_UART0 with GPU in virt machine
......@@ -53,6 +53,57 @@ pub fn irq_handler() {
plic.complete(0, IntrTargetPriority::Supervisor, intr_src_id);
// core local interrupter (CLINT), which contains the timer
pub const CLINT: usize = 0x2000000;
pub const fn clint_mtimecmp(hartid: usize) -> usize {
CLINT + 0x4000 + 8 * hartid
pub const CLINT_MTIME: usize = CLINT + 0xBFF8; // Cycles since boot.
#[repr(align(16))] // if miss this alignment, a load access fault will occur.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn timervec() -> ! {
// start.rs has set up the memory that mscratch points to:
// scratch[0,8,16] : register save area.
// scratch[24] : address of CLINT's MTIMECMP register.
// scratch[32] : desired interval between interrupts.
// Now, mscrach has a pointer to an additional scratch space.
// to aboid overwriting the contents of the integer registers,
// the prologue of an interrupts handler usually begins by swapping
// an integer register(say a0) with mscratch CSR.
// The interrupt handler stores the integer registers
// used for processing in this scratch space.
// a0 saved in mscrach, a1 ~ a3 saved in scratch space.
//loop {}
"csrrw a0, mscratch, a0",
"sd a1, 0(a0)",
"sd a2, 8(a0)",
"sd a3, 16(a0)",
// schedule the next timer interrupt
// by adding interval to mtimecmp.
"ld a1, 24(a0)", // CLINT_MTIMECMP(hartid) contents
"ld a2, 32(a0)", // interval
"ld a3, 0(a1)",
"add a3, a3, a2",
"sd a3, 0(a1)",
// raise a supervisor software interrupt.
"li a1, 2",
"csrw sip, a1",
// restore and return
"ld a3, 16(a0)",
"ld a2, 8(a0)",
"ld a1, 0(a0)",
"csrrw a0, mscratch, a0",
//ref:: https://github.com/andre-richter/qemu-exit
use core::arch::asm;
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
.globl _start
la sp, boot_stack_top
call rust_main
call rust_start
.section .bss.stack
.globl boot_stack_lower_bound
BASE_ADDRESS = 0x80200000;
BASE_ADDRESS = 0x80000000;
......@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
......@@ -27,7 +29,10 @@ mod syscall;
mod task;
mod timer;
mod trap;
//mod start;
mod riscvregs;
use riscvregs::registers::*;
use riscvregs::registers::pmpcfg0::*;
//use syscall::create_desktop; //for test
......@@ -51,6 +56,85 @@ lazy_static! {
unsafe { UPIntrFreeCell::new(false) };
#[repr(C, align(16))]
struct Stack([u8; 4096 * 4 * 1]);
static mut STACK0: Stack = Stack([0; 4096 * 4 * 1]);
pub unsafe fn rust_start() -> ! {
// set MPP mode to Supervisor, for mret
// set MEPC to main, for mret
mepc::write(rust_main as usize);
// disable paging for now.
// delegate all interrupts and exceptions to supervisor mode.
// configure Physical Memory Protection to give supervisor mode
// access to all of physical memory.
pmpcfg0::set_pmp(0, Range::TOR, Permission::RWX, false); // 0 < addr < pmpaddr0
// ask for clock interrupts.
// keep each CPU's hartid in its tp register, for cpuid().
let id = mhartid::read();
core::arch::asm!("mv tp, {0}", in(reg) id);
// switch to supervisor mode and jump to main().
extern "C" {
fn rust_main() -> !;
// a scratch area per CPU for machine-mode timer interrupts.
static mut TIMER_SCRATCH: [[u64; 5]; 1] = [[0; 5]; 1];
unsafe fn timerinit() {
// each CPU has a separate source of timer interrupts
let id = mhartid::read();
// ask the CLINT for a timer interrupts
let interval = 1000000u64; // cycles; about 1/10th second in qemu.
let mtimecmp = board::clint_mtimecmp(id) as *mut u64;
let mtime = board::CLINT_MTIME as *const u64;
mtimecmp.write_volatile(mtime.read_volatile() + interval);
// prepare information in scratch[] for timervec.
// scratch[0..2] : space for timervec to save registers.
// scratch[3] : address of CLINT MTIMECMP register.
// scratch[4] : desired interval (in cycles) between timer interrupts.
let scratch = &mut TIMER_SCRATCH[id];
scratch[3] = mtimecmp as u64;
scratch[4] = interval;
mscratch::write(scratch.as_mut_ptr() as usize);
// set the machine-mode trap handler
mtvec::write(board::timervec as usize, mtvec::TrapMode::Direct);
// enable machine-mode interrupts.
// enable machime-mode timer interrupts.
pub fn rust_main() -> ! {
......@@ -63,11 +147,11 @@ pub fn rust_main() -> ! {
let _mouse = MOUSE_DEVICE.clone();
println!("KERN: init trap");
*DEV_NON_BLOCKING_ACCESS.exclusive_access() = true;
// RISC-V registers
pub mod registers {
// hart (core) id registers
pub mod mhartid {
use core::arch::asm;
pub fn read() -> usize {
let id: usize;
unsafe {
asm!("csrr {}, mhartid", out(reg) id);
// Machine Status Register, mstatus
pub mod mstatus {
use core::arch::asm;
// Machine Status Register bit
const MPP_MASK: usize = 3 << 11;
const MIE: usize = 1 << 3;
// Machine Previous Privilege mode
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum MPP {
Machine = 3,
Supervisor = 1,
User = 0,
unsafe fn _read() -> usize {
let bits: usize;
asm!("csrr {}, mstatus", out(reg) bits);
unsafe fn _write(bits: usize) {
asm!("csrw mstatus, {}", in(reg) bits);
// Machine Previous Privilege Mode
pub fn set_mpp(mpp: MPP) {
unsafe {
let mut value = _read();
value &= !MPP_MASK;
value |= (mpp as usize) << 11;
pub fn set_mie() {
unsafe {
asm!("csrs mstatus, {}", in(reg) MIE);
// machine exception program counter, holds the
// instruction address to which a return from
// exception will go.
pub mod mepc {
use core::arch::asm;
pub fn write(x: usize) {
unsafe {
asm!("csrw mepc, {}", in(reg) x);
// Supervisor Status Register, sstatus
pub mod sstatus {
use core::arch::asm;
// Supervisor Status Register bit
const SPP: usize = 1 << 8; // Previous mode, 1=Supervisor, 0=user
const SPIE: usize = 1 << 5; // Supervisor Previous Interrupt Enable
const SIE: usize = 1 << 1; // Supervisor Interrupt Enable
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Sstatus {
bits: usize,
impl Sstatus {
// Supervisor Interrupt Enable
pub(in crate::riscvregs) fn sie(&self) -> bool {
self.bits & SIE != 0
// Supervisor Previous Privilege mode
pub fn spp(&self) -> SPP {
match self.bits & SPP {
0 => SPP::User,
_ => SPP::Supervisor,
// restore status bits
pub fn restore(&self) {
unsafe {
// Supervisor Previous Privilege Mode
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum SPP {
Supervisor = 1,
User = 0,
pub fn read() -> Sstatus {
let bits: usize;
unsafe { asm!("csrr {}, sstatus", out(reg) bits) }
Sstatus { bits }
unsafe fn _write(bits: usize) {
asm!("csrw sstatus, {}", in(reg) bits);
// bit set
unsafe fn _set(bits: usize) {
asm!("csrs sstatus, {}", in(reg) bits);
// bit clear
unsafe fn _clear(bits: usize) {
asm!("csrc sstatus, {}", in(reg) bits);
pub(in crate::riscvregs) unsafe fn set_sie() {
pub(in crate::riscvregs) unsafe fn clear_sie() {
pub unsafe fn set_spie() {
pub unsafe fn set_spp(spp: SPP) {
match spp {
SPP::Supervisor => _set(SPP),
SPP::User => _clear(SPP),
// Supervisor Interrupt Pending
pub mod sip {
use core::arch::asm;
const SSIP: usize = 1 << 1;
// Supervisor Software Interrupt Pending
pub unsafe fn clear_ssoft() {
asm!("csrc sip, {}", in(reg) SSIP);
// Supervisor Interrupt Enable
pub mod sie {
use core::arch::asm;
const SEIE: usize = 1 << 9; // external
const STIE: usize = 1 << 5; // timer
const SSIE: usize = 1 << 1; // software
unsafe fn _set(bits: usize) {
asm!("csrs sie, {}", in(reg) bits);
pub unsafe fn set_sext() {
pub unsafe fn set_stimer() {
pub unsafe fn set_ssoft() {
// Machine-mode Interrupt Enable
pub mod mie {
use core::arch::asm;
const MTIE: usize = 1 << 7;
pub unsafe fn set_mtimer() {
asm!("csrs mie, {}", in(reg) MTIE);
// supervisor exceptions program counter, holds the
// instruction address to which a return from
// exception will go.
pub mod sepc {
use core::arch::asm;
pub fn read() -> usize {
let bits: usize;
unsafe {
asm!("csrr {}, sepc", out(reg) bits);
pub fn write(bits: usize) {
unsafe {
asm!("csrw sepc, {}", in(reg) bits);
// Machine Exception Delegation
pub mod medeleg {
use core::arch::asm;
pub unsafe fn set_all() {
asm!("csrw medeleg, {}", in(reg) 0xffff);
// Machine Interrupt Delegation
pub mod mideleg {
use core::arch::asm;
pub unsafe fn set_all() {
asm!("csrw mideleg, {}", in(reg) 0xffff);
// Supervisor Trap-Vector Base Address
// low two bits are mode.
pub mod stvec {
pub use super::mtvec::TrapMode;
use core::arch::asm;
pub unsafe fn write(addr: usize, mode: TrapMode) {
asm!("csrw stvec, {}", in(reg) addr + mode as usize);
// Machine-mode interrupt vector
pub mod mtvec {
use core::arch::asm;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum TrapMode {
Direct = 0,
Vectored = 1,
pub unsafe fn write(addr: usize, mode: TrapMode) {
asm!("csrw mtvec, {}", in(reg) addr + mode as usize);
// Physical Memory Protection Configuration
pub mod pmpcfg0 {
use core::arch::asm;
// Permission enum contains all possible permission modes for pmp registers
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum Permission {
NONE = 0b000,
R = 0b001,
W = 0b010,
RW = 0b011,
X = 0b100,
RX = 0b101,
WX = 0b110,
RWX = 0b111,
// Range enum contains all possible addressing modes for pmp registers
pub enum Range {
OFF = 0b00,
TOR = 0b01,
NA4 = 0b10,
NAPOT = 0b11,
// Set the pmp configuration corresponging to the index
pub unsafe fn set_pmp(index: usize, range: Range, permission: Permission, locked: bool) {
assert!(index < 8);
let mut value = _read();
let byte = (locked as usize) << 7 | (range as usize) << 3 | (permission as usize);
value |= byte << (8 * index);
unsafe fn _read() -> usize {
let bits: usize;
asm!("csrr {}, pmpcfg0", out(reg) bits);
unsafe fn _write(bits: usize) {
asm!("csrw pmpcfg0, {}", in(reg) bits);
// Physical memory protection address register
pub mod pmpaddr0 {
use core::arch::asm;
pub fn write(bits: usize) {
unsafe {
asm!("csrw pmpaddr0, {}", in(reg) bits);
// Supervisor address translation and protection;
// holds the address of the page table.
pub mod satp {
use core::arch::asm;
// stap register
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Satp {
bits: usize,
// 64-bit satp mode
pub enum Mode {
// No translation or protection
Bare = 0,
// Page-based 39-bit virtual addressing
Sv39 = 8,
// Page-based 48-bit virtual addressing
Sv48 = 9,
// Page-based 57-bit virtual addressing
Sv57 = 10,
// Page-based 64-bit virtual addressing
Sv64 = 11,
impl Satp {
// Return the contents of the register as raw bits
pub fn bits(&self) -> usize {
pub unsafe fn read() -> Satp {
let bits: usize;
asm!("csrr {}, satp", out(reg) bits);
Satp { bits }
pub unsafe fn write(bits: usize) {
asm!("csrw satp, {}", in(reg) bits);
pub fn make(mode: Mode, asid: usize, ppn: usize) -> usize {
let mut bits: usize = 0;
bits |= (mode as usize) << 60;
bits |= asid << 44;
bits |= ppn >> 12;
// mscratch register
pub mod mscratch {
use core::arch::asm;
pub fn write(bits: usize) {
unsafe {
asm!("csrw mscratch, {}", in(reg) bits);
// Supervisor Trap Cause
pub mod scause {
use core::{arch::asm, mem::size_of};
// scause register
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Scause {
bits: usize,
// Trap Cause
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Trap {
// Interrupt
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Interrupt {
// Exception
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Exception {
impl Interrupt {
pub fn from(nr: usize) -> Self {
match nr {
0 => Interrupt::UserSoft,
1 => Interrupt::SupervisorSoft,
4 => Interrupt::UserTimer,
5 => Interrupt::SupervisorTimer,
8 => Interrupt::UserExternal,
9 => Interrupt::SupervisorExternal,
_ => Interrupt::Unknown,
impl Exception {
pub fn from(nr: usize) -> Self {
match nr {
0 => Exception::InstructionMisaligned,
1 => Exception::InstructionFault,
2 => Exception::IllegalInstruction,
3 => Exception::Breakpoint,
5 => Exception::LoadFault,
6 => Exception::StoreMisaligned,
7 => Exception::StoreFault,
8 => Exception::UserEnvCall,
12 => Exception::InstructionPageFault,
13 => Exception::LoadPageFault,
15 => Exception::StorePageFault,
_ => Exception::Unknown,
impl Scause {
// Returns the contents of the register as raw bits
pub fn bits(&self) -> usize {
// Returns the code field
pub fn code(&self) -> usize {
let bit = 1 << (size_of::<usize>() * 8 - 1);
self.bits & !bit
// Trap cause
pub fn cause(&self) -> Trap {
if self.is_interrupt() {
} else {
// Is trap cause an interrupt.
pub fn is_interrupt(&self) -> bool {
self.bits & (1 << (size_of::<usize>() * 8 - 1)) != 0
// Is trap cause an exception.
pub fn is_exception(&self) -> bool {
pub fn read() -> Scause {
let bits: usize;
unsafe {
asm!("csrr {}, scause", out(reg) bits);
Scause { bits }
// Supervisor Trap Value
pub mod stval {
use core::arch::asm;
pub fn read() -> usize {
let bits: usize;
unsafe { asm!("csrr {}, stval", out(reg) bits) }
use core::arch::asm;
use registers::*;
// enable device interrupts
pub fn intr_on() {
unsafe {
// disable device interrupts
pub fn intr_off() {
unsafe {
// are device interrupts enabled?
pub fn intr_get() -> bool {
// flush the TLB.
pub unsafe fn sfence_vma() {
// the zero, zero means flush all TLB entries
asm!("sfence.vma zero, zero");
pub const PGSIZE: usize = 4096; // bytes per page
pub const PGSHIFT: usize = 12; // bits of offset within a page
pub const fn pgroundup(sz: usize) -> usize {
(sz + PGSIZE - 1) & !(PGSIZE - 1)
pub const fn pgrounddown(sz: usize) -> usize {
sz & !(PGSIZE - 1)
// PTE flags
pub mod pteflags {
pub const PTE_V: usize = 1 << 0; // valid
pub const PTE_R: usize = 1 << 1;
pub const PTE_W: usize = 1 << 2;
pub const PTE_X: usize = 1 << 3;
pub const PTE_U: usize = 1 << 4; // user can access
//use crate::kernelvec::*;
//use crate::memlayout::*;
//use crate::param::NCPU;
//use super::main::*;
//use crate::riscv::registers::{pmpcfg0::*, *};
use core::arch::asm;
use core::hint::unreachable_unchecked;
mod riscv;
#[repr(C, align(16))]
struct Stack([u8; 4096 * 4 * NCPU]);
static mut STACK0: Stack = Stack([0; 4096 * 4 * NCPU]);
pub unsafe fn rust_start() -> ! {
// set MPP mode to Supervisor, for mret
// set MEPC to main, for mret
mepc::write(rust_main as usize);
// disable paging for now.
// delegate all interrupts and exceptions to supervisor mode.
// configure Physical Memory Protection to give supervisor mode
// access to all of physical memory.
pmpcfg0::set_pmp(0, Range::TOR, Permission::RWX, false); // 0 < addr < pmpaddr0
// ask for clock interrupts.
// keep each CPU's hartid in its tp register, for cpuid().
let id = mhartid::read();
asm!("mv tp, {0}", in(reg) id);
// switch to supervisor mode and jump to main().
extern "C" {
fn rust_main() -> !;
// a scratch area per CPU for machine-mode timer interrupts.
static mut TIMER_SCRATCH: [[u64; 5]; 1] = [[0; 5]; 1];
unsafe fn timerinit() {
// each CPU has a separate source of timer interrupts
let id = mhartid::read();
// ask the CLINT for a timer interrupts
let interval = 1000000u64; // cycles; about 1/10th second in qemu.
let mtimecmp = clint_mtimecmp(id) as *mut u64;
let mtime = CLINT_MTIME as *const u64;
mtimecmp.write_volatile(mtime.read_volatile() + interval);
// prepare information in scratch[] for timervec.
// scratch[0..2] : space for timervec to save registers.
// scratch[3] : address of CLINT MTIMECMP register.
// scratch[4] : desired interval (in cycles) between timer interrupts.
let scratch = &mut TIMER_SCRATCH[id];
scratch[3] = mtimecmp as u64;
scratch[4] = interval;
mscratch::write(scratch.as_mut_ptr() as usize);
// set the machine-mode trap handler
mtvec::write(timervec as usize, mtvec::TrapMode::Direct);
// enable machine-mode interrupts.
// enable machime-mode timer interrupts.
\ No newline at end of file
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