提交 eeeab8ed 编写于 作者: martianzhang's avatar martianzhang

daily update

  1. go version move into Makefile
  2. add golden test for ast
  3. explainAbleSQL use tidb parser also
上级 8bb48a29
......@@ -9,15 +9,13 @@ GOPATH ?= $(shell go env GOPATH)
ifeq "$(GOPATH)" ""
$(error Please set the environment variable GOPATH before running `make`)
PATH := ${GOPATH}/bin:$(PATH)
GCFLAGS=-gcflags "all=-trimpath=${GOPATH}"
LDFLAGS=-ldflags="-s -w"
PATH := ${GOPATH}/bin:$(PATH)
# These are the values we want to pass for VERSION and BUILD
BUILD_TIME=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`
COMMIT_VERSION=`git rev-parse HEAD`
# Add mysql version for testing `MYSQL_RELEASE=percona MYSQL_VERSION=5.7 make docker`
# MYSQL_RELEASE: mysql, percona, mariadb ...
......@@ -29,6 +27,18 @@ MYSQL_VERSION := $(or ${MYSQL_VERSION}, ${MYSQL_VERSION}, latest)
.PHONY: all
all: | fmt build
.PHONY: go_version_check
# Parse out the x.y or x.y.z version and output a single value x*10000+y*100+z (e.g., 1.9 is 10900)
# that allows the three components to be checked in a single comparison.
VER_TO_INT:=awk '{split(substr($$0, match ($$0, /[0-9\.]+/)), a, "."); print a[1]*10000+a[2]*100+a[3]}'
@echo "\033[92mGo version check\033[0m"
@if test $(shell go version | $(VER_TO_INT) ) -lt \
$(shell echo "$(GO_VERSION_MIN)" | $(VER_TO_INT)); \
then printf "go version $(GO_VERSION_MIN)+ required, found: "; go version; exit 1; \
else echo "go version check pass"; fi
# Dependency check
.PHONY: deps
......@@ -40,7 +50,7 @@ deps:
# Code format
.PHONY: fmt
fmt: go_version_check
@echo "\033[92mRun gofmt on all source files ...\033[0m"
@echo "gofmt -l -s -w ..."
@ret=0 && for d in $$(go list -f '{{.Dir}}' ./... | grep -v /vendor/); do \
......@@ -74,7 +84,7 @@ cover: test
build: fmt tidb-parser
@echo "\033[92mBuilding ...\033[0m"
@mkdir -p bin
@bash ./genver.sh $(GO_VERSION_MIN)
@bash ./genver.sh
@ret=0 && for d in $$(go list -f '{{if (eq .Name "main")}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' ./...); do \
b=$$(basename $${d}) ; \
go build ${GCFLAGS} -o bin/$${b} $$d || ret=$$? ; \
......@@ -84,7 +94,7 @@ build: fmt tidb-parser
.PHONY: fast
fast: fmt
@echo "\033[92mBuilding ...\033[0m"
@bash ./genver.sh $(GO_VERSION_MIN)
@bash ./genver.sh
@ret=0 && for d in $$(go list -f '{{if (eq .Name "main")}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' ./...); do \
b=$$(basename $${d}) ; \
go build ${GCFLAGS} -o bin/$${b} $$d || ret=$$? ; \
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length = 86;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length = 86;
SELECT * FROM film HAVING title = 'abc';
SELECT * FROM film HAVING title = 'abc';
SELECT * FROM sakila.film WHERE length >= 60;
SELECT * FROM sakila.film WHERE length >= 60;
SELECT * FROM sakila.film WHERE length >= '60';
SELECT * FROM sakila.film WHERE length >= '60';
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length BETWEEN 60 AND 84;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length BETWEEN 60 AND 84;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length = 114 and title = 'ALABAMA DEVIL';
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length = 114 and title = 'ALABAMA DEVIL';
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length > 100 and title = 'ALABAMA DEVIL';
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length > 100 and title = 'ALABAMA DEVIL';
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length > 100 and language_id < 10 and title = 'xyz';
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length > 100 and language_id < 10 and title = 'xyz';
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length > 100 and language_id < 10;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length > 100 and language_id < 10;
SELECT release_year, sum(length) FROM film WHERE length = 123 AND language_id = 1 GROUP BY release_year;
SELECT release_year, sum(length) FROM film WHERE length = 123 AND language_id = 1 GROUP BY release_year;
SELECT release_year, sum(length) FROM film WHERE length >= 123 GROUP BY release_year;
SELECT release_year, sum(length) FROM film WHERE length >= 123 GROUP BY release_year;
SELECT release_year, language_id, sum(length) FROM film GROUP BY release_year, language_id;
SELECT release_year, language_id, sum(length) FROM film GROUP BY release_year, language_id;
SELECT release_year, sum(length) FROM film WHERE length = 123 GROUP BY release_year,(length+language_id);
SELECT release_year, sum(length) FROM film WHERE length = 123 GROUP BY release_year,(length+language_id);
SELECT release_year, sum(film_id) FROM film GROUP BY release_year;
SELECT release_year, sum(film_id) FROM film GROUP BY release_year;
SELECT * FROM address GROUP BY address,district;
SELECT * FROM address GROUP BY address,district;
SELECT title FROM film WHERE ABS(language_id) = 3 GROUP BY title;
SELECT title FROM film WHERE ABS(language_id) = 3 GROUP BY title;
SELECT language_id FROM film WHERE length = 123 GROUP BY release_year ORDER BY language_id;
SELECT language_id FROM film WHERE length = 123 GROUP BY release_year ORDER BY language_id;
SELECT release_year FROM film WHERE length = 123 GROUP BY release_year ORDER BY release_year;
SELECT release_year FROM film WHERE length = 123 GROUP BY release_year ORDER BY release_year;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length = 123 ORDER BY release_year ASC, language_id DESC;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length = 123 ORDER BY release_year ASC, language_id DESC;
SELECT release_year FROM film WHERE length = 123 GROUP BY release_year ORDER BY release_year LIMIT 10;
SELECT release_year FROM film WHERE length = 123 GROUP BY release_year ORDER BY release_year LIMIT 10;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length = 123 ORDER BY release_year LIMIT 10;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length = 123 ORDER BY release_year LIMIT 10;
SELECT * FROM film ORDER BY release_year LIMIT 10;
SELECT * FROM film ORDER BY release_year LIMIT 10;
SELECT film_id FROM film ORDER BY release_year LIMIT 10;
SELECT film_id FROM film ORDER BY release_year LIMIT 10;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length > 100 ORDER BY length LIMIT 10;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length > 100 ORDER BY length LIMIT 10;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length < 100 ORDER BY length LIMIT 10;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length < 100 ORDER BY length LIMIT 10;
SELECT * FROM customer WHERE address_id in (224,510) ORDER BY last_name;
SELECT * FROM customer WHERE address_id in (224,510) ORDER BY last_name;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE release_year = 2016 AND length != 1 ORDER BY title;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE release_year = 2016 AND length != 1 ORDER BY title;
SELECT title FROM film WHERE release_year = 1995;
SELECT title FROM film WHERE release_year = 1995;
SELECT title, replacement_cost FROM film WHERE language_id = 5 AND length = 70;
SELECT title, replacement_cost FROM film WHERE language_id = 5 AND length = 70;
SELECT title FROM film WHERE language_id > 5 AND length > 70;
SELECT title FROM film WHERE language_id > 5 AND length > 70;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length = 100 and title = 'xyz' ORDER BY release_year;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length = 100 and title = 'xyz' ORDER BY release_year;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length > 100 and title = 'xyz' ORDER BY release_year;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length > 100 and title = 'xyz' ORDER BY release_year;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length > 100 ORDER BY release_year;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE length > 100 ORDER BY release_year;
SELECT * FROM city a INNER JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id;
SELECT * FROM city a INNER JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id;
SELECT * FROM city a LEFT JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id;
SELECT * FROM city a LEFT JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id;
SELECT * FROM city a RIGHT JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id;
SELECT * FROM city a RIGHT JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id;
SELECT * FROM city a LEFT JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id WHERE b.last_update IS NULL;
SELECT * FROM city a LEFT JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id WHERE b.last_update IS NULL;
SELECT * FROM city a RIGHT JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id WHERE a.last_update IS NULL;
SELECT * FROM city a RIGHT JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id WHERE a.last_update IS NULL;
SELECT * FROM city a LEFT JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id UNION SELECT * FROM city a RIGHT JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id;
SELECT * FROM city a LEFT JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id UNION SELECT * FROM city a RIGHT JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id;
SELECT * FROM city a RIGHT JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id WHERE a.last_update IS NULL UNION SELECT * FROM city a LEFT JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id WHERE b.last_update IS NULL;
SELECT * FROM city a RIGHT JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id WHERE a.last_update IS NULL UNION SELECT * FROM city a LEFT JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id WHERE b.last_update IS NULL;
SELECT country_id, last_update FROM city NATURAL JOIN country;
SELECT country_id, last_update FROM city NATURAL JOIN country;
SELECT country_id, last_update FROM city NATURAL LEFT JOIN country;
SELECT country_id, last_update FROM city NATURAL LEFT JOIN country;
SELECT country_id, last_update FROM city NATURAL RIGHT JOIN country;
SELECT country_id, last_update FROM city NATURAL RIGHT JOIN country;
SELECT a.country_id, a.last_update FROM city a STRAIGHT_JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id;
SELECT a.country_id, a.last_update FROM city a STRAIGHT_JOIN country b ON a.country_id=b.country_id;
SELECT d.deptno,d.dname,d.loc FROM scott.dept d WHERE d.deptno IN (SELECT e.deptno FROM scott.emp e);
SELECT d.deptno,d.dname,d.loc FROM scott.dept d WHERE d.deptno IN (SELECT e.deptno FROM scott.emp e);
SELECT visitor_id, url FROM (SELECT id FROM log WHERE ip="" order by ts desc limit 50, 10) I JOIN log ON (I.id=log.id) JOIN url ON (url.id=log.url_id) order by TS desc;
SELECT visitor_id, url FROM (SELECT id FROM log WHERE ip="" order by ts desc limit 50, 10) I JOIN log ON (I.id=log.id) JOIN url ON (url.id=log.url_id) order by TS desc;
DELETE city, country FROM city INNER JOIN country using (country_id) WHERE city.city_id = 1;
DELETE city, country FROM city INNER JOIN country using (country_id) WHERE city.city_id = 1;
DELETE city FROM city LEFT JOIN country ON city.country_id = country.country_id WHERE country.country IS NULL;
DELETE city FROM city LEFT JOIN country ON city.country_id = country.country_id WHERE country.country IS NULL;
DELETE a1, a2 FROM city AS a1 INNER JOIN country AS a2 WHERE a1.country_id=a2.country_id;
DELETE a1, a2 FROM city AS a1 INNER JOIN country AS a2 WHERE a1.country_id=a2.country_id;
DELETE FROM a1, a2 USING city AS a1 INNER JOIN country AS a2 WHERE a1.country_id=a2.country_id;
DELETE FROM a1, a2 USING city AS a1 INNER JOIN country AS a2 WHERE a1.country_id=a2.country_id;
DELETE FROM film WHERE length > 100;
DELETE FROM film WHERE length > 100;
UPDATE city INNER JOIN country USING(country_id) SET city.city = 'Abha', city.last_update = '2006-02-15 04:45:25', country.country = 'Afghanistan' WHERE city.city_id=10;
UPDATE city INNER JOIN country USING(country_id) SET city.city = 'Abha', city.last_update = '2006-02-15 04:45:25', country.country = 'Afghanistan' WHERE city.city_id=10;
UPDATE city INNER JOIN country ON city.country_id = country.country_id INNER JOIN address ON city.city_id = address.city_id SET city.city = 'Abha', city.last_update = '2006-02-15 04:45:25', country.country = 'Afghanistan' WHERE city.city_id=10;
UPDATE city INNER JOIN country ON city.country_id = country.country_id INNER JOIN address ON city.city_id = address.city_id SET city.city = 'Abha', city.last_update = '2006-02-15 04:45:25', country.country = 'Afghanistan' WHERE city.city_id=10;
UPDATE city, country SET city.city = 'Abha', city.last_update = '2006-02-15 04:45:25', country.country = 'Afghanistan' WHERE city.country_id = country.country_id AND city.city_id=10;
UPDATE city, country SET city.city = 'Abha', city.last_update = '2006-02-15 04:45:25', country.country = 'Afghanistan' WHERE city.country_id = country.country_id AND city.city_id=10;
UPDATE film SET length = 10 WHERE language_id = 20;
UPDATE film SET length = 10 WHERE language_id = 20;
INSERT INTO city (country_id) SELECT country_id FROM country;
INSERT INTO city (country_id) SELECT country_id FROM country;
INSERT INTO city (country_id) VALUES (1),(2),(3);
INSERT INTO city (country_id) VALUES (1),(2),(3);
INSERT INTO city (country_id) VALUES (10);
INSERT INTO city (country_id) VALUES (10);
INSERT INTO city (country_id) SELECT 10 FROM DUAL;
INSERT INTO city (country_id) SELECT 10 FROM DUAL;
REPLACE INTO city (country_id) SELECT country_id FROM country;
REPLACE INTO city (country_id) SELECT country_id FROM country;
REPLACE INTO city (country_id) VALUES (1),(2),(3);
REPLACE INTO city (country_id) VALUES (1),(2),(3);
REPLACE INTO city (country_id) VALUES (10);
REPLACE INTO city (country_id) VALUES (10);
REPLACE INTO city (country_id) SELECT 10 FROM DUAL;
REPLACE INTO city (country_id) SELECT 10 FROM DUAL;
SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film;
SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM ( SELECT film_id FROM film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE language_id = (SELECT language_id FROM language LIMIT 1);
SELECT * FROM film WHERE language_id = (SELECT language_id FROM language LIMIT 1);
SELECT * FROM city i left JOIN country o ON i.city_id=o.country_id union SELECT * FROM city i right JOIN country o ON i.city_id=o.country_id;
SELECT * FROM city i left JOIN country o ON i.city_id=o.country_id union SELECT * FROM city i right JOIN country o ON i.city_id=o.country_id;
SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM actor WHERE last_update='2006-02-15 04:34:33' and last_name='CHASE') t WHERE last_update='2006-02-15 04:34:33' and last_name='CHASE' GROUP BY first_name;
SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM actor WHERE last_update='2006-02-15 04:34:33' and last_name='CHASE') t WHERE last_update='2006-02-15 04:34:33' and last_name='CHASE' GROUP BY first_name;
SELECT * FROM city i left JOIN country o ON i.city_id=o.country_id union SELECT * FROM city i right JOIN country o ON i.city_id=o.country_id;
SELECT * FROM city i left JOIN country o ON i.city_id=o.country_id union SELECT * FROM city i right JOIN country o ON i.city_id=o.country_id;
SELECT * FROM city i left JOIN country o ON i.city_id=o.country_id WHERE o.country_id is null union SELECT * FROM city i right JOIN country o ON i.city_id=o.country_id WHERE i.city_id is null;
SELECT * FROM city i left JOIN country o ON i.city_id=o.country_id WHERE o.country_id is null union SELECT * FROM city i right JOIN country o ON i.city_id=o.country_id WHERE i.city_id is null;
SELECT first_name,last_name,email FROM customer STRAIGHT_JOIN address ON customer.address_id=address.address_id;
SELECT first_name,last_name,email FROM customer STRAIGHT_JOIN address ON customer.address_id=address.address_id;
SELECT ID,name FROM (SELECT address FROM customer_list WHERE SID=1 order by phone limit 50,10) a JOIN customer_list l ON (a.address=l.address) JOIN city c ON (c.city=l.city) order by phone desc;
SELECT ID,name FROM (SELECT address FROM customer_list WHERE SID=1 order by phone limit 50,10) a JOIN customer_list l ON (a.address=l.address) JOIN city c ON (c.city=l.city) order by phone desc;
SELECT * FROM film WHERE date(last_update)='2006-02-15';
SELECT * FROM film WHERE date(last_update)='2006-02-15';
SELECT last_update FROM film GROUP BY date(last_update);
SELECT last_update FROM film GROUP BY date(last_update);
SELECT last_update FROM film order by date(last_update);
SELECT last_update FROM film order by date(last_update);
SELECT description FROM film WHERE description IN('NEWS','asd') GROUP BY description;
SELECT description FROM film WHERE description IN('NEWS','asd') GROUP BY description;
alter table address add index idx_city_id(city_id);
alter table address add index idx_city_id(city_id);
alter table inventory add index `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`);
alter table inventory add index `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`);
alter table inventory add index `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`),add index `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`),add index `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`);
alter table inventory add index `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`),add index `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`),add index `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`);
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(t.atm, '%Y-%m-%d'), COUNT(DISTINCT (t.usr)) FROM usr_terminal t WHERE t.atm > '2018-10-22 00:00:00' AND t.agent LIKE '%Chrome%' AND t.system = 'eip' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(t.atm, '%Y-%m-%d') ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT(t.atm, '%Y-%m-%d')
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(t.atm, '%Y-%m-%d'), COUNT(DISTINCT (t.usr)) FROM usr_terminal t WHERE t.atm > '2018-10-22 00:00:00' AND t.agent LIKE '%Chrome%' AND t.system = 'eip' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(t.atm, '%Y-%m-%d') ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT(t.atm, '%Y-%m-%d')
create table hello.t (id int unsigned);
create table hello.t (id int unsigned);
orignal: "hello world"
quoted: "hello world"
orignal: `hello world`
quoted: `hello world`
orignal: 'hello world'
quoted: 'hello world'
orignal: hello world
orignal: 'hello \'world'
quoted: 'hello \'world'
orignal: "hello \"wor\"ld"
quoted: "hello \"wor\"ld"
orignal: "hello \"world"
quoted: "hello \"world"
orignal: ""
quoted: ""
orignal: ''
quoted: ''
orignal: ``
quoted: ``
orignal: 'hello 'world'
quoted: 'hello '
orignal: "hello "world"
quoted: "hello "
0 select * from test;
1 select 'asd;fas', col from test;
2 -- select * from test;hello
3 #select * from test;hello
4 select * /*comment*/from test;
5 select * /*comment;*/from test;
6 select * /*comment
from test;
7 select * from test
8 /*comment*/
9 /*comment*/;
10 --
11 -- comment
12 # comment
13 select
-- comment
0 select * from test\Ghello
1 select 'hello\Gworld', col from test\Ghello
2 -- select * from test\Ghello
3 #select * from test\Ghello
4 select * /*comment*/from test\Ghello
5 select * /*comment;*/from test\Ghello
6 select * /*comment
from test\\Ghello
{Type:57348, Val:"select", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"c1", i:0},
{Type:44, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"c2", i:0},
{Type:44, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"c3", i:0},
{Type:57353, Val:"from", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"t1", i:0},
{Type:44, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"t2", i:0},
{Type:57384, Val:"join", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"t3", i:0},
{Type:57394, Val:"on", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"t1", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"c1", i:0},
{Type:61, Val:"=", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"t2", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"c1", i:0},
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{Type:57396, Val:"t1", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"c3", i:0},
{Type:61, Val:"=", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"t3", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"c1", i:0},
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{Type:57396, Val:"id", i:0},
{Type:62, Val:">", i:0},
{Type:57399, Val:"1000", i:0},
{Type:57348, Val:"select", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"sourcetable", i:0},
{Type:44, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:57453, Val:"if", i:0},
{Type:40, Val:"(", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"f", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"lastcontent", i:0},
{Type:61, Val:"=", i:0},
{Type:57402, Val:":v1", i:0},
{Type:44, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"f", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"lastupdate", i:0},
{Type:44, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"f", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"lastcontent", i:0},
{Type:41, Val:")", i:0},
{Type:57364, Val:"as", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"lastactivity", i:0},
{Type:44, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"f", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"totalcount", i:0},
{Type:57364, Val:"as", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"activity", i:0},
{Type:44, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"type", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"class", i:0},
{Type:57364, Val:"as", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"type", i:0},
{Type:44, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:40, Val:"(", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"f", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"nodeoptions", i:0},
{Type:38, Val:"&", i:0},
{Type:57402, Val:":v2", i:0},
{Type:41, Val:")", i:0},
{Type:57364, Val:"as", i:0},
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{Type:57396, Val:"node", i:0},
{Type:57364, Val:"as", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"f", i:0},
{Type:57388, Val:"inner", i:0},
{Type:57384, Val:"join", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"contenttype", i:0},
{Type:57364, Val:"as", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"type", i:0},
{Type:57394, Val:"on", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"type", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
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{Type:61, Val:"=", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"f", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
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{Type:57396, Val:"sd", i:0},
{Type:57394, Val:"on", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"sd", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"did", i:0},
{Type:61, Val:"=", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"f", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"nodeid", i:0},
{Type:57412, Val:"and", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"sd", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"userid", i:0},
{Type:61, Val:"=", i:0},
{Type:57402, Val:":v3", i:0},
{Type:57347, Val:"union", i:0},
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{Type:57348, Val:"select", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"f", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"name", i:0},
{Type:57364, Val:"as", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"title", i:0},
{Type:44, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"f", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"userid", i:0},
{Type:57364, Val:"as", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"keyval", i:0},
{Type:44, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:57402, Val:":v4", i:0},
{Type:57364, Val:"as", i:0},
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{Type:44, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"ifnull", i:0},
{Type:40, Val:"(", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"f", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"lastpost", i:0},
{Type:44, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"f", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"joindate", i:0},
{Type:41, Val:")", i:0},
{Type:57364, Val:"as", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"lastactivity", i:0},
{Type:44, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"f", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"posts", i:0},
{Type:57364, Val:"as", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"activity", i:0},
{Type:44, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:57402, Val:":v5", i:0},
{Type:57364, Val:"as", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"type", i:0},
{Type:44, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:57402, Val:":v6", i:0},
{Type:57364, Val:"as", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"nounsubscribe", i:0},
{Type:57353, Val:"from", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"user", i:0},
{Type:57364, Val:"as", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"f", i:0},
{Type:57388, Val:"inner", i:0},
{Type:57384, Val:"join", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"userlist", i:0},
{Type:57364, Val:"as", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"ul", i:0},
{Type:57394, Val:"on", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"ul", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"relationid", i:0},
{Type:61, Val:"=", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"f", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"userid", i:0},
{Type:57412, Val:"and", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"ul", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"userid", i:0},
{Type:61, Val:"=", i:0},
{Type:57402, Val:":v7", i:0},
{Type:57354, Val:"where", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"ul", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"type", i:0},
{Type:61, Val:"=", i:0},
{Type:57402, Val:":v8", i:0},
{Type:57412, Val:"and", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"ul", i:0},
{Type:46, Val:".", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"aq", i:0},
{Type:61, Val:"=", i:0},
{Type:57402, Val:":v9", i:0},
{Type:57357, Val:"order", i:0},
{Type:57358, Val:"by", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"title", i:0},
{Type:57359, Val:"limit", i:0},
{Type:57402, Val:":v10", i:0},
{Type:57348, Val:"select", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"c1", i:0},
{Type:57353, Val:"from", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"t1", i:0},
{Type:57354, Val:"where", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"id", i:0},
{Type:57421, Val:">=", i:0},
{Type:57399, Val:"1000", i:0},
{Type:57348, Val:"select", i:0},
{Type:57589, Val:"sql_calc_found_rows", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"col", i:0},
{Type:57353, Val:"from", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"tbl", i:0},
{Type:57354, Val:"where", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"id", i:0},
{Type:62, Val:">", i:0},
{Type:57399, Val:"1000", i:0},
{Type:57348, Val:"select", i:0},
{Type:42, Val:"*", i:0},
{Type:57353, Val:"from", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"tb", i:0},
{Type:57354, Val:"where", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"id", i:0},
{Type:61, Val:"=", i:0},
{Type:57402, Val:":v1", i:0},
{Type:59, Val:";", i:0},
{Type:57348, Val:"select", i:0},
{Type:42, Val:"*", i:0},
{Type:57353, Val:"from", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"tb", i:0},
{Type:57354, Val:"where", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"id", i:0},
{Type:57424, Val:"is", i:0},
{Type:57407, Val:"null", i:0},
{Type:59, Val:";", i:0},
{Type:57348, Val:"select", i:0},
{Type:42, Val:"*", i:0},
{Type:57353, Val:"from", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"tb", i:0},
{Type:57354, Val:"where", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"id", i:0},
{Type:57424, Val:"is", i:0},
{Type:57413, Val:"not", i:0},
{Type:57407, Val:"null", i:0},
{Type:59, Val:";", i:0},
{Type:57348, Val:"select", i:0},
{Type:42, Val:"*", i:0},
{Type:57353, Val:"from", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"tb", i:0},
{Type:57354, Val:"where", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"id", i:0},
{Type:57414, Val:"between", i:0},
{Type:57399, Val:"1", i:0},
{Type:57412, Val:"and", i:0},
{Type:57399, Val:"3", i:0},
{Type:59, Val:";", i:0},
{Type:57441, Val:"alter", i:0},
{Type:57448, Val:"table", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"inventory", i:0},
{Type:57445, Val:"add", i:0},
{Type:57449, Val:"index", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"idx_store_film", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:" (", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"store_id", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:",", i:0},
{Type:57396, Val:"film_id", i:0},
{Type:57346, Val:");", i:0},
......@@ -25,7 +25,19 @@ import (
func TestTokenizer(_ *testing.T) {
func TestTokenize(t *testing.T) {
err := common.GoldenDiff(func() {
for _, sql := range common.TestSQLs {
}, t.Name(), update)
if nil != err {
func TestTokenizer(t *testing.T) {
sqls := []string{
"select c1,c2,c3 from t1,t2 join t3 on t1.c1=t2.c1 and t1.c3=t3.c1 where id>1000",
"select sourcetable, if(f.lastcontent = ?, f.lastupdate, f.lastcontent) as lastactivity, f.totalcount as activity, type.class as type, (f.nodeoptions & ?) as nounsubscribe from node as f inner join contenttype as type on type.contenttypeid = f.contenttypeid inner join subscribed as sd on sd.did = f.nodeid and sd.userid = ? union all select f.name as title, f.userid as keyval, ? as sourcetable, ifnull(f.lastpost, f.joindate) as lastactivity, f.posts as activity, ? as type, ? as nounsubscribe from user as f inner join userlist as ul on ul.relationid = f.userid and ul.userid = ? where ul.type = ? and ul.aq = ? order by title limit ?",
......@@ -37,8 +49,13 @@ func TestTokenizer(_ *testing.T) {
"SELECT * FROM tb WHERE id between 1 and 3;",
"alter table inventory add index idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`);",
for _, sql := range sqls {
err := common.GoldenDiff(func() {
for _, sql := range sqls {
}, t.Name(), update)
if nil != err {
......@@ -57,23 +74,27 @@ func TestGetQuotedString(t *testing.T) {
`'hello 'world'`,
`"hello "world"`,
for _, s := range str {
fmt.Printf("orignal: %s\nquoted: %s\n", s, getQuotedString(s))
func TestTokenizer2(t *testing.T) {
for _, sql := range common.TestSQLs {
err := common.GoldenDiff(func() {
for _, s := range str {
fmt.Printf("orignal: %s\nquoted: %s\n", s, getQuotedString(s))
}, t.Name(), update)
if nil != err {
func TestCompress(t *testing.T) {
for _, sql := range common.TestSQLs {
err := common.GoldenDiff(func() {
for _, sql := range common.TestSQLs {
}, t.Name(), update)
if nil != err {
func TestFormat(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -97,8 +118,8 @@ func TestSplitStatement(t *testing.T) {
[]byte("select * /*comment*/from test;hello"),
[]byte("select * /*comment;*/from test;hello"),
[]byte(`select * /*comment
from test;hello`),
from test;hello`),
[]byte(`select * from test`),
// https://github.com/XiaoMi/soar/issues/66
......@@ -106,9 +127,11 @@ func TestSplitStatement(t *testing.T) {
[]byte(`-- comment`),
[]byte(`# comment`),
for _, buf := range bufs {
fmt.Println(SplitStatement(buf, []byte(common.Config.Delimiter)))
-- comment
from tb
where col = 1`),
buf2s := [][]byte{
[]byte("select * from test\\Ghello"),
......@@ -121,8 +144,18 @@ func TestSplitStatement(t *testing.T) {
from test\\Ghello`),
for _, buf := range buf2s {
fmt.Println(SplitStatement(buf, []byte("\\G")))
err := common.GoldenDiff(func() {
for i, buf := range bufs {
sql, _, _ := SplitStatement(buf, []byte(common.Config.Delimiter))
fmt.Println(i, sql)
for i, buf := range buf2s {
sql, _, _ := SplitStatement(buf, []byte(common.Config.Delimiter))
fmt.Println(i, sql)
}, t.Name(), update)
if nil != err {
......@@ -135,8 +168,13 @@ func TestLeftNewLines(t *testing.T) {
from test;hello`),
[]byte(`select * from test`),
for _, buf := range bufs {
err := common.GoldenDiff(func() {
for _, buf := range bufs {
}, t.Name(), update)
if nil != err {
......@@ -149,7 +187,12 @@ func TestNewLines(t *testing.T) {
from test;hello`),
[]byte(`select * from test`),
for _, buf := range bufs {
err := common.GoldenDiff(func() {
for _, buf := range bufs {
}, t.Name(), update)
if nil != err {
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import (
tidb "github.com/pingcap/tidb/ast"
......@@ -502,8 +503,32 @@ func (db *Connector) supportExplainWrite() (bool, error) {
func (db *Connector) explainAbleSQL(sql string) (string, error) {
stmt, err := sqlparser.Parse(sql)
if err != nil {
// TODO: charset, collation
tiStmt, tiErr := ast.TiParse(sql, "", "")
if tiErr != nil {
common.Log.Error("explainAbleSQL ast.TiParse Error: %v", tiErr)
return "", tiErr
var isSelect bool
for _, st := range tiStmt {
switch st.(type) {
case *tidb.SelectStmt, *tidb.UnionStmt:
isSelect = true
isSelect = false
if !isSelect {
if isSelect {
return sql, nil
common.Log.Error("explainAbleSQL sqlparser.Parse Error: %v", err)
return sql, err
return "", err
switch stmt.(type) {
......@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ var sqls = []string{
`select first_name,last_name,email from customer natural right join address;`,
`select first_name,last_name,email from customer STRAIGHT_JOIN address on customer.address_id=address.address_id;`,
`select ID,name from (select address from customer_list where SID=1 order by phone limit 50,10) a join customer_list l on (a.address=l.address) join city c on (c.city=l.city) order by phone desc;`,
`SELECT a.table_name 表名, a.table_comment 表说明, b.COLUMN_NAME 字段名, b.column_comment 字段说明, b.column_type 字段类型, b.column_key 约束 FROM information_schema.TABLES a LEFT JOIN information_schema. COLUMNS b ON a.table_name = b.TABLE_NAME WHERE a.table_schema IN ('a') AND b.column_comment LIKE '%一%' ORDER BY a.table_name`,
var exp = []string{
......@@ -2452,3 +2453,11 @@ func TestSupportExplainWrite(t *testing.T) {
func TestExplainAbleSQL(t *testing.T) {
for _, sql := range sqls {
if _, err := connTest.explainAbleSQL(sql); err != nil {
t.Errorf("SQL: %s, not explain able", sql)
## Go version check
echo "==> Checking that build is using go version >= ${GO_VERSION_MIN}..."
GO_VERSION=$(go version | grep -o 'go[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\(\.[0-9]\+\)\?' | tr -d 'go')
IFS="." read -r -a GO_VERSION_ARR <<<"$GO_VERSION"
IFS="." read -r -a GO_VERSION_REQ <<<"$GO_VERSION_MIN"
if [[ ${GO_VERSION_ARR[0]} -lt ${GO_VERSION_REQ[0]} || (${GO_VERSION_ARR[0]} -eq ${GO_VERSION_REQ[0]} && (${GO_VERSION_ARR[1]} -lt ${GO_VERSION_REQ[1]} || (${GO_VERSION_ARR[1]} -eq ${GO_VERSION_REQ[1]} && ${GO_VERSION_ARR[2]} -lt ${GO_VERSION_REQ[2]}))) ]] \
; then
echo "requires go $GO_VERSION_MIN to build; found $GO_VERSION."
exit 1
## Generate Repository Version
version="$(git log --date=iso --pretty=format:"%cd" -1) $(git describe --tags --always)"
if [ "X${version}" == "X" ]; then
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