>`DefaultMQProducer` is the entry point for an application to post messages, out of the box,ca quickly create a producer with a no-argument construction. it is mainly responsible for message sending, support synchronous、asynchronous、one-way send. All of these send methods support batch send. The parameters of the sender can be adjusted through the getter/setter methods , provided by this class. `DefaultMQProducer` has multi send method and each method is slightly different. Make sure you know the usage before you use it . Blow is a producer example . [see more examples](https://github.com/apache/rocketmq/blob/master/example/src/main/java/org/apache/rocketmq/example/)。
|String|createTopicKey| Topics that do not exist on the server are automatically created when the message is sent |
|int|defaultTopicQueueNums|The default number of queues to create a topic|
|int|sendMsgTimeout|The timeout for the message to be sent|
|int|compressMsgBodyOverHowmuch|the threshold of the compress of message body|
|int|retryTimesWhenSendFailed|Maximum number of internal attempts to send a message in synchronous mode|
|int|retryTimesWhenSendAsyncFailed|Maximum number of internal attempts to send a message in asynchronous mode|
|boolean|retryAnotherBrokerWhenNotStoreOK|Whether to retry another broker if an internal send fails|
|int|maxMessageSize| Maximum length of message |
|TraceDispatcher|traceDispatcher| Message trackers. Use rcpHook to track messages |
### construction method
|DefaultMQProducer()| creates a producer with default parameter values |
|DefaultMQProducer(final String producerGroup)| creates a producer with producer group name. |
|DefaultMQProducer(final String producerGroup, boolean enableMsgTrace)|creates a producer with producer group name and set whether to enable message tracking|
|DefaultMQProducer(final String producerGroup, boolean enableMsgTrace, final String customizedTraceTopic)|creates a producer with producer group name and set whether to enable message tracking、the trace topic.|
|DefaultMQProducer(RPCHook rpcHook)|creates a producer with a rpc hook.|
|DefaultMQProducer(final String producerGroup, RPCHook rpcHook)|creates a producer with a rpc hook and producer group.|