@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ This section focuses on the configuration of the system (JVM/OS)
## **1 JVM Options** ##
The latest released version of JDK 1.8 is recommended. Set the same Xms and Xmx value to prevent the JVM from resizing the heap for better performance. A simple JVM configuration is as follows:
The latest released version of JDK 1.8 is recommended. Set the same Xms and Xmx value to prevent the JVM from resizing the heap for better performance. A simple JVM configurations looks like this:
-server -Xms8g -Xmx8g -Xmn4g
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ As for garbage collection, G1 collector with JDK 1.8 is recommended:
These GC options looks a little aggressive, but it’s proved to have good performance in our production environment
Don’t set a too small value for -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis, otherwise JVM will use a small young generation to achieve this goal which will cause very frequent minor GC.so rolling GC log file is recommended:
Don’t set a too small value for -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis, otherwise JVM will use a small young generation to achieve this goal which will cause very frequent minor GC.So use rolling GC log file is recommended:
If writing a GC file increases the latency of broker, please consider redirecting it to memory file system:
If write GC file will increase latency of broker, consider redirect GC log file to a memory file system:
This is the simplest, but also the riskiest, mode that makes the entire service unavailable once the broker restarts or goes down. Production environments are not recommended, but can be used for local testing and development. Here are the steps to build.
Load balancing in RocketMQ is accomplished on Client side. Specifically, it can be divided into load balancing at Producer side when sending messages and load balancing at constumer side when subscribing messages.
## 4 Load Balancing
Load balancing in RocketMQ is accomplished on Client side. Specifically, it can be divided into load balancing at Producer side when sending messages and load balancing at Constumer side when subscribing messages.
### 1 Producer Load Balancing
### 4.1 Producer Load Balancing
When the Producer sends a message, it will first find the specified TopicPublishInfo according to Topic. After getting the routing information of TopicPublishInfo, the RocketMQ client will select a queue (MessageQueue) from the messageQueue List in TopicPublishInfo to send the message by default.Specific fault-tolerant strategies are defined in the MQFaultStrategy class.
Here is a sendLatencyFaultEnable switch variable, which, if turned on, filters out the Broker agent of not available on the basis of randomly gradually increasing modular arithmetic selection. The so-called "latencyFault Tolerance" refers to a certain period of time to avoid previous failures. For example, if the latency of the last request exceeds 550 Lms, it will evade 3000 Lms; if it exceeds 1000L, it will evade 60000 L; if it is closed, it will choose a queue (MessageQueue) to send messages by randomly gradually increasing modular arithmetic, and the latencyFault Tolerance mechanism is the key to achieve high availability of message sending.
### 2 Consumer Load Balancing
### 4.2 Consumer Load Balancing
In RocketMQ, the two consumption modes (Push/Pull) on the Consumer side are both based on the pull mode to get the message, while in the Push mode it is only a kind of encapsulation of the pull mode, which is essentially implemented as the message pulling thread after pulling a batch of messages from the server. After submitting to the message consuming thread pool, it continues to try again to pull the message to the server. If the message is not pulled, the pull is delayed and continues. In both pull mode based consumption patterns (Push/Pull), the Consumer needs to know which message queue - queue from the Broker side to get the message. Therefore, it is necessary to do load balancing on the Consumer side, that is, which Consumer consumption is allocated to the same ConsumerGroup by more than one MessageQueue on the Broker side.