提交 72ea5fa3 编写于 作者: D DCloud_LXH

feat(h5): createAnimation

上级 fa5b7b4b
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ export * from './service/context/canvas'
export * from './service/ui/createIntersectionObserver'
export * from './service/ui/createSelectorQuery'
export * from './service/ui/createAnimation'
export * from './service/ui/tabBar'
export * from './service/keyboard/getSelectedTextRange'
import { elemInArray } from '../../helpers/protocol'
export const API_CREATE_ANIMATION = 'createAnimation'
export type API_TYPE_CREATE_ANIMATION = typeof uni.createAnimation
export type API_TYPE_CREATE_ANIMATION_Timing_Function =
const timingFunctions: API_TYPE_CREATE_ANIMATION_Timing_Function[] = [
export const CreateAnimationOptions: ApiOptions<API_TYPE_CREATE_ANIMATION> = {
// 目前参数校验不支持此api校验
formatArgs: {
/* duration: 400,
timingFunction(timingFunction, params) {
params.timingFunction = elemInArray(timingFunction, timingFunctions)
delay: 0,
transformOrigin: '50% 50% 0', */
export const CreateAnimationProtocol: ApiProtocol<API_TYPE_CREATE_ANIMATION> = {
duration: Number,
timingFunction: String as any,
delay: Number,
transformOrigin: String,
import {
} from '../../protocols/ui/createAnimation'
import { defineSyncApi } from '../../helpers/api'
const defaultOption: Option = {
duration: 400,
timingFunction: 'linear',
......@@ -7,18 +15,19 @@ const defaultOption: Option = {
type Option = UniApp.CreateAnimationOptions
type AnimatesArgs = string[]
type Action = {
animates: string[]
export type CurrentStepAnimates = Array<{ type: string; args: AnimatesArgs }>
export type AnimationAction = {
animates: CurrentStepAnimates
option: ReturnType<MPAnimation['_getOption']>
class MPAnimation implements UniApp.Animation {
actions: Array<Action>
export class MPAnimation implements UniApp.Animation {
actions: Array<AnimationAction>
currentTransform: Data
currentStepAnimates: Array<{ type: string; args: AnimatesArgs }>
currentStepAnimates: CurrentStepAnimates
option: Option
constructor(option: Option) {
constructor(option?: Option) {
this.actions = []
this.currentTransform = {}
this.currentStepAnimates = []
......@@ -72,7 +81,9 @@ class MPAnimation implements UniApp.Animation {
animates: Object.values(this.currentTransform) as Action['animates'],
animates: Object.values(
) as AnimationAction['animates'],
option: this._getOption(option),
this.currentStepAnimates = []
......@@ -144,10 +155,15 @@ animateTypes1.concat(animateTypes2, animateTypes3).forEach((type) => {
} else {
_this._pushAnimates(type, args)
return this
return _this
export function createAnimation(option: Option) {
return new MPAnimation(option)
export const createAnimation = defineSyncApi<API_TYPE_CREATE_ANIMATION>(
(option) => {
return new MPAnimation(option)
import { ComponentOptionsMixin } from 'vue'
import { AnimationAction, MPAnimation } from '@dcloudio/uni-api'
function converPx(value: string) {
if (/^-?\d+[ur]px$/i.test(value)) {
return value.replace(/(^-?\d+)[ur]px$/i, (text, num) => {
return `${uni.upx2px(parseFloat(num))}px`
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
} else if (/^-?[\d\.]+$/.test(value)) {
return `${value}px`
return value || ''
function converType(type: string) {
return type
.replace(/[A-Z]/g, (text) => {
return `-${text.toLowerCase()}`
.replace('webkit', '-webkit')
function getStyle(action: AnimationAction) {
const animateTypes1 = [
const animateTypes2 = [
const animateTypes3 = ['opacity', 'background-color']
const animateTypes4 = ['width', 'height', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']
const animates = action.animates
const option = action.option
const transition = option.transition
const style: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> = {}
const transform: string[] = []
animates.forEach((animate) => {
let type = animate.type
let args = [...animate.args]
if (animateTypes1.concat(animateTypes2).includes(type)) {
if (type.startsWith('rotate') || type.startsWith('skew')) {
args = args.map((value) => parseFloat(value) + 'deg')
} else if (type.startsWith('translate')) {
args = args.map(converPx)
if (animateTypes2.indexOf(type) >= 0) {
args.length = 1
} else if (animateTypes3.concat(animateTypes4).includes(args[0])) {
type = args[0]
const value = args[1]
;(style as any)[type] = animateTypes4.includes(type)
? converPx(value)
: value
style.transform = style.webkitTransform = transform.join(' ')
style.transition = style.webkitTransition = Object.keys(style)
(type) =>
`${converType(type)} ${transition.duration}ms ${
} ${transition.delay}ms`
style.transformOrigin = style.webkitTransformOrigin = option.transformOrigin
return style
function startAnimation(context: ComponentOptionsMixin) {
const animation = context.animation as MPAnimation
if (!animation || !animation.actions || !animation.actions.length) {
let index = 0
const actions = animation.actions
const length = animation.actions.length
function animate() {
const action = actions[index]
const transition = action.option.transition
const style = getStyle(action)
Object.keys(style).forEach((key) => {
context.$el.style[key] = (style as any)[key]
index += 1
if (index < length) {
setTimeout(animate, transition.duration! + transition.delay!)
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0)
export default {
props: ['animation'],
watch: {
animation: {
deep: true,
handler() {
mounted() {
import { App } from 'vue'
import animation from '../../helpers/animation'
import { initLongPress } from './longPress'
import { initAppConfig } from './appConfig'
import { initCostomDataset } from '@dcloudio/uni-shared'
......@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ export function initView(app: App) {
// TODO wxs,behaviors
......@@ -250,6 +250,115 @@ function initBridge(namespace) {
const ViewJSBridge = /* @__PURE__ */ initBridge("view");
function converPx(value) {
if (/^-?\d+[ur]px$/i.test(value)) {
return value.replace(/(^-?\d+)[ur]px$/i, (text2, num) => {
return `${uni.upx2px(parseFloat(num))}px`;
} else if (/^-?[\d\.]+$/.test(value)) {
return `${value}px`;
return value || "";
function converType(type) {
return type.replace(/[A-Z]/g, (text2) => {
return `-${text2.toLowerCase()}`;
}).replace("webkit", "-webkit");
function getStyle(action) {
const animateTypes12 = [
const animateTypes22 = [
const animateTypes32 = ["opacity", "background-color"];
const animateTypes4 = ["width", "height", "left", "right", "top", "bottom"];
const animates = action.animates;
const option = action.option;
const transition = option.transition;
const style = {};
const transform = [];
animates.forEach((animate) => {
let type = animate.type;
let args = [...animate.args];
if (animateTypes12.concat(animateTypes22).includes(type)) {
if (type.startsWith("rotate") || type.startsWith("skew")) {
args = args.map((value) => parseFloat(value) + "deg");
} else if (type.startsWith("translate")) {
args = args.map(converPx);
if (animateTypes22.indexOf(type) >= 0) {
args.length = 1;
} else if (animateTypes32.concat(animateTypes4).includes(args[0])) {
type = args[0];
const value = args[1];
style[type] = animateTypes4.includes(type) ? converPx(value) : value;
style.transform = style.webkitTransform = transform.join(" ");
style.transition = style.webkitTransition = Object.keys(style).map((type) => `${converType(type)} ${transition.duration}ms ${transition.timingFunction} ${transition.delay}ms`).join(",");
style.transformOrigin = style.webkitTransformOrigin = option.transformOrigin;
return style;
function startAnimation(context) {
const animation2 = context.animation;
if (!animation2 || !animation2.actions || !animation2.actions.length) {
let index2 = 0;
const actions = animation2.actions;
const length = animation2.actions.length;
function animate() {
const action = actions[index2];
const transition = action.option.transition;
const style = getStyle(action);
Object.keys(style).forEach((key) => {
context.$el.style[key] = style[key];
index2 += 1;
if (index2 < length) {
setTimeout(animate, transition.duration + transition.delay);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
var animation = {
props: ["animation"],
watch: {
animation: {
deep: true,
handler() {
mounted() {
const passiveOptions$2 = passive(true);
......@@ -485,7 +594,7 @@ var safeAreaInsets = {
var out = safeAreaInsets;
var D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out = safeAreaInsets;
const onEventPrevent = /* @__PURE__ */ withModifiers(() => {
}, ["prevent"]);
const onEventStop = /* @__PURE__ */ withModifiers(() => {
......@@ -497,10 +606,10 @@ function getWindowOffset() {
const left = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("--window-left"));
const right = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("--window-right"));
return {
top: top ? top + out.top : 0,
bottom: bottom ? bottom + out.bottom : 0,
left: left ? left + out.left : 0,
right: right ? right + out.right : 0
top: top ? top + D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top : 0,
bottom: bottom ? bottom + D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.bottom : 0,
left: left ? left + D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.left : 0,
right: right ? right + D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.right : 0
function updateCssVar(cssVars) {
......@@ -965,6 +1074,7 @@ function initView(app) {
const ServiceJSBridge = /* @__PURE__ */ extend(initBridge("service"), {
invokeOnCallback(name, res) {
......@@ -1182,7 +1292,7 @@ function normalizePageMeta(pageMeta) {
let offset = rpx2px(refreshOptions.offset);
const {type} = navigationBar;
if (type !== "transparent" && type !== "none") {
offset += NAVBAR_HEIGHT + out.top;
offset += NAVBAR_HEIGHT + D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top;
refreshOptions.offset = offset;
refreshOptions.height = rpx2px(refreshOptions.height);
......@@ -6585,18 +6695,18 @@ class Scroll {
return e2;
function createAnimation(scroll, onScroll, onEnd) {
function createAnimation$1(scroll, onScroll, onEnd) {
const state2 = {
id: 0,
cancelled: false
function startAnimation(state22, scroll2, onScroll2, onEnd2) {
function startAnimation2(state22, scroll2, onScroll2, onEnd2) {
if (!state22 || !state22.cancelled) {
const isDone = scroll2.done();
if (!isDone) {
if (!state22.cancelled) {
state22.id = requestAnimationFrame(startAnimation.bind(null, state22, scroll2, onScroll2, onEnd2));
state22.id = requestAnimationFrame(startAnimation2.bind(null, state22, scroll2, onScroll2, onEnd2));
if (isDone && onEnd2) {
......@@ -6612,7 +6722,7 @@ function createAnimation(scroll, onScroll, onEnd) {
state22.cancelled = true;
startAnimation(state2, scroll, onScroll, onEnd);
startAnimation2(state2, scroll, onScroll, onEnd);
return {
cancel: cancel.bind(null, state2),
model: scroll
......@@ -6702,7 +6812,7 @@ class Scroller {
this._scrolling = true;
this._lastChangePos = this._position;
this._lastIdx = Math.floor(Math.abs(this._position / this._itemSize));
this._animation = createAnimation(this._scroll, () => {
this._animation = createAnimation$1(this._scroll, () => {
const e2 = Date.now();
const i = (e2 - this._scroll._startTime) / 1e3;
const r = this._scroll.x(i);
......@@ -11084,6 +11194,116 @@ const createSelectorQuery = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSyncApi("createSelectorQuery",
return new SelectorQuery(context || getCurrentPageVm());
const API_CREATE_ANIMATION = "createAnimation";
const CreateAnimationOptions = {
formatArgs: {}
const CreateAnimationProtocol = {
duration: Number,
timingFunction: String,
delay: Number,
transformOrigin: String
const defaultOption = {
duration: 400,
timingFunction: "linear",
delay: 0,
transformOrigin: "50% 50% 0"
class MPAnimation {
constructor(option) {
this.actions = [];
this.currentTransform = {};
this.currentStepAnimates = [];
this.option = Object.assign({}, defaultOption, option);
_getOption(option) {
const _option = {
transition: Object.assign({}, this.option, option),
transformOrigin: ""
_option.transformOrigin = _option.transition.transformOrigin;
delete _option.transition.transformOrigin;
return _option;
_pushAnimates(type, args) {
_converType(type) {
return type.replace(/[A-Z]/g, (text2) => {
return `-${text2.toLowerCase()}`;
_getValue(value) {
return typeof value === "number" ? `${value}px` : value;
export() {
const actions = this.actions;
this.actions = [];
return {
step(option) {
this.currentStepAnimates.forEach((animate) => {
if (animate.type !== "style") {
this.currentTransform[animate.type] = animate;
} else {
this.currentTransform[`${animate.type}.${animate.args[0]}`] = animate;
animates: Object.values(this.currentTransform),
option: this._getOption(option)
this.currentStepAnimates = [];
return this;
const animateTypes1 = [
const animateTypes2 = ["opacity", "backgroundColor"];
const animateTypes3 = ["width", "height", "left", "right", "top", "bottom"];
animateTypes1.concat(animateTypes2, animateTypes3).forEach((type) => {
MPAnimation.prototype[type] = function(...args) {
let _this = this;
if (animateTypes2.concat(animateTypes3).includes(type)) {
_this._pushAnimates("style", [
animateTypes3.includes(type) ? _this._getValue(args[0]) : args[0]
} else {
_this._pushAnimates(type, args);
return _this;
const createAnimation = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSyncApi(API_CREATE_ANIMATION, (option) => {
return new MPAnimation(option);
}, CreateAnimationProtocol, CreateAnimationOptions);
const API_ON_TAB_BAR_MID_BUTTON_TAP = "onTabBarMidButtonTap";
const onTabBarMidButtonTap = /* @__PURE__ */ defineOnApi(API_ON_TAB_BAR_MID_BUTTON_TAP, () => {
......@@ -11716,13 +11936,13 @@ const FRONT_COLORS = ["#ffffff", "#000000"];
const API_SET_NAVIGATION_BAR_COLOR = "setNavigationBarColor";
const SetNavigationBarColorOptions = {
formatArgs: {
animation(animation, params) {
if (!animation) {
animation = {duration: 0, timingFunc: "linear"};
animation(animation2, params) {
if (!animation2) {
animation2 = {duration: 0, timingFunc: "linear"};
params.animation = {
duration: animation.duration || 0,
timingFunc: animation.timingFunc || "linear"
duration: animation2.duration || 0,
timingFunc: animation2.timingFunc || "linear"
......@@ -14650,7 +14870,7 @@ const getSystemInfoSync = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSyncApi("getSystemInfoSync", ()
const windowWidth = getWindowWidth(screenWidth);
let windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
const language = navigator.language;
const statusBarHeight = out.top;
const statusBarHeight = D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top;
let osname;
let osversion;
let model;
......@@ -14763,12 +14983,12 @@ const getSystemInfoSync = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSyncApi("getSystemInfoSync", ()
const system = `${osname} ${osversion}`;
const platform = osname.toLocaleLowerCase();
const safeArea = {
left: out.left,
right: windowWidth - out.right,
top: out.top,
bottom: windowHeight - out.bottom,
width: windowWidth - out.left - out.right,
height: windowHeight - out.top - out.bottom
left: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.left,
right: windowWidth - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.right,
top: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top,
bottom: windowHeight - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.bottom,
width: windowWidth - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.left - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.right,
height: windowHeight - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top - D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.bottom
const {top: windowTop, bottom: windowBottom} = getWindowOffset();
windowHeight -= windowTop;
......@@ -14788,10 +15008,10 @@ const getSystemInfoSync = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSyncApi("getSystemInfoSync", ()
safeAreaInsets: {
top: out.top,
right: out.right,
bottom: out.bottom,
left: out.left
top: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.top,
right: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.right,
bottom: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.bottom,
left: D__DCloud_local_git_uniAppNext_node_modules_safeAreaInsets_out.left
......@@ -17264,8 +17484,8 @@ function setNavigationBar(pageMeta, type, args, resolve, reject) {
const {navigationBar} = pageMeta;
switch (type) {
const {frontColor, backgroundColor, animation} = args;
const {duration, timingFunc} = animation;
const {frontColor, backgroundColor, animation: animation2} = args;
const {duration, timingFunc} = animation2;
if (frontColor) {
navigationBar.titleColor = frontColor === "#000000" ? "#000" : "#fff";
......@@ -17422,6 +17642,7 @@ var api = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({
......@@ -19868,4 +20089,4 @@ var index = /* @__PURE__ */ defineSystemComponent({
return openBlock(), createBlock("div", clazz, [loadingVNode]);
export {$emit, $off, $on, $once, index$1 as AsyncErrorComponent, index as AsyncLoadingComponent, _sfc_main$8 as Audio, index$n as Button, _sfc_main$7 as Canvas, index$k as Checkbox, index$m as CheckboxGroup, _sfc_main$2 as CoverImage, _sfc_main$3 as CoverView, index$j as Editor, index$o as Form, Friction, index$i as Icon, index$h as Image, Input, index$l as Label, LayoutComponent, Map$1 as Map, MovableArea, MovableView, _sfc_main$6 as Navigator, index$2 as PageComponent, _sfc_main$1 as Picker, PickerView, PickerViewColumn, index$g as Progress, index$e as Radio, index$f as RadioGroup, ResizeSensor, _sfc_main$5 as RichText, _sfc_main$4 as ScrollView, Scroller, index$d as Slider, Spring, Swiper, SwiperItem, index$c as Switch, index$b as Text, index$a as Textarea, UniServiceJSBridge$1 as UniServiceJSBridge, UniViewJSBridge$1 as UniViewJSBridge, index$5 as Video, index$9 as View, index$4 as WebView, addInterceptor, arrayBufferToBase64, base64ToArrayBuffer, canIUse, canvasGetImageData, canvasPutImageData, canvasToTempFilePath, chooseFile, chooseImage, chooseLocation, chooseVideo, clearStorage, clearStorageSync, closeSocket, connectSocket, createCanvasContext, createInnerAudioContext, createIntersectionObserver, createMapContext, createSelectorQuery, createVideoContext, cssBackdropFilter, cssConstant, cssEnv, cssVar, defineBuiltInComponent, defineSystemComponent, disableScrollBounce, downloadFile, getApp$1 as getApp, getContextInfo, getCurrentPages$1 as getCurrentPages, getFileInfo, getImageInfo, getLocation, getNetworkType, getSelectedTextRange, getStorage, getStorageInfo, getStorageInfoSync, getStorageSync, getSystemInfo, getSystemInfoSync, getVideoInfo, hideKeyboard, hideLoading, hideNavigationBarLoading, hideTabBar, hideTabBarRedDot, hideToast, initScrollBounce, loadFontFace, makePhoneCall, navigateBack, navigateTo, offAccelerometerChange, offCompassChange, offNetworkStatusChange, onAccelerometerChange, onCompassChange, onNetworkStatusChange, onSocketClose, onSocketError, onSocketMessage, onSocketOpen, onTabBarMidButtonTap, openDocument, openLocation, pageScrollTo, index$6 as plugin, previewImage, promiseInterceptor, reLaunch, redirectTo, removeInterceptor, removeStorage, removeStorageSync, removeTabBarBadge, request, sendSocketMessage, setNavigationBarColor, setNavigationBarTitle, setStorage, setStorageSync, setTabBarBadge, setTabBarItem, setTabBarStyle, setupApp, setupPage, showActionSheet, showLoading, showModal, showNavigationBarLoading, showTabBar, showTabBarRedDot, showToast, startAccelerometer, startCompass, startPullDownRefresh, stopAccelerometer, stopCompass, stopPullDownRefresh, switchTab, uni$1 as uni, uniFormKey, uploadFile, upx2px, useAttrs, useBooleanAttr, useContextInfo, useCustomEvent, useNativeEvent, useOn, useScroller, useSubscribe, useTouchtrack, useUserAction, vibrateLong, vibrateShort, withWebEvent};
export {$emit, $off, $on, $once, index$1 as AsyncErrorComponent, index as AsyncLoadingComponent, _sfc_main$8 as Audio, index$n as Button, _sfc_main$7 as Canvas, index$k as Checkbox, index$m as CheckboxGroup, _sfc_main$2 as CoverImage, _sfc_main$3 as CoverView, index$j as Editor, index$o as Form, Friction, index$i as Icon, index$h as Image, Input, index$l as Label, LayoutComponent, Map$1 as Map, MovableArea, MovableView, _sfc_main$6 as Navigator, index$2 as PageComponent, _sfc_main$1 as Picker, PickerView, PickerViewColumn, index$g as Progress, index$e as Radio, index$f as RadioGroup, ResizeSensor, _sfc_main$5 as RichText, _sfc_main$4 as ScrollView, Scroller, index$d as Slider, Spring, Swiper, SwiperItem, index$c as Switch, index$b as Text, index$a as Textarea, UniServiceJSBridge$1 as UniServiceJSBridge, UniViewJSBridge$1 as UniViewJSBridge, index$5 as Video, index$9 as View, index$4 as WebView, addInterceptor, arrayBufferToBase64, base64ToArrayBuffer, canIUse, canvasGetImageData, canvasPutImageData, canvasToTempFilePath, chooseFile, chooseImage, chooseLocation, chooseVideo, clearStorage, clearStorageSync, closeSocket, connectSocket, createAnimation, createCanvasContext, createInnerAudioContext, createIntersectionObserver, createMapContext, createSelectorQuery, createVideoContext, cssBackdropFilter, cssConstant, cssEnv, cssVar, defineBuiltInComponent, defineSystemComponent, disableScrollBounce, downloadFile, getApp$1 as getApp, getContextInfo, getCurrentPages$1 as getCurrentPages, getFileInfo, getImageInfo, getLocation, getNetworkType, getSelectedTextRange, getStorage, getStorageInfo, getStorageInfoSync, getStorageSync, getSystemInfo, getSystemInfoSync, getVideoInfo, hideKeyboard, hideLoading, hideNavigationBarLoading, hideTabBar, hideTabBarRedDot, hideToast, initScrollBounce, loadFontFace, makePhoneCall, navigateBack, navigateTo, offAccelerometerChange, offCompassChange, offNetworkStatusChange, onAccelerometerChange, onCompassChange, onNetworkStatusChange, onSocketClose, onSocketError, onSocketMessage, onSocketOpen, onTabBarMidButtonTap, openDocument, openLocation, pageScrollTo, index$6 as plugin, previewImage, promiseInterceptor, reLaunch, redirectTo, removeInterceptor, removeStorage, removeStorageSync, removeTabBarBadge, request, sendSocketMessage, setNavigationBarColor, setNavigationBarTitle, setStorage, setStorageSync, setTabBarBadge, setTabBarItem, setTabBarStyle, setupApp, setupPage, showActionSheet, showLoading, showModal, showNavigationBarLoading, showTabBar, showTabBarRedDot, showToast, startAccelerometer, startCompass, startPullDownRefresh, stopAccelerometer, stopCompass, stopPullDownRefresh, switchTab, uni$1 as uni, uniFormKey, uploadFile, upx2px, useAttrs, useBooleanAttr, useContextInfo, useCustomEvent, useNativeEvent, useOn, useScroller, useSubscribe, useTouchtrack, useUserAction, vibrateLong, vibrateShort, withWebEvent};
......@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ export {
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