提交 4ece3bab 编写于 作者: H hjdhnx


上级 1068e76e
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
# 缓存js
# {"key":"js_origin","name":"JS(原始)","type":3,"api":"{{host}}/txt/js/原始JS.js","searchable":1,"quickSearch":1,"filterable":1,"ext":""},
// import _ from 'https://underscorejs.org/underscore-esm-min.js'
import { distance } from 'https://unpkg.com/fastest-levenshtein@1.0.16/esm/mod.js'
* alist js
* 配置设置 {"key":"Alist","name":"Alist","type":3,"api":"http://xxx.com/alist.js","searchable":0,"quickSearch":0,"filterable":0,"ext":"http://xxx.com/alist.json"}
* alist.json [{
startPage:'/', //启动文件夹
showAll: false , //是否显示全部文件,默认false只显示 视频和文件夹
params:{ //对应文件夹参数 如设置对应文件夹的密码
'/abc':{ password : '123' },
'/abc/abc':{ password : '123' },
* 提示 想要加载文件夹里面全部视频到详情(看剧可以自动播放下一集支持历史记录)
* 需要改软件才能支持,,建议长按文件夹时添加判断 tag == folder 时跳转 DetailActivity
String.prototype.rstrip = function (chars) {
let regex = new RegExp(chars + "$");
return this.replace(regex, "");
* 打印日志
* @param any 任意变量
function print(any){
any = any||'';
try {
any = JSON.stringify(any);
}catch (e) {
// console.log('print:'+e.message);
}else if(typeof(any)=='object'&&Object.keys(any).length<1){
console.log('null object');
const http = function (url, options = {}) {
if(options.method ==='POST' && options.data){
options.body = JSON.stringify(options.data);
options.headers = Object.assign({'content-type':'application/json'}, options.headers);
const res = req(url, options);
res.json = () => res.content ? JSON.parse(res.content) : null;
res.text = () => res.content;
return res
["get", "post"].forEach(method => {
http[method] = function (url, options = {}) {
return http(url, Object.assign(options, {method: method.toUpperCase()}));
const __drives = {};
function get_drives_path(tid) {
const index = tid.indexOf('$');
const name = tid.substring(0, index);
const path = tid.substring(index + 1);
return { drives: get_drives(name), path };
function get_drives(name) {
const { settings, api, server } = __drives[name];
if (settings.v3 == null) { //获取 设置
settings.v3 = false;
const data = http.get(server + '/api/public/settings').json().data;
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
settings.title = data.find(x => x.key === 'title')?.value;
settings.v3 = false;
settings.version = data.find(x => x.key === 'version')?.value;
settings.enableSearch = data.find(x => x.key === 'enable search')?.value === 'true';
} else {
settings.title = data.title;
settings.v3 = true;
settings.version = data.version;
settings.enableSearch = false; //v3 没有找到 搜索配置
//不同版本 接口不一样
api.path = settings.v3 ? '/api/fs/list' : '/api/public/path';
api.file = settings.v3 ? '/api/fs/get' : '/api/public/path';
api.search = settings.v3 ? '/api/public/search' : '/api/public/search';
return __drives[name]
function init(ext) {
const data = http.get(ext).json();
data.forEach(item => {
let _path_param = [];
_path_param = Object.keys(item.params);
// 升序排列
__drives[item.name] = {
name: item.name,
server: item.server.endsWith("/") ? item.server.rstrip("/") : item.server,
startPage: item.startPage || '/', //首页
showAll: item.showAll === true, //默认只显示 视频和文件夹,如果想显示全部 showAll 设置true
params: item.params || {},
_path_param: _path_param,
settings: {},
api: {},
getParams(path) {
const key = this._path_param.find(x => path.startsWith(x));
return Object.assign({}, this.params[key], { path });
getPath(path) {
const res = http.post(this.server + this.api.path, { data: this.getParams(path) }).json();
return this.settings.v3 ? res.data.content : res.data.files
getFile(path) {
return {raw_url:this.server+'/d'+path};
// const res = http.post(this.server + this.api.file, { data: this.getParams(path) }).json();
// const data = this.settings.v3 ? res.data : res.data.files[0];
// if (!this.settings.v3) {
// data.raw_url = data.url; //v2 的url和v3不一样
// }
// return data
isFolder(data) { return data.type === 1 },
isVideo(data) { //判断是否是 视频文件
return this.settings.v3 ? data.type === 2 : data.type === 3
is_subt(data) {
if (data.type === 1) {
return false;
const ext = /\.(srt|ass|scc|stl|ttml)$/; // [".srt", ".ass", ".scc", ".stl", ".ttml"];
// return ext.some(x => data.name.endsWith(x));
return ext.test(data.name);
getPic(data) {
let pic = this.settings.v3 ? data.thumb : data.thumbnail;
return pic || (this.isFolder(data) ? "http://img1.3png.com/281e284a670865a71d91515866552b5f172b.png" : '');
function home(filter) {
let classes = Object.keys(__drives).map(key => ({
type_id: `${key}$${__drives[key].startPage}`,
type_name: key,
type_flag: '1',
return JSON.stringify({ 'class': classes });
function homeVod(params) {
return JSON.stringify({ 'list': [] });
function category(tid, pg, filter, extend) {
let { drives, path } = get_drives_path(tid);
const id = tid.endsWith('/') ? tid : tid + '/';
const list = drives.getPath(path);
let subList = [];
let vodFiles = [];
let allList = [];
list.forEach(item => {
if (drives.is_subt(item)) {
if (!drives.showAll && !drives.isFolder(item) && !drives.isVideo(item)) {
return //只显示视频文件和文件夹
let remark = get_size(item.size);
const vod = {
'vod_id': id + item.name + (drives.isFolder(item) ? '/' : ''),
'vod_name': item.name.replaceAll("$", "").replaceAll("#", ""),
'vod_pic': drives.getPic(item),
'vod_tag': drives.isFolder(item) ? 'folder' : 'file',
'vod_remarks': drives.isFolder(item) ? remark + ' 文件夹' : remark
if (drives.isVideo(item)) {
if (vodFiles.length === 1 && subList.length > 0) { //只有一个视频 一个或者多个字幕 取相似度最高的
// let sub = subList.length === 1 ? subList[0] : _.chain(allList).sortBy(x => (x.includes('chs') ? 100 : 0) + levenshteinDistance(x, vodFiles[0].vod_name)).last().value();
let sub; // 字幕文件名称
if(subList.length === 1){
sub = subList[0];
}else {
let subs = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(subList));
// chs是简体中文字幕
let a_similar = (a.includes('chs') ? 100 : 0) + levenshteinDistance(a, vodFiles[0].vod_name);
let b_similar = (b.includes('chs') ? 100 : 0) + levenshteinDistance(b, vodFiles[0].vod_name);
if(a_similar>b_similar) { // 按相似度正序排列
return 1;
}else{ //否则,位置不变
return -1;
sub = subs.slice(-1)[0];
vodFiles[0].vod_id += "@@@" + sub;
vodFiles[0].vod_remarks += " 有字幕";
} else {
vodFiles.forEach(item => {
const lh = 0;
let sub;
subList.forEach(s => {
const l = levenshteinDistance(s, item.vod_name);
if (l > 60 && l > lh) {
sub = s;
if (sub) {
item.vod_id += "@@@" + sub;
item.vod_remarks += " 有字幕";
return JSON.stringify({
'page': 1,
'pagecount': 1,
'limit': allList.length,
'total': allList.length,
'list': allList,
function detail(tid) {
let { drives, path } = get_drives_path(tid);
if (path.endsWith("/")) { //长按文件夹可以 加载里面全部视频到详情
const content = category(tid, null, false, null);
const { list } = JSON.parse(content);
let vod_play_url = [];
list.forEach(x => {
if (x.vod_tag === 'file'){
vod_play_url.push(`${x.vod_name}$${x.vod_id.substring(x.vod_id.indexOf('$') + 1)}`);
const pl = path.split("/");
const vod_name = pl[pl.length - 2] || drives.name;
let vod = {
vod_id: tid,
vod_name: vod_name,
type_name: "文件夹",
vod_pic: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/97389433?s=120&v=4",
vod_content: tid,
vod_tag: 'folder',
vod_play_from: drives.name,
vod_play_url: vod_play_url.join('#'),
vod_remarks: drives.settings.title,
return JSON.stringify({ 'list': [vod] });
} else {
let paths = path.split("@@@");
let vod_name = paths[0].substring(paths[0].lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
let vod = {
vod_id: tid,
vod_name: vod_name,
type_name: "文件",
vod_pic: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/97389433?s=120&v=4",
vod_content: tid,
vod_play_from: drives.name,
vod_play_url: vod_name + "$" + path,
vod_remarks: drives.settings.title,
return JSON.stringify({
'list': [vod]
function play(flag, id, flags) {
const drives = get_drives(flag);
const urls = id.split("@@@"); // @@@ 分割前是 相对文件path,分割后是字幕文件
let vod = {
'parse': 0,
'playUrl': '',
'url': drives.getFile(urls[0]).raw_url
if (urls.length >= 2) {
const path = urls[0].substring(0, urls[0].lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
vod.subt = drives.getFile(path + urls[1]).raw_url;
return JSON.stringify(vod);
function search(wd, quick) {
return JSON.stringify({
'list': []
function get_size(sz) {
if (sz <= 0) {
return "";
let filesize = "";
if (sz > 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024.0) {
sz /= (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024.0);
filesize = "TB";
} else if (sz > 1024 * 1024 * 1024.0) {
sz /= (1024 * 1024 * 1024.0);
filesize = "GB";
} else if (sz > 1024 * 1024.0) {
sz /= (1024 * 1024.0);
filesize = "MB";
} else if( sz > 1024.0){
sz /= 1024.0;
filesize = "KB";
filesize = "B";
// 转成字符串
let sizeStr = sz.toFixed(2) + filesize,
// 获取小数点处的索引
index = sizeStr.indexOf("."),
// 获取小数点后两位的值
dou = sizeStr.substr(index + 1, 2);
if (dou === "00") {
return sizeStr.substring(0, index) + sizeStr.substr(index + 3, 2);
return sizeStr;
function levenshteinDistance(str1, str2) {
return 100 - 100 * distance(str1, str2) / Math.max(str1.length, str2.length);
const sortList = (vodList,key) => {
key = key||'vod_name';
// 名字以特殊符号开头的应用列表
const symbol_list = [];
// 名字以中文开头的应用列表
const cn_list = [];
// 名字以英文开头的应用列表
const en_list = [];
// 名字以数字开头的应用列表
const num_list = [];
vodList.forEach((vod) => {
const { vod_name } = vod;
if (/[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/.test(vod_name[0])) {
} else if (/[a-zA-Z]/.test(vod_name[0])) {
} else if (/[\d]/.test(vod_name[0])) {
} else {
const newList = [
...cn_list.sort((a, b) => a.vod_name[0]?.localeCompare(b.vod_name[0])),
...en_list.sort((a, b) => a.vod_name[0].localeCompare(b.vod_name[0])),//localeCompare可以不区分大小写的进行排序
...num_list.sort((a, b) => a.vod_name[0] - b.vod_name[0]),
...symbol_list.sort((a, b) => a.vod_name[0] - b.vod_name[0])
return newList
// 导出函数对象
export default {
init: init,
home: home,
homeVod: homeVod,
category: category,
detail: detail,
play: play,
search: search
\ No newline at end of file
const peq = new Uint32Array(0x10000);
const myers_32 = (a, b) => {
const n = a.length;
const m = b.length;
const lst = 1 << (n - 1);
let pv = -1;
let mv = 0;
let sc = n;
let i = n;
while (i--) {
peq[a.charCodeAt(i)] |= 1 << i;
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
let eq = peq[b.charCodeAt(i)];
const xv = eq | mv;
eq |= ((eq & pv) + pv) ^ pv;
mv |= ~(eq | pv);
pv &= eq;
if (mv & lst) {
if (pv & lst) {
mv = (mv << 1) | 1;
pv = (pv << 1) | ~(xv | mv);
mv &= xv;
i = n;
while (i--) {
peq[a.charCodeAt(i)] = 0;
return sc;
const myers_x = (b, a) => {
const n = a.length;
const m = b.length;
const mhc = [];
const phc = [];
const hsize = Math.ceil(n / 32);
const vsize = Math.ceil(m / 32);
for (let i = 0; i < hsize; i++) {
phc[i] = -1;
mhc[i] = 0;
let j = 0;
for (; j < vsize - 1; j++) {
let mv = 0;
let pv = -1;
const start = j * 32;
const vlen = Math.min(32, m) + start;
for (let k = start; k < vlen; k++) {
peq[b.charCodeAt(k)] |= 1 << k;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const eq = peq[a.charCodeAt(i)];
const pb = (phc[(i / 32) | 0] >>> i) & 1;
const mb = (mhc[(i / 32) | 0] >>> i) & 1;
const xv = eq | mv;
const xh = ((((eq | mb) & pv) + pv) ^ pv) | eq | mb;
let ph = mv | ~(xh | pv);
let mh = pv & xh;
if ((ph >>> 31) ^ pb) {
phc[(i / 32) | 0] ^= 1 << i;
if ((mh >>> 31) ^ mb) {
mhc[(i / 32) | 0] ^= 1 << i;
ph = (ph << 1) | pb;
mh = (mh << 1) | mb;
pv = mh | ~(xv | ph);
mv = ph & xv;
for (let k = start; k < vlen; k++) {
peq[b.charCodeAt(k)] = 0;
let mv = 0;
let pv = -1;
const start = j * 32;
const vlen = Math.min(32, m - start) + start;
for (let k = start; k < vlen; k++) {
peq[b.charCodeAt(k)] |= 1 << k;
let score = m;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const eq = peq[a.charCodeAt(i)];
const pb = (phc[(i / 32) | 0] >>> i) & 1;
const mb = (mhc[(i / 32) | 0] >>> i) & 1;
const xv = eq | mv;
const xh = ((((eq | mb) & pv) + pv) ^ pv) | eq | mb;
let ph = mv | ~(xh | pv);
let mh = pv & xh;
score += (ph >>> (m - 1)) & 1;
score -= (mh >>> (m - 1)) & 1;
if ((ph >>> 31) ^ pb) {
phc[(i / 32) | 0] ^= 1 << i;
if ((mh >>> 31) ^ mb) {
mhc[(i / 32) | 0] ^= 1 << i;
ph = (ph << 1) | pb;
mh = (mh << 1) | mb;
pv = mh | ~(xv | ph);
mv = ph & xv;
for (let k = start; k < vlen; k++) {
peq[b.charCodeAt(k)] = 0;
return score;
const distance = (a, b) => {
if (a.length < b.length) {
const tmp = b;
b = a;
a = tmp;
if (b.length === 0) {
return a.length;
if (a.length <= 32) {
return myers_32(a, b);
return myers_x(a, b);
const closest = (str, arr) => {
let min_distance = Infinity;
let min_index = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const dist = distance(str, arr[i]);
if (dist < min_distance) {
min_distance = dist;
min_index = i;
return arr[min_index];
export { closest, distance };
"name": "丫仙女",
"server": "http://alist.xiaoya.pro/",
"startPage": "/",
"showAll": false,
"params": {
"/abc": {
"password": "123"
"/abc/abc": {
"password": "123"
\ No newline at end of file
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