提交 1e0c3e52 编写于 作者: Y yihaoDeng

Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine into develop

......@@ -6,73 +6,76 @@
# first fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for TDengine system
# firstEp hostname1:6030
# second fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for TDengine system, for cluster only
# secondEp cluster_hostname2:6030
# firstEp hostname:6030
# local fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# fqdn hostname
# fqdn hostname
# first port number for the connection (12 continuous UDP/TCP port number are used)
# serverPort 6030
# serverPort 6030
# log file's directory
# logDir /var/log/taos
# logDir /var/log/taos
# data file's directory
# dataDir /var/lib/taos
# dataDir /var/lib/taos
# the arbitrator's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for TDengine system, for cluster only
# arbitrator arbitrator_hostname:6042
# arbitrator arbitrator_hostname:6042
# number of threads per CPU core
# numOfThreadsPerCore 1.0
# numOfThreadsPerCore 1.0
# the proportion of total threads responsible for query
# ratioOfQueryThreads 0.5
# number of management nodes in the system
# numOfMnodes 3
# numOfMnodes 3
# enable/disable backuping vnode directory when removing dnode
# vnodeBak 1
# vnodeBak 1
# if report installation / use information
# telemetryReporting 1
# enable/disable load balancing
# balance 1
# balance 1
# role for dnode. 0 - any, 1 - mnode, 2 - dnode
# role 0
# role 0
# max timer control blocks
# maxTmrCtrl 512
# maxTmrCtrl 512
# time interval of system monitor, seconds
# monitorInterval 30
# monitorInterval 30
# number of seconds allowed for a dnode to be offline, for cluster only
# offlineThreshold 8640000
# offlineThreshold 8640000
# RPC re-try timer, millisecond
# rpcTimer 300
# rpcTimer 300
# RPC maximum time for ack, seconds.
# rpcMaxTime 600
# rpcMaxTime 600
# time interval of dnode status reporting to mnode, seconds, for cluster only
# statusInterval 1
# statusInterval 1
# time interval of heart beat from shell to dnode, seconds
# shellActivityTimer 3
# shellActivityTimer 3
# time of keeping table meta data in cache, seconds
# tableMetaKeepTimer 7200
# tableMetaKeepTimer 7200
# minimum sliding window time, milli-second
# minSlidingTime 10
# minSlidingTime 10
# minimum time window, milli-second
# minIntervalTime 10
# minIntervalTime 10
# maximum delay before launching a stream compution, milli-second
# maxStreamCompDelay 20000
# maxStreamCompDelay 20000
# maximum delay before launching a stream computation for the first time, milli-second
# maxFirstStreamCompDelay 10000
......@@ -89,9 +92,6 @@
# max number of tables per vnode
# maxTablesPerVnode 1000000
# step size of increasing table number in a vnode
# tableIncStepPerVnode 1000
# cache block size (Mbyte)
# cache 16
......@@ -110,6 +110,9 @@
# maximum rows of records in file block
# maxRows 4096
# the number of acknowledgments required for successful data writing
# quorum 1
# enable/disable compression
# comp 2
......@@ -122,15 +125,6 @@
# number of replications, for cluster only
# replica 1
# mqtt hostname
# mqttHostName test.mosquitto.org
# mqtt port
# mqttPort 1883
# mqtt topic
# mqttTopic /test
# the compressed rpc message, option:
# -1 (no compression)
# 0 (all message compressed),
......@@ -167,12 +161,12 @@
# stop writing data when the disk size of the log folder is less than this value
# minimalDataDirGB 0.1
# One mnode is equal to the number of vnode consumed
# mnodeEqualVnodeNum 4
# enbale/disable http service
# http 1
# enable/disable muqq service
# mqtt 0
# enable/disable system monitor
# monitor 1
......@@ -189,11 +183,12 @@
# max number of rows per log filters
# numOfLogLines 10000000
# enable/disable async log
# asyncLog 1
# time of keeping log files, days
# logKeepDays 0
# enable/disable async log
# asyncLog 1
# The following parameters are used for debug purpose only.
# debugFlag 8 bits mask: FILE-SCREEN-UNUSED-HeartBeat-DUMP-TRACE_WARN-ERROR
......@@ -231,18 +226,12 @@
# debug flag for JNI
# jniDebugflag 131
# debug flag for ODBC
# odbcDebugflag 131
# debug flag for storage
# uDebugflag 131
# debug flag for http server
# httpDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for mqtt
# mqttDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for monitor
# monitorDebugFlag 131
......@@ -255,6 +244,9 @@
# debug flag for http server
# tsdbDebugFlag 131
# debug flag for continue query
# cqDebugFlag 131
# enable/disable recording the SQL in taos client
# tscEnableRecordSql 0
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