未验证 提交 42bbed2e 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!14881 翻译已完成13969+13982+14137+14081+12309

Merge pull request !14881 from shawn_he/13969-b
......@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ import pointer from '@ohos.multimodalInput.pointer';
The following table lists the common APIs for mouse pointer management. For details about the APIs, see [ohos.multimodalInput.pointer](../reference/apis/js-apis-pointer.md).
| Instance | API | Description |
| ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| pointer | function isPointerVisible(callback: AsyncCallback\<boolean>): void; | Checks the visible status of the mouse pointer. |
| pointer | function setPointerVisible(visible: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void; | Sets the visible status of the mouse pointer. This setting takes effect for the mouse pointer globally.|
| ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
| pointer | function isPointerVisible(callback: AsyncCallback\<boolean>): void; | Checks the visible status of the mouse pointer. |
| pointer | function setPointerVisible(visible: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void; | Sets the visible status of the mouse pointer. This setting takes effect for the mouse pointer globally. |
| pointer | function setPointerStyle(windowId: number, pointerStyle: PointerStyle, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void; | Sets the mouse pointer style. This setting takes effect for the mouse pointer style of a specified window. |
| pointer | function getPointerStyle(windowId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<PointerStyle>): void; | Obtains the mouse pointer style. |
| pointer | function getPointerStyle(windowId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<PointerStyle>): void; | Obtains the mouse pointer style. |
## Hiding the Mouse Pointer
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ The development process consists of the following main steps:
The required model can be downloaded directly or obtained using the model conversion tool.
- If the downloaded model is in the `.ms` format, you can use it directly for inference. The following uses the **mobilenetv2.ms** model as an example.
- If the downloaded model uses a third-party framework, such as TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, Caffe, or ONNX, you can use the [model conversion tool](https://www.mindspore.cn/lite/docs/zh-CN/r1.5/use/downloads.html#id1) to convert it to the `.ms` format.
- If the downloaded model uses a third-party framework, such as TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, Caffe, or ONNX, you can use the [model conversion tool](https://www.mindspore.cn/lite/docs/en/r1.5/use/downloads.html#id1) to convert it to the `.ms` format.
2. Create a context, and set parameters such as the number of runtime threads and device type.
......@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
The **batteryInfo** module provides APIs for querying the charger type, battery health status, and battery charging status.
> **NOTE**<br>
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 6. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## Modules to Import
......@@ -20,18 +22,18 @@ Describes battery information.
| Name | Type | Readable| Writable| Description |
| --------------- | ------------------- | ---- | ---- | ---------------------|
| batterySOC | number | Yes | No | Battery state of charge (SoC) of the device, in unit of percentage. |
| chargingStatus | [BatteryChargeState](#batterychargestate) | Yes | No | Battery charging state of the device. |
| healthStatus | [BatteryHealthState](#batteryhealthstate) | Yes | No | Battery health state of the device. |
| chargingStatus | [BatteryChargeState](#batterychargestate) | Yes | No | Battery charging status of the device. |
| healthStatus | [BatteryHealthState](#batteryhealthstate) | Yes | No | Battery health status of the device. |
| pluggedType | [BatteryPluggedType](#batterypluggedtype) | Yes | No | Charger type of the device. |
| voltage | number | Yes | No | Battery voltage of the device, in unit of microvolt. |
| technology | string | Yes | No | Battery technology of the device. |
| batteryTemperature | number | Yes | No | Battery temperature of the device, in unit of 0.1°C. |
| isBatteryPresent<sup>7+</sup> | boolean | Yes | No | Whether the battery is supported or present. |
| batteryCapacityLevel<sup>9+</sup> | [BatteryCapacityLevel](#batterycapacitylevel9) | Yes | No | Battery level of the device. |
| estimatedRemainingChargeTime<sup>9+</sup> | number | Yes | No | Estimated time for fully charging the current device, in unit of milliseconds. |
| totalEnergy<sup>9+</sup> | number | Yes | No | Total battery capacity of the device, in unit of mAh. This is a system API. |
| nowCurrent<sup>9+</sup> | number | Yes | No | Battery current of the device, in unit of mA. This is a system API. |
| remainingEnergy<sup>9+</sup> | number | Yes | No | Remaining battery capacity of the device, in unit of mAh. This is a system API.|
| estimatedRemainingChargeTime<sup>9+</sup> | number | Yes | No | Estimated time for fully charging the current device, in unit of milliseconds. **System API**: This is a system API. |
| totalEnergy<sup>9+</sup> | number | Yes | No | Total battery capacity of the device, in unit of mAh. **System API**: This is a system API. |
| nowCurrent<sup>9+</sup> | number | Yes | No | Battery current of the device, in unit of mA. **System API**: This is a system API. |
| remainingEnergy<sup>9+</sup> | number | Yes | No | Remaining battery capacity of the device, in unit of mAh. **System API**: This is a system API.|
## BatteryPluggedType
......@@ -41,10 +43,10 @@ Enumerates charger types.
| Name | Value | Description |
| -------- | ---- | ----------------- |
| NONE | 0 | Unknown type |
| AC | 1 | AC charger|
| USB | 2 | USB charger |
| WIRELESS | 3 | Wireless charger|
| NONE | 0 | Unknown charger type. |
| AC | 1 | AC charger.|
| USB | 2 | USB charger. |
| WIRELESS | 3 | Wireless charger.|
## BatteryChargeState
......@@ -82,14 +84,15 @@ Enumerates battery levels.
| Name | Value| Description |
| -------------- | ------ | ---------------------------- |
| LEVEL_NONE | 0 | Unknown battery level. |
| LEVEL_FULL | 1 | Full battery level. |
| LEVEL_HIGH | 2 | High battery level. |
| LEVEL_NORMAL | 3 | Normal battery level.|
| LEVEL_LOW | 4 | Low battery level. |
| LEVEL_CRITICAL | 5 | Ultra-low battery level.|
| LEVEL_WARNING | 5 | Alarm battery level.|
| LEVEL_CRITICAL | 6 | Ultra-low battery level.|
| LEVEL_SHUTDOWN | 7 | Power-down battery level.|
## CommonEventBatteryChangedCode<sup>9+</sup>
## CommonEventBatteryChangedKey<sup>9+</sup>
Enumerates keys for querying the additional information about the **COMMON_EVENT_BATTERY_CHANGED** event.
......@@ -97,14 +100,12 @@ Enumerates keys for querying the additional information about the **COMMON_EVENT
| Name | Value| Description |
| -------------------- | ------ | -------------------------------------------------- |
| EXTRA_SOC | 0 | Remaining battery level in percentage. |
| EXTRA_VOLTAGE | 1 | Battery voltage of the device. |
| EXTRA_TEMPERATURE | 2 | Battery temperature of the device. |
| EXTRA_HEALTH_STATE | 3 | Battery health status of the device. |
| EXTRA_PLUGGED_TYPE | 4 | Type of the charger connected to the device. |
| EXTRA_MAX_CURRENT | 5 | Maximum battery current of the device. |
| EXTRA_MAX_VOLTAGE | 6 | Maximum battery voltage of the device. |
| EXTRA_CHARGE_STATE | 7 | Battery charging status of the device. |
| EXTRA_CHARGE_COUNTER | 8 | Number of battery charging times of the device. |
| EXTRA_PRESENT | 9 | Whether the battery is supported by the device or installed.|
| EXTRA_TECHNOLOGY | 10 | Battery technology of the device. |
| EXTRA_SOC | "soc" | Remaining battery level in percentage. |
| EXTRA_CHARGE_STATE | "chargeState" | Battery charging status of the device. |
| EXTRA_HEALTH_STATE | "healthState" | Battery health status of the device. |
| EXTRA_PLUGGED_TYPE | "pluggedType" | Type of the charger connected to the device. |
| EXTRA_VOLTAGE | "voltage" | Battery voltage of the device. |
| EXTRA_TECHNOLOGY | "technology" | Battery technology of the device. |
| EXTRA_TEMPERATURE | "temperature" | Battery temperature of the device. |
| EXTRA_PRESENT | "present" | Whether the battery is supported by the device or installed.|
| EXTRA_CAPACITY_LEVEL | "capacityLevel" | Battery level of the device. |
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