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## Introduction to pre-trained models
The current pre-trained models are divided into two categories(Add/Clean mosaic and StyleTransfer).
Download  pre-trained model via [[Google Drive]](  [[百度云,提取码1x0a]]( <br>

### Mosaic

|               Name               |                       Description                       |
| :------------------------------: | :-----------------------------------------------------: |
|           add_face.pth           |         Add mosaic to  faces in images/videos.          |
|        clean_face_HD.pth         | Clean mosaic to  faces in images/video.<br>(RAM > 8GB). |
|         add_youknow.pth          |          Add mosaic to  ... in images/videos.           |
| clean_youknow_resnet_9blocks.pth |         Clean mosaic to  ... in images/videos.          |
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|     clean_youknow_video.pth      |             Clean mosaic to  ... in videos. It is better for processing video mosaics              |

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### Style Transfer

|          Name           |                        Description                        |
| :---------------------: | :-------------------------------------------------------: |
| style_apple2orange.pth  | Convert apples to oranges. |
| style_orange2apple.pth  | Convert oranges to apples |
| style_summer2winter.pth |     Convert summer to winter.     |
| style_winter2summer.pth | Convert winter to summer. |
|    style_cezanne.pth    |            Convert photos/video to Paul Cézanne style.            |
|     style_monet.pth     | Convert photos/video to Claude Monet style. |
|     style_ukiyoe.pth     | Convert photos/video to Ukiyoe style. |
|     style_vangogh.pth     | Convert photos/video to Van Gogh style. |