提交 b899c84d 编写于 作者: V Victor Λntonio 提交者: eshellman

Create free-courses-pt_BR.md (#3177)

* Create free-courses-pt_BR.md


* Update free-courses-pt_BR.md

* Update free-courses-pt_BR.md

* Update README.md
上级 c31ff87f
......@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ Please read [CONTRIBUTING](/CONTRIBUTING.md). If you're new to Github, [welcome]
+ [German](/free-courses-de.md)
+ [Italian](/free-courses-it.md)
+ [Polish](/free-courses-pl.md)
+ [Portuguese (Brazil)](/free-courses-pt_BR.md)
+ [Russian](/free-courses-ru.md)
+ [Spanish](/free-courses-es.md)
+ [Vietnamese](/free-courses-vi.md)
### Index
* [Git](#git)
### Git
* [Git e Github para iniciantes](https://www.udemy.com/git-e-github-para-iniciantes/) - Willian Justen de Vasconcellos (Udemy)
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