未验证 提交 1a2cafdc 编写于 作者: W wuzhihua 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #162 from 123malin/gnn

......@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ class Metric(object):
global_metrics = dict()
for key in self._global_metric_state_vars:
varname, dtype = self._global_metric_state_vars[key]
global_metrics[key] = self.get_global_metric_state(fleet, scope,
global_metrics[key] = self._get_global_metric_state(fleet, scope,
return self._calculate(global_metrics)
......@@ -520,7 +520,6 @@ class SingleInferRunner(RunnerBase):
def run(self, context):
for index, epoch_name in enumerate(self.epoch_model_name_list):
for model_dict in context["phases"]:
model_class = context["model"][model_dict["name"]]["model"]
......@@ -42,30 +42,32 @@ hyper_parameters:
gnn_propogation_steps: 1
# select runner by name
mode: train_runner
mode: [single_cpu_train, single_cpu_infer]
# config of each runner.
# runner is a kind of paddle training class, which wraps the train/infer process.
- name: train_runner
- name: single_cpu_train
class: train
# num of epochs
epochs: 2
epochs: 5
# device to run training or infer
device: cpu
save_checkpoint_interval: 1 # save model interval of epochs
save_inference_interval: 1 # save inference
save_checkpoint_path: "increment" # save checkpoint path
save_inference_path: "inference" # save inference path
save_checkpoint_path: "increment_gnn" # save checkpoint path
save_inference_path: "inference_gnn" # save inference path
save_inference_feed_varnames: [] # feed vars of save inference
save_inference_fetch_varnames: [] # fetch vars of save inference
init_model_path: "" # load model path
print_interval: 1
- name: infer_runner
phases: [phase1]
- name: single_cpu_infer
class: infer
# device to run training or infer
device: cpu
print_interval: 1
init_model_path: "increment/0" # load model path
init_model_path: "increment_gnn" # load model path
phases: [phase2]
# runner will run all the phase in each epoch
......@@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ phase:
model: "{workspace}/model.py" # user-defined model
dataset_name: dataset_train # select dataset by name
thread_num: 1
# - name: phase2
# model: "{workspace}/model.py" # user-defined model
# dataset_name: dataset_infer # select dataset by name
# thread_num: 1
- name: phase2
model: "{workspace}/model.py" # user-defined model
dataset_name: dataset_infer # select dataset by name
thread_num: 1
......@@ -57,5 +57,10 @@ def _download_file(url, savepath, print_progress):
progress("[%-50s] %.2f%%" % ('=' * 50, 100), end=True)
"./train-item-views.csv", True)
if sys.argv[1] == "diginetica":
"./train-item-views.csv", True)
elif sys.argv[1] == "yoochoose":
"./yoochoose-clicks.dat", True)
......@@ -41,39 +41,29 @@ with open(dataset, "r") as f:
curdate = None
for data in reader:
sessid = data['session_id']
if curdate and not curid == sessid:
date = ''
if opt.dataset == 'yoochoose':
date = time.mktime(
time.strptime(curdate[:19], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))
date = time.mktime(time.strptime(curdate, '%Y-%m-%d'))
sess_date[curid] = date
curid = sessid
date = ''
if opt.dataset == 'yoochoose':
item = data['item_id']
date = time.mktime(
time.strptime(data['timestamp'][:19], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))
item = data['item_id'], int(data['timeframe'])
curdate = ''
if opt.dataset == 'yoochoose':
curdate = data['timestamp']
curdate = data['eventdate']
date = time.mktime(time.strptime(data['eventdate'], '%Y-%m-%d'))
if sessid not in sess_date:
sess_date[sessid] = date
elif date > sess_date[sessid]:
sess_date[sessid] = date
if sessid in sess_clicks:
sess_clicks[sessid] += [item]
sess_clicks[sessid] = [item]
ctr += 1
date = ''
if opt.dataset == 'yoochoose':
date = time.mktime(time.strptime(curdate[:19], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))
date = time.mktime(time.strptime(curdate, '%Y-%m-%d'))
if opt.dataset != 'yoochoose':
for i in list(sess_clicks):
sorted_clicks = sorted(sess_clicks[i], key=operator.itemgetter(1))
sess_clicks[i] = [c[0] for c in sorted_clicks]
sess_date[curid] = date
print("-- Reading data @ %ss" % datetime.datetime.now())
# Filter out length 1 sessions
......@@ -160,7 +150,7 @@ def obtian_tra():
train_dates += [date]
train_seqs += [outseq]
print(item_ctr) # 43098, 37484
with open("./diginetica/config.txt", "w") as fout:
with open("./config.txt", "w") as fout:
fout.write(str(item_ctr) + "\n")
return train_ids, train_dates, train_seqs
......@@ -15,21 +15,31 @@
# limitations under the License.
set -e
echo "begin to download data"
cd data && python download.py
mkdir diginetica
python preprocess.py --dataset diginetica
if [[ $src == "yoochoose1_4" || $src == "yoochoose1_64" ]];then
elif [[ $src == "diginetica" ]];then
echo "Usage: sh data_prepare.sh [diginetica|yoochoose1_4|yoochoose1_64]"
exit 1
echo "begin to download data"
cd data && python download.py $src
mkdir $dataset
python preprocess.py --dataset $src
echo "begin to convert data (binary -> txt)"
python convert_data.py --data_dir diginetica
python convert_data.py --data_dir $dataset
cat diginetica/train.txt | wc -l >> diginetica/config.txt
cat ${dataset}/train.txt | wc -l >> config.txt
rm -rf train && mkdir train
mv diginetica/train.txt train
mv ${dataset}/train.txt train
rm -rf test && mkdir test
mv diginetica/test.txt test
mv diginetica/config.txt ./config.txt
mv ${dataset}/test.txt test
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import paddle.fluid.layers as layers
from paddlerec.core.utils import envs
from paddlerec.core.model import ModelBase
from paddlerec.core.metrics import RecallK
class Model(ModelBase):
......@@ -235,16 +236,16 @@ class Model(ModelBase):
softmax = layers.softmax_with_cross_entropy(
logits=logits, label=inputs[6]) # [batch_size, 1]
self.loss = layers.reduce_mean(softmax) # [1]
self.acc = layers.accuracy(input=logits, label=inputs[6], k=20)
acc = RecallK(input=logits, label=inputs[6], k=20)
self._cost = self.loss
if is_infer:
self._infer_results['acc'] = self.acc
self._infer_results['loss'] = self.loss
self._infer_results['P@20'] = acc
self._infer_results['LOSS'] = self.loss
self._metrics["LOSS"] = self.loss
self._metrics["train_acc"] = self.acc
self._metrics["Train_P@20"] = acc
def optimizer(self):
step_per_epoch = self.corpus_size // self.train_batch_size
├── data #样例数据
├── train
├── train.txt
├── test
├── test.txt
├── download.py
├── convert_data.py
├── preprocess.py
├── __init__.py
├── README.md # 文档
├── model.py #模型文件
├── config.yaml #配置文件
├── data_prepare.sh #一键数据处理脚本
├── reader.py #训练数据reader
├── evaluate_reader.py # 预测数据reader
## 内容
- [模型简介](#模型简介)
- [数据准备](#数据准备)
- [运行环境](#运行环境)
- [快速开始](#快速开始)
- [论文复现](#论文复现)
- [进阶使用](#进阶使用)
- [FAQ](#FAQ)
## 模型简介
SR-GNN模型的介绍可以参阅论文[Session-based Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks](https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.00855)
本文解决的是Session-based Recommendation这一问题,过程大致分为以下四步:
1. 首先对所有的session序列通过有向图进行建模。
2. 然后通过GNN,学习每个node(item)的隐向量表示
3. 通过一个attention架构模型得到每个session的embedding
4. 最后通过一个softmax层进行全表预测
同时推荐用户参考[ IPython Notebook demo](https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/projectDetail/124382)
训练:单机CPU、单机单卡GPU、单机多卡GPU、本地模拟参数服务器训练、增量训练,配置请参考 [启动训练](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleRec/blob/master/doc/train.md)
预测:单机CPU、单机单卡GPU ;配置请参考[PaddleRec 离线预测](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleRec/blob/master/doc/predict.md)
## 数据处理
- Step1: 原始数据数据集下载,本示例提供了两个开源数据集:DIGINETICA和Yoochoose,可选其中任意一个训练本模型。数据下载命令及原始数据格式如下所示。若采用diginetica数据集,执行完该命令之后,会在data目录下得到原始数据文件train-item-views.csv。若采用yoochoose数据集,执行完该命令之后,会在data目录下得到原始数据文件yoochoose-clicks.dat。
cd data && python download.py diginetica # or yoochoose
> [Yoochooses](https://2015.recsyschallenge.com/challenge.html)数据集来源于RecSys Challenge 2015,原始数据包含如下字段:
1. Session ID – the id of the session. In one session there are one or many clicks.
2. Timestamp – the time when the click occurred.
3. Item ID – the unique identifier of the item.
4. Category – the category of the item.
> [DIGINETICA](https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/11161#learn_the_details-data2)数据集来源于CIKM Cup 2016 _Personalized E-Commerce Search Challenge_项目。原始数据包含如下字段:
1. sessionId - the id of the session. In one session there are one or many clicks.
2. userId - the id of the user, with anonymized user ids.
3. itemId - the unique identifier of the item.
4. timeframe - time since the first query in a session, in milliseconds.
5. eventdate - calendar date.
- Step2: 数据预处理。
1. 以session_id为key合并原始数据集,得到每个session的日期,及顺序点击列表。
2. 过滤掉长度为1的session;过滤掉点击次数小于5的items。
3. 训练集、测试集划分。原始数据集里最新日期七天内的作为训练集,更早之前的数据作为测试集。
cd data && python preprocess.py --dataset diginetica # or yoochoose
- Step3: 数据整理。 将训练文件统一放在data/train目录下,测试文件统一放在data/test目录下。
cat data/diginetica/train.txt | wc -l >> data/config.txt # or yoochoose1_4 or yoochoose1_64
rm -rf data/train/*
rm -rf data/test/*
mv data/diginetica/train.txt data/train
mv data/diginetica/test.txt data/test
方便起见, 我们提供了一键式数据处理脚本:
sh data_prepare.sh diginetica # or yoochoose1_4 or yoochoose1_64
## 运行环境
python 2.7/3.5/3.6/3.7
PaddleRec >=0.1
os : windows/linux/macos
## 快速开始
### 单机训练
# select runner by name
mode: [single_cpu_train, single_cpu_infer]
# config of each runner.
# runner is a kind of paddle training class, which wraps the train/infer process.
- name: single_cpu_train
class: train
# num of epochs
epochs: 2
# device to run training or infer
device: cpu
save_checkpoint_interval: 1 # save model interval of epochs
save_inference_interval: 1 # save inference
save_checkpoint_path: "increment_gnn" # save checkpoint path
save_inference_path: "inference_gnn" # save inference path
save_inference_feed_varnames: [] # feed vars of save inference
save_inference_fetch_varnames: [] # fetch vars of save inference
init_model_path: "" # load model path
print_interval: 1
phases: [phase1]
### 单机预测
- name: single_cpu_infer
class: infer
# device to run training or infer
device: cpu
print_interval: 1
init_model_path: "increment_gnn" # load model path
phases: [phase2]
### 运行
python -m paddlerec.run -m paddlerec.models.recall.gnn
### 结果展示
Running SingleStartup.
Running SingleRunner.
batch: 1, LOSS: [10.67443], InsCnt: [200.], RecallCnt: [0.], Acc(Recall@20): [0.]
batch: 2, LOSS: [10.672471], InsCnt: [300.], RecallCnt: [0.], Acc(Recall@20): [0.]
batch: 3, LOSS: [10.672463], InsCnt: [400.], RecallCnt: [1.], Acc(Recall@20): [0.0025]
batch: 4, LOSS: [10.670724], InsCnt: [500.], RecallCnt: [2.], Acc(Recall@20): [0.004]
batch: 5, LOSS: [10.66949], InsCnt: [600.], RecallCnt: [2.], Acc(Recall@20): [0.00333333]
batch: 6, LOSS: [10.670102], InsCnt: [700.], RecallCnt: [2.], Acc(Recall@20): [0.00285714]
batch: 7, LOSS: [10.671348], InsCnt: [800.], RecallCnt: [2.], Acc(Recall@20): [0.0025]
epoch 0 done, use time: 2926.6897077560425, global metrics: LOSS=[6.0788856], InsCnt=719400.0 RecallCnt=224033.0 Acc(Recall@20)=0.3114164581595774
epoch 4 done, use time: 3083.101449728012, global metrics: LOSS=[4.249889], InsCnt=3597000.0 RecallCnt=2070666.0 Acc(Recall@20)=0.5756647206005004
Running SingleInferStartup.
Running SingleInferRunner.
load persistables from increment_gnn/2
batch: 1, InsCnt: [200.], RecallCnt: [96.], Acc(Recall@20): [0.48], LOSS: [5.7198644]
batch: 2, InsCnt: [300.], RecallCnt: [153.], Acc(Recall@20): [0.51], LOSS: [5.4096317]
batch: 3, InsCnt: [400.], RecallCnt: [210.], Acc(Recall@20): [0.525], LOSS: [5.300991]
batch: 4, InsCnt: [500.], RecallCnt: [258.], Acc(Recall@20): [0.516], LOSS: [5.6269655]
batch: 5, InsCnt: [600.], RecallCnt: [311.], Acc(Recall@20): [0.5183333], LOSS: [5.39276]
batch: 6, InsCnt: [700.], RecallCnt: [352.], Acc(Recall@20): [0.50285715], LOSS: [5.633842]
batch: 7, InsCnt: [800.], RecallCnt: [406.], Acc(Recall@20): [0.5075], LOSS: [5.342844]
batch: 8, InsCnt: [900.], RecallCnt: [465.], Acc(Recall@20): [0.51666665], LOSS: [4.918761]
Infer phase2 of epoch 0 done, use time: 549.1640813350677, global metrics: InsCnt=60800.0 RecallCnt=31083.0 Acc(Recall@20)=0.511233552631579, LOSS=[5.8957024]
## 论文复现
- batch_size: 修改config.yaml中dataset_train数据集的batch_size为100。
- epochs: 修改config.yaml中runner的epochs为5。
- sparse_feature_number: 不同训练数据集(diginetica or yoochoose)配置不一致,diginetica数据集配置为43098,yoochoose数据集配置为37484。具体见数据处理后得到的data/config.txt文件中第一行。
- corpus_size: 不同训练数据集配置不一致,diginetica数据集配置为719470,yoochoose数据集配置为5917745。具体见数据处理后得到的data/config.txt文件中第二行。
使用cpu训练 5轮 测试Recall@20:0.51367
python -m paddlerec.run -m /home/your/dir/config.yaml #调试模式 直接指定本地config的绝对路径
## 进阶使用
## FAQ
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