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# Manage epics

> 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/group/epics/manage_epics.html](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/group/epics/manage_epics.html)

*   [Create an epic](#create-an-epic)
    *   [Create an epic from the epic list](#create-an-epic-from-the-epic-list)
    *   [Access the New Epic form](#access-the-new-epic-form)
    *   [Elements of the New Epic form](#elements-of-the-new-epic-form)
*   [Edit an epic](#edit-an-epic)
*   [Bulk-edit epics](#bulk-edit-epics)
*   [Delete an epic](#delete-an-epic)
*   [Close an epic](#close-an-epic)
*   [Reopen a closed epic](#reopen-a-closed-epic)
*   [Go to an epic from an issue](#go-to-an-epic-from-an-issue)
*   [Search for an epic from epics list page](#search-for-an-epic-from-epics-list-page)
*   [Make an epic confidential](#make-an-epic-confidential)
    *   [Disable confidential epics](#disable-confidential-epics-premium-only)
*   [Manage issues assigned to an epic](#manage-issues-assigned-to-an-epic)
    *   [Add an issue to an epic](#add-an-issue-to-an-epic)
        *   [Add an existing issue to an epic](#add-an-existing-issue-to-an-epic)
        *   [Create an issue from an epic](#create-an-issue-from-an-epic)
    *   [Remove an issue from an epic](#remove-an-issue-from-an-epic)
    *   [Reorder issues assigned to an epic](#reorder-issues-assigned-to-an-epic)
    *   [Move issues between epics](#move-issues-between-epics-ultimate)
    *   [Promote an issue to an epic](#promote-an-issue-to-an-epic)
*   [Manage multi-level child epics](#manage-multi-level-child-epics-ultimate)
    *   [Add a child epic to an epic](#add-a-child-epic-to-an-epic)
    *   [Move child epics between epics](#move-child-epics-between-epics)
    *   [Reorder child epics assigned to an epic](#reorder-child-epics-assigned-to-an-epic)
    *   [Remove a child epic from a parent epic](#remove-a-child-epic-from-a-parent-epic)

# Manage epics[](#manage-epics-premium "Permalink")


## Create an epic[](#create-an-epic "Permalink")

每个组中都有史诗的分页列表,您可以从中创建新的史诗. 史诗列表还包括所选组中所有子组的史诗. 在您的论坛页面中:

### Create an epic from the epic list[](#create-an-epic-from-the-epic-list "Permalink")


1.**史诗** .
2.  Click **新史诗**.
3.  输入描述性标题.
4.  Click **创造史诗**.

### Access the New Epic form[](#access-the-new-epic-form "Permalink")

[Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/211533) in [GitLab Premium](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 13.2.


*   在您小组的史诗中,点击**新建史诗** .
*   在任何地方的顶部菜单中,单击**加号** ( ) **>新史诗** .

    [![New epic from an open epic](img/4c0cef07da8190af4f517bd8d336cb5b.png)](img/new_epic_from_groups_v13.2.png)

### Elements of the New Epic form[](#elements-of-the-new-epic-form "Permalink")


*   Title
*   Description
*   保密性复选框
*   Labels
*   开始日期
*   截止日期

[![New epic form](img/a48fc7b7ef95b54bd7ec66c17cad7dbb.png)](img/new_epic_form_v13.2.png)

## Edit an epic[](#edit-an-epic "Permalink")


*   Title
*   Description
*   开始日期
*   截止日期
*   Labels


1.  点击**修改标题和说明** 按钮.
2.  进行更改.
3.  Click **保存更改**.


1.  单击史诗侧边栏中每个部分旁边的" **编辑"** .
2.  选择日期或标签为您的史诗.

## Bulk-edit epics[](#bulk-edit-epics "Permalink")

您可以一次编辑多个史诗. 要了解操作方法,请访问[批量编辑问题,史诗和在组级别合并请求](../bulk_editing/index.html#bulk-edit-epics) .

## Delete an epic[](#delete-an-epic "Permalink")

**注意:**要删除史诗,您需要成为组/子组的[所有者](../../permissions.html#group-members-permissions) .

编辑史诗的描述时,单击" **删除"**按钮以删除史诗. 出现一个模态来确认您的动作.


## Close an epic[](#close-an-epic "Permalink")


*   单击**关闭史诗**按钮.

    [![close epic - button](img/dce9a8c36e06896553bd80f313c3a756.png)](img/button_close_epic.png)

*   使用[快速动作](../../project/quick_actions.html) .

## Reopen a closed epic[](#reopen-a-closed-epic "Permalink")


*   单击**重新打开史诗**按钮.

    [![reopen epic - button](img/ed7d654fa8271709dfa6c567b48c5de6.png)](img/button_reopen_epic.png)

*   使用[快速动作](../../project/quick_actions.html) .

## Go to an epic from an issue[](#go-to-an-epic-from-an-issue "Permalink")


[![containing epic](img/8edd1cbf476ddc76f3df25fdeff8b55c.png)](img/containing_epic.png)

## Search for an epic from epics list page[](#search-for-an-epic-from-epics-list-page "Permalink")


*[GitLab Ultimate](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 10.5 中引入.
*   [已移至](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/37081) GitLab 12.8 中的[Premium](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/)层.


*   标题或说明
*   作者名称/用户名
*   Labels

[![epics search](img/c77b45147112088b7940cb4ebcc5f4a6.png)](img/epics_search.png)

要进行搜索,请转到史诗列表,然后单击" **搜索或过滤结果** "字段. 它将显示一个下拉菜单,您可以从中添加一个作者. 您也可以输入纯文本以按史诗标题或描述进行搜索. 完成后,按键盘上的`Enter`键过滤列表.


*   创建日期
*   最近更新时间
*   开始日期
*   截止日期

每个选项都包含一个按钮,可以在**升序****降序**之间切换顺序. 无论您浏览史诗,包括" [路线图"](../roadmap/index.html) ,都可以保存和使用排序选项和顺序.

[![epics sort](img/57b0d20488fb6cdd9ed2e8f573fcb7bb.png)](img/epics_sort.png)

## Make an epic confidential[](#make-an-epic-confidential "Permalink")


*[GitLab Premium](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 13.0 中在功能标志后面[引入](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/213068) ,默认情况下禁用.
*[GitLab Premium](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 13.2 中[默认启用](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/224513) .


### Disable confidential epics[](#disable-confidential-epics-premium-only "Permalink")

机密史诗功能部署在**默认情况下启用**的功能标志的后面. [有权访问 GitLab Rails 控制台的 GitLab 管理员](../../../administration/feature_flags.html)可以为您的自我管理实例禁用它.



## Manage issues assigned to an epic[](#manage-issues-assigned-to-an-epic "Permalink")

### Add an issue to an epic[](#add-an-issue-to-an-epic "Permalink")


#### Add an existing issue to an epic[](#add-an-existing-issue-to-an-epic "Permalink")

属于史诗组或史诗子组中任何项目的现有问题都可以添加到史诗中. 新添加的问题显示在" **史诗和问题"**选项卡中问题列表的顶部.

史诗包含一个问题列表,一个问题最多可以与一个史诗相关联. 当您添加已链接到史诗的问题时,该问题会自动与其当前父级取消链接.


1.  点击**添加**下拉按钮.
2.  Click **添加问题**.
3.  使用以下两种方法之一确定要添加的问题:
    *   粘贴问题的链接.
    *   通过输入问题标题的一部分来搜索所需的问题,然后选择所需的匹配项(在[GitLab 12.5 中](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/9126)引入).

    如果要添加多个问题,请按`空格键` ,然后重复此步骤.

4.  Click **Add**.

#### Create an issue from an epic[](#create-an-issue-from-an-epic "Permalink")

在 GitLab 12.7 中[引入](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/5419) .



1.  在史诗页面上的" **史诗和问题"下** ,点击**添加**下拉按钮,然后选择**创建新问题** .
2.**标题下** ,输入新期刊的标题.
4.  Click **创建问题**.

### Remove an issue from an epic[](#remove-an-issue-from-an-epic "Permalink")

在史诗的详细信息页面上时,可以从史诗中删除问题. 从史诗中删除问题后,该问题将不再与此史诗相关联.


1.  点击**删除** ( )按钮旁边要删除的问题. 出现**删除问题**警告.
2.  Click **Remove**.

[![List of issues assigned to an epic](img/8c47dc71d95554edf7da34adb5acc575.png)](img/issue_list_v13_1.png)

### Reorder issues assigned to an epic[](#reorder-issues-assigned-to-an-epic "Permalink")

在 GitLab 12.5 中[引入](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/9367) .

新问题出现在" **史诗和问题"**选项卡中的列表顶部. 您可以通过拖动来重新排列问题列表.


1.  转到" **史诗和问题"**标签.
2.  将问题拖到所需的顺序.

### Move issues between epics[](#move-issues-between-epics-ultimate "Permalink")

[Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/33039) in [GitLab Ultimate](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 13.0.

新问题出现在" **史诗和问题"**选项卡中的列表顶部. 您可以将问题从一部史诗转移到另一部史诗.


1.  转到" **史诗和问题"**标签.
2.  将问题拖到所需的父级史诗中.

### Promote an issue to an epic[](#promote-an-issue-to-an-epic "Permalink")


*[GitLab Ultimate](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 11.6 中[引入](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/3777) .
*   在 12.8 中[移至](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/37081) [GitLab Premium](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) .

如果您具有关闭问题并在直接父组中创建史诗的必要[权限](../../permissions.html) ,则可以使用`/promote` [快速操作](../../project/quick_actions.html#quick-actions-for-issues-merge-requests-and-epics)将问题升级为史诗. 仅可以促进小组项目中的问题. 尝试提出机密问题时,将显示警告. 向史诗宣传机密问题将使与该问题相关的所有信息公开,因为史诗对小组成员是公开的.


*   在与问题项目所在的组中创建一个史诗.
*   通知该问题的订户该史诗已创建.


*   标题,描述,活动/评论主题.
*   Upvotes/downvotes.
*   Participants.
*   Group labels that the issue already has.

## Manage multi-level child epics[](#manage-multi-level-child-epics-ultimate "Permalink")

### Add a child epic to an epic[](#add-a-child-epic-to-an-epic "Permalink")


1.  点击**添加**下拉按钮.
2.  Click **添加史诗**.
3.  使用以下两种方法之一确定要添加的史诗:
    *   粘贴史诗的链接.
    *   通过输入史诗标题的一部分来搜索所需的问题,然后选择所需的匹配项(在[GitLab 12.5 中](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/9126)引入).


4.  Click **Add**.

### Move child epics between epics[](#move-child-epics-between-epics "Permalink")

[Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/33039) in [GitLab Ultimate](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 13.0.

新的儿童史诗出现在" **史诗和问题"**选项卡中的列表顶部. 您可以将儿童史诗从一个史诗转移到另一个史诗. 当您添加已链接到父级史诗的史诗时,到其当前父级的链接将被删除. 问题和儿童史诗不能混在一起.


1.  转到" **史诗和问题"**标签.
2.  将史诗拖到所需的父史诗中.

### Reorder child epics assigned to an epic[](#reorder-child-epics-assigned-to-an-epic "Permalink")

在 GitLab 12.5 中[引入](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/9367) .

新的儿童史诗出现在" **史诗和问题"**选项卡中的列表顶部. 您可以对子史诗列表进行重新排序.


1.  转到" **史诗和问题"**标签.
2.  将史诗拖到所需的顺序.

### Remove a child epic from a parent epic[](#remove-a-child-epic-from-a-parent-epic "Permalink")


1.  单击父级史诗列表中的`x`按钮.
2.**删除史诗**警告消息,请单击**删除** .