未验证 提交 ba497e3f 编写于 作者: M Matthias Benkort 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #515 from shaharke/fix_pure_log

Fix pureLog in support.js to match the implemenation in the book
......@@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ const validateUser = curry(function validateUser(validate, user) {
const getFile = IO.of('/home/mostly-adequate/ch09.md');
const pureLog = function pureLog(str) { return new IO(() => str); };
const pureLog = function pureLog(str) { return new IO(() => { console.log(str); return str; }); };
const addToMailingList = function addToMailingList(email) { return IO.of([email]); };
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