提交 19a3177f 编写于 作者: V VladimirLogachev

fix findParam to make usage of Maybe reasonable

上级 6c7552ba
......@@ -455,14 +455,14 @@ const toPairs = compose(map(split('=')), split('&'));
// params :: String -> [[String]]
const params = compose(toPairs, last, split('?'));
// findParam :: String -> IO Maybe [[String]]
const findParam = key => map(compose(Maybe.of, filter(compose(eq(key), head)), params), url);
// findParam :: String -> IO Maybe [String]
const findParam = key => map(compose(Maybe.of, find(compose(eq(key), head)), params), url);
// -- Impure calling code ----------------------------------------------
// run it by calling $value()!
// Just([['searchTerm', 'wafflehouse']])
// Just(['searchTerm', 'wafflehouse'])
Our library keeps its hands clean by wrapping `url` in an `IO` and passing the buck to the caller. You might have also noticed that we have stacked our containers; it's perfectly reasonable to have a `IO(Maybe([x]))`, which is three functors deep (`Array` is most definitely a mappable container type) and exceptionally expressive.
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