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Audio: Add dr_libs and update miniaudio links

上级 64a4bb0b
......@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny
*Audio, Sound, Music, Digitized Voice Libraries*
* [AudioFile](https://github.com/adamstark/AudioFile) - A simple C++ library for reading and writing audio files. [GPL3]
* [dr_libs](https://github.com/mackron/dr_libs) - Single file audio decoding libraries for C and C++. [Unlicense]
* [FMOD](http://www.fmod.org/) - An easy to use crossplatform audio engine and audio content creation tool for games. [Free for non-commercial/Commercial]
* [KFR](https://www.kfrlib.com/) - Fast, modern C++ DSP framework, FFT, FIR/IIR filters, Sample Rate Conversion. [GPL/Commercial]
* [LAME](https://lame.sourceforge.io/using.php) - LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3) encoder. [LGPL]
......@@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny
* [libsoundio](https://github.com/andrewrk/libsoundio) - C library for cross-platform real-time audio input and output. [MIT] [website](http://libsound.io/)
* [Maximilian](https://github.com/micknoise/Maximilian) - C++ Audio and Music DSP Library. [MIT]
* [OpenAL](http://www.openal.org/) - Open Audio Library - A crossplatform audio API. [BSD/LGPL/Commercial]
* [miniaudio](https://github.com/dr-soft/miniaudio) - Single file audio playback and capture library. [Unlicense]
* [miniaudio](https://github.com/mackron/miniaudio) - Single file audio playback and capture library. [Unlicense] [website](https://miniaud.io/)
* [ni-media](https://github.com/NativeInstruments/ni-media) - C++ library for reading and writing audio files. [MIT]
* [Opus](http://opus-codec.org/) - A totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec. [BSD]
* [PortAudio](http://www.portaudio.com/) - PortAudio is a free, cross-platform, open-source, audio I/O library. [MIT]
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