提交 6f9f5310 编写于 作者: E Evan

feat: dynamic menu

上级 d12d2cf8
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
var data = resp.data.data
_this.$store.commit('login', data)
var path = _this.$route.query.redirect
_this.$router.replace({path: path === '/' || path === undefined ? '/home' : path})
_this.$router.replace({path: path === '/' || path === undefined ? '/admin' : path})
.catch(failResponse => {})
......@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
<Header style="position: absolute;width: 100%;"></Header>
<el-row style="z-index: 0;">
<el-col style="width: 250px" >
<el-col :span="4" >
<el-col :span="20" style="margin-top: 80px">
......@@ -20,10 +20,8 @@
export default {
name: 'AdminIndex',
components: {AdminMenu, Header},
components: {AdminMenu, Header}
// 配置获取菜单方法
mounted () {
......@@ -9,20 +9,19 @@
<div style="height: 80px;"></div>
<!--<template v-for="(item,i) in navList">-->
<template v-for="(item,i) in adminMenus">
<!--index 没有用但是必需字段-->
<!--<el-submenu :key="i" index="i + ''">-->
<!--<span slot="title">测试</span>-->
<!--<el-menu-item v-for="(item,i) in navList" :key="i" :index="item.name" style="font-size: 18px">-->
<!--<i :class="item.icon"></i>-->
<!--{{ item.navItem }}-->
<el-menu-item v-for="(item,i) in navList" :key="i" :index="item.name" style="font-size: 18px">
<i :class="item.icon"></i>
{{ item.navItem }}
<el-submenu :key="i" :index="i + ''" style="text-align: left">
<span slot="title" style="font-size: 17px;">
<i :class="item.iconCls"></i>
<el-menu-item v-for="child in item.children" :key="child.path" :index="child.path">
<i :class="child.icon"></i>
{{ child.nameZh }}
......@@ -30,15 +29,9 @@
export default {
name: 'AdminMenu',
data () {
return {
navList: [
{name: '/admin/users', navItem: '用户管理', icon: 'el-icon-user'},
{name: '/admin/library', navItem: '图书管理', icon: 'el-icon-tickets'},
{name: '/admin/news', navItem: '新闻管理', icon: 'el-icon-news'},
{name: '/system', navItem: '系统设置', icon: 'el-icon-s-tools'}
keywords: ''
computed: {
adminMenus () {
return this.$store.state.adminMenus
......@@ -47,7 +40,6 @@
<style scoped>
.el-menu-admin {
height: 1200px;
font-size: 30px;
border-radius: 5px;
......@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
<img src="../../assets/img/icon/icon2.png" alt="" width="55px" style="float: left;margin-top: -5px;">
<span style="font-size: 32px;font-weight: bold;position:absolute;left: 100px">白 卷</span>
<i class="el-icon-s-unfold" style="font-size: 40px;float: right"></i>
<el-button @click="getMenus">测试接口</el-button>
<i class="el-icon-switch-button" v-on:click="logout" style="font-size: 40px;float: right"></i>
......@@ -13,11 +12,14 @@
export default {
name: 'Header',
methods: {
getMenus () {
this.$axios.get('/menu').then(resp => {
if (resp && resp.status === 200) {
logout () {
var _this = this
this.$axios.get('/logout').then(resp => {
if (resp.data.code === 200) {
}).catch(failResponse => {})
......@@ -29,4 +31,8 @@
opacity: 0.85;
line-height: 40px;
.el-icon-switch-button {
cursor: pointer;
<span style="font-size: 200px">test</span>
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
......@@ -45,10 +44,6 @@
methods: {
handleSelect (key, keyPath) {
console.log(key, keyPath)
logout () {
var _this = this
this.$axios.get('/logout').then(resp => {
......@@ -21,11 +21,18 @@ Vue.use(mavonEditor)
// 如果前端没有登录信息则直接拦截,如果有则判断后端是否正常登录(防止构造参数绕过)
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
if (store.state.user.username && to.path.startsWith('/admin')) {
axios.get('/authentication').then(resp => {
initAdminMenu(router, store)
if (to.meta.requireAuth) {
if (store.state.user.username) {
axios.get('/authentication').then(resp => {
if (resp) next()
} else {
path: 'login',
......@@ -38,7 +45,7 @@ router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
// http request拦截器,为请求加上 token,测试用,没有必要
// http request拦截器,为请求加上 token,测试用
/* axios.interceptors.request.use(
config => {
// 输出当前状态下的 token
......@@ -66,14 +73,66 @@ axios.interceptors.response.use(
if (error) {
path: 'login',
query: {redirect: router.currentRoute.fullPath}
path: 'login'
// query: {redirect: router.currentRoute.fullPath}
// 返回接口返回的错误信息
return Promise.reject(error.response.data)
export const initAdminMenu = (router, store) => {
if (store.state.adminMenus.length > 0) {
axios.get('/menu').then(resp => {
if (resp && resp.status === 200) {
var fmtRoutes = formatRoutes(resp.data)
store.commit('initAdminMenu', fmtRoutes)
export const formatRoutes = (routes) => {
let fmtRoutes = []
routes.forEach(route => {
let {
} = route
if (children) {
children = formatRoutes(children)
let fmtRoute = {
path: path,
component: resolve => {
if (component.startsWith('User')) {
require(['./components/admin/user/' + component + '.vue'], resolve)
} else if (component.startsWith('Library')) {
// require(['./library/' + component + '.vue'], resolve)
} else if (component.startsWith('Admin')) {
require(['./components/admin/' + component + '.vue'], resolve)
name: name,
nameZh: nameZh,
meta: {
requireAuth: true
iconCls: icon,
children: children
return fmtRoutes
/* eslint-disable no-new */
new Vue({
el: '#app',
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Login from '../components/Login'
import Home from '../components/Home'
import AdminIndex from '../components/admin/AdminIndex'
import Register from '../components/Register'
// import UserBasic from '../components/admin/user/UserBasic'
......@@ -33,18 +34,12 @@ export default new Router({
path: '/index',
name: 'AppIndex',
component: AppIndex,
meta: {
requireAuth: true
component: AppIndex
path: '/jotter',
name: 'Jotter',
component: JotterIndex,
meta: {
requireAuth: true
component: JotterIndex
path: '/editor',
......@@ -57,10 +52,7 @@ export default new Router({
path: '/library',
name: 'Library',
component: LibraryIndex,
meta: {
requireAuth: true
component: LibraryIndex
......@@ -81,6 +73,13 @@ export default new Router({
meta: {
requireAuth: true
// children: [
// {
// path: '/admin/basic',
// name: 'basic',
// component: UserBasic
// }
// ]
......@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ export default new Vuex.Store({
username: window.localStorage.getItem('user' || '[]') == null ? '' : JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('user' || '[]')).username
// roles: window.localStorage.getItem('user' || '[]') == null ? '' : JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('user' || '[]')).roles
menuItems: []
adminMenus: []
mutations: {
initMenu (state, menus) {
state.routes = menus
initAdminMenu (state, menus) {
state.adminMenus = menus
login (state, data) {
state.user = data
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export default new Vuex.Store({
// 注意不能用 null 清除,否则将无法判断 user 里具体的内容
state.user = []
// state.routes = []
state.adminMenus = []
actions: {
......@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ public class MyWebConfigurer implements WebMvcConfigurer {
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
......@@ -29,13 +30,12 @@ public class MenuController {
public List<AdminMenu> menu() {
return getMenuByRole();
return respMenu(getMenuByRole());
public List<AdminMenu> getMenuByRole() {
String username = SecurityUtils.getSubject().getPrincipal().toString();
User user = userService.getByUserName(username);
List<AdminUserRole> userRoleList = adminUserRoleService.listAllByUid(user.getId());
List<AdminMenu> menus = new ArrayList<>();
for (AdminUserRole userRole : userRoleList) {
......@@ -46,4 +46,19 @@ public class MenuController {
return menus;
public List<AdminMenu> respMenu(List<AdminMenu> menus) {
for (AdminMenu menu : menus) {
Iterator<AdminMenu> iterator = menus.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
AdminMenu menu = iterator.next();
if (menu.getParentId() != 0) {
return menus;
package com.gm.wj.dao;
import com.gm.wj.pojo.AdminMenu;
import io.lettuce.core.dynamic.annotation.Param;
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository;
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.Query;
import java.util.List;
public interface AdminMenuDAO extends JpaRepository<AdminMenu, Integer> {
AdminMenu findById(int id);
List<AdminMenu> findAllByParentId(int parentId);
......@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@ public class AdminMenu {
@Column(name = "id")
int id;
String path;
String name;
@Column(name = "name_zh")
String nameZh;
String icon;
String component;
@Column(name = "parent_id")
String parentId;
int parentId;
List<AdminMenu> children;
MenuMeta menuMeta;
public int getId() {
return id;
......@@ -40,6 +40,22 @@ public class AdminMenu {
this.path = path;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getNameZh() {
return nameZh;
public void setNameZh(String nameZh) {
this.nameZh = nameZh;
public String getIcon() {
return icon;
......@@ -64,19 +80,11 @@ public class AdminMenu {
this.children = children;
public String getParentId() {
public int getParentId() {
return parentId;
public void setParentId(String parentId) {
public void setParentId(int parentId) {
this.parentId = parentId;
public MenuMeta getMenuMeta() {
return menuMeta;
public void setMenuMeta(MenuMeta menuMeta) {
this.menuMeta = menuMeta;
package com.gm.wj.pojo;
public class MenuMeta {
private boolean requireAuth;
public boolean isRequireAuth() {
return requireAuth;
public void setRequireAuth(boolean requireAuth) {
this.requireAuth = requireAuth;
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import com.gm.wj.pojo.AdminMenu;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import java.util.List;
public class AdminMenuService {
......@@ -13,4 +15,5 @@ public class AdminMenuService {
public AdminMenu getOneById(int id) {
return adminMenuDAO.findById(id);
public List<AdminMenu> getAllByParentId(int parentId) {return adminMenuDAO.findAllByParentId(parentId);}
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