提交 714ae8e0 编写于 作者: M maguohua

updata shop

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......@@ -72,9 +72,23 @@
<symbol viewBox="0 0 32 32" id="speed">
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<transition name="router-fade">
<transition name="router-fade" mode="out-in">
......@@ -91,7 +105,7 @@
<style lang="scss">
@import './style/common.scss';
.router-fade-enter-active, .router-fade-leave-active {
transition: opacity .6s;
transition: opacity .4s;
.router-fade-enter, .router-fade-leave-active {
opacity: 0;
......@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ export const loadMore = {
let requestFram;
let oldScrollTop;
document.addEventListener('scroll',() => {
el.addEventListener('touchstart',() => {
height = el.offsetHeight;
setTop = el.offsetTop;
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ export default {
this.showLoading = false;
watch: {
restaurantCategoryIds: function (value){
......@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ export const loadMore = (element, callback) => {
let requestFram;
let oldScrollTop;
element.addEventListener('scroll',() => {
}, false)
//运动开始时获取元素 高度 和 offseTop, pading, margin
element.addEventListener('touchstart',() => {
height = element.offsetHeight;
......@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ export const loadMore = (element, callback) => {
marginBottom = getStyle(element,'marginBottom');
},{passive: true})
//运动过程中保持坚挺 scrollTop 的值判断是否到达底部
//运动过程中保持监听 scrollTop 的值判断是否到达底部
element.addEventListener('touchmove',() => {
},{passive: true})
......@@ -102,6 +105,9 @@ export const showBack = callback => {
let requestFram;
let oldScrollTop;
document.addEventListener('scroll',() => {
}, false)
document.addEventListener('touchstart',() => {
},{passive: true})
......@@ -198,35 +198,8 @@ export default {
confirmStatus: false, // 确认选择
async created(){
this.geohash = this.$route.query.geohash;
this.headTitle = this.$route.query.title;
this.foodTitle = this.headTitle;
this.restaurant_category_id = this.$route.query.restaurant_category_id;
if (!this.latitude) {
let res = await msiteAdress(this.geohash);
// 记录当前经度纬度进入vuex
this.category = await foodCategory(this.latitude, this.longitude);
this.category.forEach(item => {
if (this.restaurant_category_id == item.id) {
this.categoryDetail = item.sub_categories;
this.Delivery = await foodDelivery(this.latitude, this.longitude);
this.Activity = await foodActivity(this.latitude, this.longitude);
this.Activity.forEach((item, index) => {
this.support_ids[index] = {status: false, id: item.id};
mixins: [getImgPath],
components: {
......@@ -242,6 +215,37 @@ export default {
async initData(){
this.geohash = this.$route.query.geohash;
this.headTitle = this.$route.query.title;
this.foodTitle = this.headTitle;
this.restaurant_category_id = this.$route.query.restaurant_category_id;
if (!this.latitude) {
let res = await msiteAdress(this.geohash);
// 记录当前经度纬度进入vuex
this.category = await foodCategory(this.latitude, this.longitude);
this.category.forEach(item => {
if (this.restaurant_category_id == item.id) {
this.categoryDetail = item.sub_categories;
this.Delivery = await foodDelivery(this.latitude, this.longitude);
this.Activity = await foodActivity(this.latitude, this.longitude);
this.Activity.forEach((item, index) => {
this.support_ids[index] = {status: false, id: item.id};
// 点击顶部三个选项,展示不同的列表,选中当前选项进行展示,同时收回其他选项
async chooseType(type){
if (this.sortBy !== type) {
......@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ export default {
this.foodTypes = foodArr;
}).then(() => {
new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
pagination: '.swiper-pagination',
loop: true
<div class="rating_page">
<head-top head-title="评论" go-back='true'></head-top>
import headTop from '../../../components/header/head'
export default {
components: {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import '../../../style/mixin.scss';
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
background-color: #fff;
z-index: 18;
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ const checkout = r => require.ensure([], () => r(require('../page/checkout/check
const order = r => require.ensure([], () => r(require('../page/order/order')), 'order')
const vipcard = r => require.ensure([], () => r(require('../page/vipcard/vipcard')), 'vipcard')
const food = r => require.ensure([], () => r(require('../page/food/food')), 'food')
const rating = r => require.ensure([], () => r(require('../page/shop/children/rating')), 'rating')
export default [{
......@@ -23,8 +24,15 @@ export default [{
{ path: '/city/:cityid', component: city }, //当前选择城市页
{ path: '/msite', component: msite, }, //所有商铺列表页
{ path: '/food', component: food }, //特色商铺列表页
{ path: '/search/:geohash', component: search }, //搜索页
{ path: '/shop', component: shop }, //商铺详情页
{ path: '/search/:geohash', component: search }, //搜索页
{ path: '/shop', component: shop ,
children: [
path: 'rating',
component: rating,
}, //商铺详情页
{ path: '/login', component: login }, //登陆注册页
{ path: '/profile', component: profile }, //个人信息页
{ path: '/forget', component: forget }, //修改密码页
......@@ -5,34 +5,42 @@ import * as msite from './tempdata/msite'
import * as search from './tempdata/search'
import * as food from './tempdata/food'
import * as shop from './tempdata/shop'
* 获取首页默认地址
export const cityGuess = () => fetch('GET', '/v1/cities', {type: 'guess'});
* 获取首页热门城市
export const hotcity = () => fetch('GET', '/v1/cities', {type: 'hot'});
* 获取首页所有城市
export const groupcity = () => fetch('GET', '/v1/cities', {type: 'group'});
* 获取当前所在城市
export const currentcity = number => fetch('GET', '/v1/cities/' + number, {});
* 获取搜索地址
export const searchplace = (cityid, value) => fetch('GET', '/v1/pois', {type: 'search', city_id: cityid, keyword: value});
* 获取msite页面地址信息
export const msiteAdress = geohash => fetch('GET', '/v2/pois/' + geohash, {});
* 获取msite页面食品分类列表
export const msiteFoodTypes = geohash => fetch('GET', '/v2/index_entry', {geohash, group_type:'1', 'flags[]':'F'});
* 获取msite商铺列表
......@@ -45,28 +53,36 @@ export const shopList = (latitude, longitude, offset, restaurant_category_id = '
let data = {latitude, longitude, offset, limit: '20', 'extras[]':'activities', keyword: '', restaurant_category_id, 'restaurant_category_ids[]': restaurant_category_ids, order_by, 'delivery_mode[]':delivery_mode + supportStr};
return fetch('GET', '/shopping/restaurants', data);
* 获取search页面搜索结果
export const searchRestaurant = (geohash, keyword) => fetch('GET', '/v4/restaurants', {'extras[]':'restaurant_activity', geohash, keyword, type: 'search'});
* 获取food页面的 category 种类列表
export const foodCategory = (latitude, longitude) => fetch('GET', '/shopping/v2/restaurant/category', {latitude, longitude});
* 获取food页面的配送方式
export const foodDelivery = (latitude, longitude) => fetch('GET', '/shopping/v1/restaurants/delivery_modes', {latitude, longitude, kw: ''});
* 获取food页面的商家属性活动列表
export const foodActivity = (latitude, longitude) => fetch('GET', '/shopping/v1/restaurants/activity_attributes', {latitude, longitude, kw: ''});
* 获取shop页面商铺详情
//export const shopDetails = (shopid, latitude, longitude) => fetch('GET', '/shopping/restaurant/' + shopid, {latitude, longitude:longitude + '&extras[]=activities&extras[]=album&extras[]=license&extras[]=identification&extras[]=statistics'});
* 获取food页面的商家属性活动列表
//export const foodMenu = restaurant_id => fetch('GET', '/shopping/v2/menu', {restaurant_id});
......@@ -91,3 +107,4 @@ const setpromise = data => {
// export const foodDelivery = (latitude, longitude) => setpromise(food.delivery);
// export const foodActivity = (latitude, longitude) => setpromise(food.activity);
export const shopDetails = (shopid, latitude, longitude) => setpromise(shop.shopDetails);
export const foodMenu = restaurant_id => setpromise(shop.shopMenu);
......@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ Vue.use(Vuex)
const state = {
latitude: '', // 当前位置纬度
longitude: '', // 当前位置经度
longitude: '', // 当前位置经度
cartList: [], // 加入购物车的商品列表
export default new Vuex.Store({
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ body, div, span, header, footer, nav, section, aside, article, ul, dl, dt, dd, l
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......@@ -16,6 +15,30 @@ body, div, span, header, footer, nav, section, aside, article, ul, dl, dt, dd, l
/*定义滚动条高宽及背景 高宽分别对应横竖滚动条的尺寸*/
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
background-color: #F5F5F5;
/*定义滚动条轨道 内阴影+圆角*/
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,0);
border-radius: 10px;
background-color: #F5F5F5;
/*定义滑块 内阴影+圆角*/
border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
background-color: #555;
input[type="button"], input[type="submit"], input[type="search"], input[type="reset"] {
-webkit-appearance: none;
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