提交 6f65c5a9 编写于 作者: S slguan

[TD-9] error while get metadata

上级 66de5c58
......@@ -725,13 +725,13 @@ static int32_t mgmtDoGetChildTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SChildTableObj *pTable, STab
if (pTable->info.type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) {
pMeta->sversion = htons(pTable->superTable->sversion);
pMeta->numOfTags = htons(pTable->superTable->numOfTags);
pMeta->numOfColumns = htons(pTable->superTable->numOfColumns);
pMeta->numOfTags = 0;
pMeta->numOfColumns = htons((int16_t)pTable->superTable->numOfColumns);
pMeta->contLen = sizeof(STableMetaMsg) + mgmtSetSchemaFromSuperTable(pMeta->schema, pTable->superTable);
} else {
pMeta->sversion = htons(pTable->sversion);
pMeta->numOfTags = 0;
pMeta->numOfColumns = htons(pTable->numOfColumns);
pMeta->numOfColumns = htons((int16_t)pTable->numOfColumns);
pMeta->contLen = sizeof(STableMetaMsg) + mgmtSetSchemaFromNormalTable(pMeta->schema, pTable);
......@@ -758,9 +758,9 @@ static int32_t mgmtDoGetChildTableMeta(SDbObj *pDb, SChildTableObj *pTable, STab
void mgmtGetChildTableMeta(SQueuedMsg *pMsg, SChildTableObj *pTable) {
SCMTableInfoMsg *pInfo = pMsg->pCont;
SDbObj *pDb = mgmtGetDbByTableId(pTable->info.tableId);
SDbObj *pDb = mgmtGetDbByTableId(pInfo->tableId);
if (pDb == NULL || pDb->dirty) {
mError("table:%s, failed to get table meta, db not selected", pTable->info.tableId);
mError("table:%s, failed to get table meta, db not selected", pInfo->tableId);
mgmtSendSimpleResp(pMsg->thandle, TSDB_CODE_DB_NOT_SELECTED);
......@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ static STableInfo* mgmtGetTableByPos(uint32_t dnodeId, int32_t vnode, int32_t si
return NULL;
return pVgroup->tableList[sid];
return (STableInfo *)pVgroup->tableList[sid];
static void mgmtProcessTableCfgMsg(SRpcMsg *rpcMsg) {
......@@ -610,8 +610,8 @@ void mgmtGetSuperTableMeta(SQueuedMsg *pMsg, SSuperTableObj *pTable) {
pMeta->uid = htobe64(pTable->uid);
pMeta->sversion = htons(pTable->sversion);
pMeta->precision = pDb->cfg.precision;
pMeta->numOfTags = pTable->numOfTags;
pMeta->numOfColumns = htons(pTable->numOfColumns);
pMeta->numOfTags = htons((int16_t)pTable->numOfTags);
pMeta->numOfColumns = htons((int16_t)pTable->numOfColumns);
pMeta->tableType = pTable->info.type;
pMeta->contLen = sizeof(STableMetaMsg) + mgmtSetSchemaFromSuperTable(pMeta->schema, pTable);
strcpy(pMeta->tableId, pTable->info.tableId);
......@@ -230,6 +230,13 @@ static void mgmtProcessTableMetaMsg(SQueuedMsg *pMsg) {
SCMTableInfoMsg *pInfo = pMsg->pCont;
mTrace("table:%s, table meta msg is received from thandle:%p", pInfo->tableId, pMsg->thandle);
pMsg->pDb = mgmtGetDbByTableId(pInfo->tableId);
if (pMsg->pDb == NULL || pMsg->pDb->dirty) {
mError("table:%s, failed to get table meta, db not selected", pInfo->tableId);
mgmtSendSimpleResp(pMsg->thandle, TSDB_CODE_DB_NOT_SELECTED);
STableInfo *pTable = mgmtGetTable(pInfo->tableId);
if (pTable == NULL || pTable->type != TSDB_SUPER_TABLE) {
mgmtGetChildTableMeta(pMsg, (SChildTableObj *)pTable);
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "mgmtDClient.h"
#include "mgmtDnode.h"
#include "mgmtDServer.h"
#include "mgmtMnode.h"
#include "mgmtProfile.h"
#include "mgmtSdb.h"
#include "mgmtShell.h"
......@@ -483,17 +484,6 @@ SMDCreateVnodeMsg *mgmtBuildCreateVnodeMsg(SVgObj *pVgroup) {
return pVnode;
static SVgObj *mgmtGetVgroupInDnode(uint32_t dnodeId, int32_t vgId) {
if (vnovgId < 1 || dnodeId < 1) return NULL;
SDnodeObj *pDnode = mgmtGetDnode(dnodeId);
if (pDnode == NULL) {
return NULL;
return mgmtGetVgroup(vgId);
SRpcIpSet mgmtGetIpSetFromVgroup(SVgObj *pVgroup) {
SRpcIpSet ipSet = {
.numOfIps = pVgroup->numOfVnodes,
......@@ -657,19 +647,26 @@ static void mgmtProcessVnodeCfgMsg(SRpcMsg *rpcMsg) {
if (mgmtCheckRedirect(rpcMsg->handle)) return;
SDMConfigVnodeMsg *pCfg = (SDMConfigVnodeMsg *) rpcMsg->pCont;
pCfg->dnodeId = htonl(pCfg->dnode);
pCfg->vgId = htonl(pCfg->vnode);
pCfg->dnodeId = htonl(pCfg->dnodeId);
pCfg->vgId = htonl(pCfg->vgId);
SDnodeObj *pDnode = mgmtGetDnode(pCfg->dnodeId);
if (pDnode == NULL) {
mTrace("dnode:%s, invalid dnode", taosIpStr(pCfg->dnodeId), pCfg->vgId);
mgmtSendSimpleResp(rpcMsg->handle, TSDB_CODE_NOT_ACTIVE_VNODE);
SVgObj *pVgroup = mgmtGetVgroupInDnode(pCfg->dnodeId, pCfg->vgId);
SVgObj *pVgroup = mgmtGetVgroup(pCfg->vgId);
if (pVgroup == NULL) {
mTrace("dnode:%s, vnode:%d, no vgroup info", taosIpStr(pCfg->dnode), pCfg->vnode);
mTrace("dnode:%s, vgId:%d, no vgroup info", taosIpStr(pCfg->dnodeId), pCfg->vgId);
mgmtSendSimpleResp(rpcMsg->handle, TSDB_CODE_NOT_ACTIVE_VNODE);
mgmtSendSimpleResp(rpcMsg->handle, TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS);
SRpcIpSet ipSet = mgmtGetIpSetFromIp(pCfg->dnode);
SRpcIpSet ipSet = mgmtGetIpSetFromIp(pDnode->privateIp);
mgmtSendCreateVnodeMsg(pVgroup, &ipSet, NULL);
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