未验证 提交 d386d655 编写于 作者: M Mr.doob 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #17830 from Mugen87/dev38

PCDLoader: Add support for binary-compressed files.
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<p class="desc">A loader for loading a <em>.pcd</em> resource. <br />
Point Cloud Data is a file format for <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_Cloud_Library">Point Cloud Library</a>. <br />
Loader support ascii and binary. Compressed binary files are not supported.
Loader support ascii and (compressed) binary.
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<p class="desc">A loader for loading a <em>.pcd</em> resource. <br />
Point Cloud Data is a file format for <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_Cloud_Library">Point Cloud Library</a>. <br />
Loader support ascii and binary. Compressed binary files are not supported.
Loader support ascii and (compressed) binary.
......@@ -54,6 +54,60 @@ THREE.PCDLoader.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.Loader.prototype
parse: function ( data, url ) {
// from https://gitlab.com/taketwo/three-pcd-loader/blob/master/decompress-lzf.js
function decompressLZF( inData, outLength ) {
var inLength = inData.length;
var outData = new Uint8Array( outLength );
var inPtr = 0;
var outPtr = 0;
var ctrl;
var len;
var ref;
do {
ctrl = inData[ inPtr ++ ];
if ( ctrl < ( 1 << 5 ) ) {
ctrl ++;
if ( outPtr + ctrl > outLength ) throw new Error( 'Output buffer is not large enough' );
if ( inPtr + ctrl > inLength ) throw new Error( 'Invalid compressed data' );
do {
outData[ outPtr ++ ] = inData[ inPtr ++ ];
} while ( -- ctrl );
} else {
len = ctrl >> 5;
ref = outPtr - ( ( ctrl & 0x1f ) << 8 ) - 1;
if ( inPtr >= inLength ) throw new Error( 'Invalid compressed data' );
if ( len === 7 ) {
len += inData[ inPtr ++ ];
if ( inPtr >= inLength ) throw new Error( 'Invalid compressed data' );
ref -= inData[ inPtr ++ ];
if ( outPtr + len + 2 > outLength ) throw new Error( 'Output buffer is not large enough' );
if ( ref < 0 ) throw new Error( 'Invalid compressed data' );
if ( ref >= outPtr ) throw new Error( 'Invalid compressed data' );
do {
outData[ outPtr ++ ] = outData[ ref ++ ];
} while ( -- len + 2 );
} while ( inPtr < inLength );
return outData;
function parseHeader( data ) {
var PCDheader = {};
......@@ -219,15 +273,54 @@ THREE.PCDLoader.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.Loader.prototype
// binary
// binary-compressed
// normally data in PCD files are organized as array of structures: XYZRGBXYZRGB
// binary compressed PCD files organize their data as structure of arrays: XXYYZZRGBRGB
// that requires a totally different parsing approach compared to non-compressed data
if ( PCDheader.data === 'binary_compressed' ) {
console.error( 'THREE.PCDLoader: binary_compressed files are not supported' );
var sizes = new Uint32Array( data.slice( PCDheader.headerLen, PCDheader.headerLen + 8 ) );
var compressedSize = sizes[ 0 ];
var decompressedSize = sizes[ 1 ];
var decompressed = decompressLZF( new Uint8Array( data, PCDheader.headerLen + 8, compressedSize ), decompressedSize );
var dataview = new DataView( decompressed.buffer );
var offset = PCDheader.offset;
for ( var i = 0; i < PCDheader.points; i ++ ) {
if ( offset.x !== undefined ) {
position.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.x ) + PCDheader.size[ 0 ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
position.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.y ) + PCDheader.size[ 1 ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
position.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.z ) + PCDheader.size[ 2 ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
if ( offset.rgb !== undefined ) {
color.push( dataview.getUint8( ( PCDheader.points * ( offset.rgb + 2 ) + PCDheader.size[ 3 ] * i ) / 255.0 ) );
color.push( dataview.getUint8( ( PCDheader.points * ( offset.rgb + 1 ) + PCDheader.size[ 3 ] * i ) / 255.0 ) );
color.push( dataview.getUint8( ( PCDheader.points * ( offset.rgb + 0 ) + PCDheader.size[ 3 ] * i ) / 255.0 ) );
if ( offset.normal_x !== undefined ) {
normal.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.normal_x ) + PCDheader.size[ 4 ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
normal.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.normal_y ) + PCDheader.size[ 5 ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
normal.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.normal_z ) + PCDheader.size[ 6 ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
// binary
if ( PCDheader.data === 'binary' ) {
var dataview = new DataView( data, PCDheader.headerLen );
......@@ -287,7 +380,7 @@ THREE.PCDLoader.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( THREE.Loader.prototype
// build mesh
// build point cloud
var mesh = new THREE.Points( geometry, material );
var name = url.split( '' ).reverse().join( '' );
......@@ -65,6 +65,60 @@ PCDLoader.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Loader.prototype ), {
parse: function ( data, url ) {
// from https://gitlab.com/taketwo/three-pcd-loader/blob/master/decompress-lzf.js
function decompressLZF( inData, outLength ) {
var inLength = inData.length;
var outData = new Uint8Array( outLength );
var inPtr = 0;
var outPtr = 0;
var ctrl;
var len;
var ref;
do {
ctrl = inData[ inPtr ++ ];
if ( ctrl < ( 1 << 5 ) ) {
ctrl ++;
if ( outPtr + ctrl > outLength ) throw new Error( 'Output buffer is not large enough' );
if ( inPtr + ctrl > inLength ) throw new Error( 'Invalid compressed data' );
do {
outData[ outPtr ++ ] = inData[ inPtr ++ ];
} while ( -- ctrl );
} else {
len = ctrl >> 5;
ref = outPtr - ( ( ctrl & 0x1f ) << 8 ) - 1;
if ( inPtr >= inLength ) throw new Error( 'Invalid compressed data' );
if ( len === 7 ) {
len += inData[ inPtr ++ ];
if ( inPtr >= inLength ) throw new Error( 'Invalid compressed data' );
ref -= inData[ inPtr ++ ];
if ( outPtr + len + 2 > outLength ) throw new Error( 'Output buffer is not large enough' );
if ( ref < 0 ) throw new Error( 'Invalid compressed data' );
if ( ref >= outPtr ) throw new Error( 'Invalid compressed data' );
do {
outData[ outPtr ++ ] = outData[ ref ++ ];
} while ( -- len + 2 );
} while ( inPtr < inLength );
return outData;
function parseHeader( data ) {
var PCDheader = {};
......@@ -230,15 +284,54 @@ PCDLoader.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Loader.prototype ), {
// binary
// binary-compressed
// normally data in PCD files are organized as array of structures: XYZRGBXYZRGB
// binary compressed PCD files organize their data as structure of arrays: XXYYZZRGBRGB
// that requires a totally different parsing approach compared to non-compressed data
if ( PCDheader.data === 'binary_compressed' ) {
console.error( 'THREE.PCDLoader: binary_compressed files are not supported' );
var sizes = new Uint32Array( data.slice( PCDheader.headerLen, PCDheader.headerLen + 8 ) );
var compressedSize = sizes[ 0 ];
var decompressedSize = sizes[ 1 ];
var decompressed = decompressLZF( new Uint8Array( data, PCDheader.headerLen + 8, compressedSize ), decompressedSize );
var dataview = new DataView( decompressed.buffer );
var offset = PCDheader.offset;
for ( var i = 0; i < PCDheader.points; i ++ ) {
if ( offset.x !== undefined ) {
position.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.x ) + PCDheader.size[ 0 ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
position.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.y ) + PCDheader.size[ 1 ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
position.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.z ) + PCDheader.size[ 2 ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
if ( offset.rgb !== undefined ) {
color.push( dataview.getUint8( ( PCDheader.points * ( offset.rgb + 2 ) + PCDheader.size[ 3 ] * i ) / 255.0 ) );
color.push( dataview.getUint8( ( PCDheader.points * ( offset.rgb + 1 ) + PCDheader.size[ 3 ] * i ) / 255.0 ) );
color.push( dataview.getUint8( ( PCDheader.points * ( offset.rgb + 0 ) + PCDheader.size[ 3 ] * i ) / 255.0 ) );
if ( offset.normal_x !== undefined ) {
normal.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.normal_x ) + PCDheader.size[ 4 ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
normal.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.normal_y ) + PCDheader.size[ 5 ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
normal.push( dataview.getFloat32( ( PCDheader.points * offset.normal_z ) + PCDheader.size[ 6 ] * i, this.littleEndian ) );
// binary
if ( PCDheader.data === 'binary' ) {
var dataview = new DataView( data, PCDheader.headerLen );
......@@ -298,7 +391,7 @@ PCDLoader.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Loader.prototype ), {
// build mesh
// build point cloud
var mesh = new Points( geometry, material );
var name = url.split( '' ).reverse().join( '' );
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