提交 c208e1d8 编写于 作者: L Lewy Blue

Updated drawing lines page

上级 b0756591
......@@ -9,49 +9,56 @@
Let's say you want to draw a line or a circle, not a wireframe [page:Mesh].
First we need to setup the [page:WebGLRenderer renderer], [page:Scene scene] and camera (see the Creating a scene page).
<p>Let's say you want to draw a line or a circle, not a wireframe geometry.
First we need to setup Renderer, Scene and camera (<a href="Getting%20Started">see Getting Started</a>).</p>
<p>Here is the code that we will use:</p>
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
<p>Here is the code that we will use:</p>
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(45, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 500);
camera.position.set(0, 0, 100);
camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0));
<div class="highlight highlight-source-js"><pre> <span class="pl-k">var</span> renderer <span class="pl-k">=</span> <span class="pl-k">new</span> <span class="pl-en">THREE.WebGLRenderer</span>();
<span class="pl-smi">renderer</span>.<span class="pl-en">setSize</span>(<span class="pl-c1">window</span>.<span class="pl-c1">innerWidth</span>, <span class="pl-c1">window</span>.<span class="pl-c1">innerHeight</span>);
<span class="pl-c1">document</span>.<span class="pl-c1">body</span>.<span class="pl-c1">appendChild</span>(<span class="pl-smi">renderer</span>.<span class="pl-smi">domElement</span>);
<span class="pl-k">var</span> camera <span class="pl-k">=</span> <span class="pl-k">new</span> <span class="pl-en">THREE.PerspectiveCamera</span>(<span class="pl-c1">45</span>, <span class="pl-c1">window</span>.<span class="pl-c1">innerWidth</span> <span class="pl-k">/</span> <span class="pl-c1">window</span>.<span class="pl-c1">innerHeight</span>, <span class="pl-c1">1</span>, <span class="pl-c1">500</span>);
<span class="pl-smi">camera</span>.<span class="pl-smi">position</span>.<span class="pl-c1">set</span>(<span class="pl-c1">0</span>, <span class="pl-c1">0</span>, <span class="pl-c1">100</span>);
<span class="pl-smi">camera</span>.<span class="pl-en">lookAt</span>(<span class="pl-k">new</span> <span class="pl-en">THREE.Vector3</span>(<span class="pl-c1">0</span>, <span class="pl-c1">0</span>, <span class="pl-c1">0</span>));
<span class="pl-k">var</span> scene <span class="pl-k">=</span> <span class="pl-k">new</span> <span class="pl-en">THREE.Scene</span>();</pre></div>
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
<p>Next thing we will do is define a material. For lines we have to use [page:LineBasicMaterial] oe [page:LineDashedMaterial].</p>
//create a blue LineBasicMaterial
var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: 0x0000ff });
<p>Next thing we will do is define a material. For lines we have to use <code>LineBasicMaterial</code>.</p>
After material we will need a [page:Geometry] or [page:BufferGeometry] with some vertices
(it's reccomended to use a BufferGeometry as it's more performant, however for simplicity we'll use a Geometry here):
<div class="highlight highlight-source-js"><pre> <span class="pl-k">var</span> material <span class="pl-k">=</span> <span class="pl-k">new</span> <span class="pl-en">THREE.LineBasicMaterial</span>({
color<span class="pl-k">:</span> <span class="pl-c1">0x0000ff</span>
var geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(-10, 0, 0));
geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(0, 10, 0));
geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(10, 0, 0));
<p>After material we will need a <code>Geometry</code> with some vertices:</p>
<p>Note that lines are drawn between each consecutive pair of vertices, but not between the first and last (the line is not closed.)</p>
<div class="highlight highlight-source-js"><pre> <span class="pl-k">var</span> geometry <span class="pl-k">=</span> <span class="pl-k">new</span> <span class="pl-en">THREE.Geometry</span>();
<span class="pl-smi">geometry</span>.<span class="pl-smi">vertices</span>.<span class="pl-c1">push</span>(<span class="pl-k">new</span> <span class="pl-en">THREE.Vector3</span>(<span class="pl-k">-</span><span class="pl-c1">10</span>, <span class="pl-c1">0</span>, <span class="pl-c1">0</span>));
<span class="pl-smi">geometry</span>.<span class="pl-smi">vertices</span>.<span class="pl-c1">push</span>(<span class="pl-k">new</span> <span class="pl-en">THREE.Vector3</span>(<span class="pl-c1">0</span>, <span class="pl-c1">10</span>, <span class="pl-c1">0</span>));
<span class="pl-smi">geometry</span>.<span class="pl-smi">vertices</span>.<span class="pl-c1">push</span>(<span class="pl-k">new</span> <span class="pl-en">THREE.Vector3</span>(<span class="pl-c1">10</span>, <span class="pl-c1">0</span>, <span class="pl-c1">0</span>));</pre></div>
<p>Now that we have points for two lines and a material, we can put them together to form a line.</p>
var line = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);
<p>All that's left is to add it to the scene and call [page:WebGLRenderer.render render].</p>
<p>Note that lines are drawn between each consecutive pair of vertices, but not between the first and last (the line is not closed.)</p>
renderer.render(scene, camera);
<p>Now that we have points for two lines and a material, we can put them together to form a line.</p>
<div class="highlight highlight-source-js"><pre>
<span class="pl-k">var</span> line <span class="pl-k">=</span> <span class="pl-k">new</span> <span class="pl-en">THREE.Line</span>(geometry, material);
<p>All that's left is to add it to the scene and call <code>render</code>.</p>
<div class="highlight highlight-source-js"><pre>
<span class="pl-smi">scene</span>.<span class="pl-c1">add</span>(line);
<span class="pl-smi">renderer</span>.<span class="pl-en">render</span>(scene, camera);
<p>You should now be seeing a arrow pointing upwards, made from two blue lines.</p>
<p>You should now be seeing a arrow pointing upwards, made from two blue lines.</p>
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