提交 b980f463 编写于 作者: M Mr.doob

Docs: Updated structure.

上级 050821e6
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<div class="desc">Representation of a ray in space.</div>
<div class="desc">Pretty useful for detecting collisions between objects in a scene.</div>
<h3>[name]( [page:Vector3 origin], [page:Vector3 direction], [page:Number near], [page:Number far])</h3>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 origin]</h3>
Where does the ray start. Default is *0, 0, 0*.
<h3>.[page:Vector3 direction]</h3>
A vector pointing in the direction the ray goes. Default is *0, 0, 0*.
<h3>.[page:Number near]</h3>
Defines the closest distance that will be checked for intersections, starting from origin. Default is *0*.
<h3>.[page:Number far]</h3>
Defines the furthest distance that will be checked for intersections, starting from origin. Default is *Infinity*.
<div>Hence, intersections will only be checked in the range *(near, far)*.</div>
<h3>.setPrecision( [page:Float value] )</h3>
<div>Defines the maximum precision used when determining intersections. This is specially important when checking collisions between almost parallel objects, and can make the difference between reporting a collision or not.</div>
<div>Default is *0.0001*</div>
<h3>.intersectObject( [page:Object3D object] ) [page:Object]</h3>
<div>Determines whether the ray intersects *object*. The result is an array containing tuples of the form</div>
distance: // distance between the origin and the intersected object,
point: // exact point where the intersection occurs,
face: // exact face that the ray intersected,
object: // the intersected object
<div>Note that even if we're checking only an object against a ray, the ray can intersect the object in more than one point. Hence, the return value is an array and not a single tuple.</div>
<h3>.intersectObjects( [page:Array objects] ) [page:Array]</h3>
<div>Goes through the *objects* array, and determine whether they ray intersects them. The result is an array that contains similar tuples to the ones returned by intersectObject</div>
The entries in the returned array are sorted by ascending distance (i.e. closest objects first).
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<div class="desc">
Mainly used internaly by [page:CanvasRenderer] for 2D clipping.
<h3>.getX() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>.getY() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>.getWidth() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>.getHeight() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>.getLeft() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>.getTop() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>.getRight() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>.getBottom() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>.set( [page:Float left], [page:Float top], [page:Float right], [page:Float bottom] )</h3>
<h3>.addPoint( [page:Float x], [page:Float y] )</h3>
<h3>.add3Points( [page:Float x1], [page:Float y1], [page:Float x2], [page:Float y2], [page:Float x3], [page:Float y3] )</h3>
<h3>.addRectangle( [page:Rectangle r] )</h3>
<h3>.inflate( [page:Float v] )</h3>
<h3>.minSelf( [page:Rectangle r] )</h3>
<h3>.intersects( [page:Rectangle r] ) [page:Boolean]</h3>
Adapted from [link:http://gamemath.com/2011/09/detecting-whether-two-boxes-overlap/].
<h3>.isEmpty() [page:Boolean]</h3>
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<div class="desc">A texture coordinate.</div>
<code>var uv = new THREE.UV( 0, 1 );</code>
<h3>[name]( [page:Float u], [page:Float v] )</h3>
u — Horizontal coordinate.<br />
v — Vertical coordinate.<br />
<h3>.[page:Float u]</h3>
Horizontal coordinate.<br />
<h3>.[page:Float v]</h3>
Vertical coordinate.<br />
<h3>.set( [page:Float u], [page:Float v] )</h3>
<h3>.copy( [page:UV uv] )</h3>
<h3>.clone() [page:UV]</h3>
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<div class="desc">This is a utility class to handle values in <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGB_color_model">RGB</a> and <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV">HSV</a> color spaces.</div>
<h3>.adjustHSV( [page:Color color], [page:Number h], [page:Number s], [page:Number v] )</h3>
<div class="desc">Taking a color as input, converts it to HSV, and applies the h, s, v parameters in place, i.e. no new color is returned but the original object is modified.</div>
[page:Color color] — source color to be adjusted<br />
[page:Number h] — hue change amount<br />
[page:Number s] — saturation change amount<br />
[page:Number v] — value change amount
<h3>.rgbToHsv( [page:Color color], [page:Object hsv] )</h3>
<div class="desc">Converts an RGB color into an HSV triplet and returns the converted color.</div>
[page:Color color] — source color to be converted<br />
[page:Object hsv] — object in which the return value will be stored, if not null
[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]
Curve - Extensible curve object
.. rubric:: Constructor
.. class:: Curve()
Extensible curve object
.. rubric:: Attributes
.. rubric:: Method
.. rubric:: Example(s)
\ No newline at end of file
CurvePath - Path with connected curves
.. rubric:: Constructor
.. class:: CurvePath()
A Path made with connected set of curves
.. rubric:: Attributes
.. rubric:: Method
.. rubric:: Example(s)
\ No newline at end of file
Path - A CurvePath with a Drawing API
.. rubric:: Constructor
.. class:: Path()
A CurvePath with convenience Drawing methods
.. rubric:: Attributes
.. rubric:: Method
.. rubric:: Example(s)
\ No newline at end of file
Shape - A closed 2d path with holes
.. rubric:: Constructor
.. class:: Shape()
A closed 2d Path with holes
.. rubric:: Attributes
.. rubric:: Method
.. rubric:: Example(s)
\ No newline at end of file
TextPath - Class for turning Text to Shapes
.. rubric:: Constructor
.. class:: TextPath()
Class for turning Text to Shapes
.. rubric:: Attributes
.. rubric:: Method
.. rubric:: Example(s)
\ No newline at end of file
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>[name]( radius, detail )</h3>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>[name]( radius, detail )</h3>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>[name]( radius, detail )</h3>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>[name]( radius, detail )</h3>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>[name]( radius, detail )</h3>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>[name]( radius, detail )</h3>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">Applies Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces for creating smooth geometry meshes</div>
<h3>[name]( subdivisions )</h3>
<div>Number of time subdivision will be applied</div>
<h3>.modify ( geometry )</h3>
<div>Modifies the geometry by running subdivision surfaces. This calls .smooth() internally</div>
<h3>.smooth ( oldGeometry )</h3>
<div>Performs an iteration of Catmull-Clark Subdivision</div>
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>[name]( texture, size, distance, blending, color )</h3>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>[name]( texture, size, distance, blending, color )</h3>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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[page:Material] &rarr;
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[page:Material] &rarr;
<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
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......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<div class="desc">2D Vector.</div>
<div class="desc">2D vector.</div>
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[page:Texture] &rarr;
<div class="desc">todo</div>
<h3>[name]( mipmaps, width, height, format, type, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, anisotropy )</h3>
<h3>.[page:Vector3 todo]</h3>
<h3>.todo( [page:Vector3 todo] )</h3>
todo — todo<br />
[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]
......@@ -14,32 +14,23 @@ var list = {
"Core": [
[ "BufferGeometry", "api/core/BufferGeometry" ],
[ "Clock", "api/core/Clock" ],
[ "Color", "api/core/Color" ],
[ "EventDispatcher", "api/core/EventDispatcher" ],
[ "Face3", "api/core/Face3" ],
[ "Face4", "api/core/Face4" ],
[ "Frustum", "api/core/Frustum" ],
[ "Geometry", "api/core/Geometry" ],
[ "Math", "api/core/Math" ],
[ "Matrix3", "api/core/Matrix3" ],
[ "Matrix4", "api/core/Matrix4" ],
[ "Object3D", "api/core/Object3D" ],
[ "Projector", "api/core/Projector" ],
[ "Quaternion", "api/core/Quaternion" ],
[ "Raycaster", "api/core/Raycaster" ],
[ "Rectangle", "api/core/Rectangle" ],
[ "Spline", "api/core/Spline" ],
[ "UV", "api/core/UV" ],
[ "Vector2", "api/core/Vector2" ],
[ "Vector3", "api/core/Vector3" ],
[ "Vector4", "api/core/Vector4" ]
"Lights": [
[ "Light", "api/lights/Light" ],
[ "AmbientLight", "api/lights/AmbientLight" ],
[ "AreaLight", "api/lights/AreaLight" ],
[ "DirectionalLight", "api/lights/DirectionalLight" ],
[ "HemisphereLight", "api/lights/HemisphereLight" ],
[ "PointLight", "api/lights/PointLight" ],
[ "SpotLight", "api/lights/SpotLight" ]
......@@ -59,6 +50,7 @@ var list = {
"Materials": [
[ "Material", "api/materials/Material" ],
[ "LineBasicMaterial", "api/materials/LineBasicMaterial" ],
[ "LineDashedMaterial", "api/materials/LineDashedMaterial" ],
[ "MeshBasicMaterial", "api/materials/MeshBasicMaterial" ],
[ "MeshDepthMaterial", "api/materials/MeshDepthMaterial" ],
[ "MeshFaceMaterial", "api/materials/MeshFaceMaterial" ],
......@@ -68,8 +60,28 @@ var list = {
[ "ParticleBasicMaterial", "api/materials/ParticleBasicMaterial" ],
[ "ParticleCanvasMaterial", "api/materials/ParticleCanvasMaterial" ],
[ "ParticleDOMMaterial", "api/materials/ParticleDOMMaterial" ],
[ "ShaderMaterial", "api/materials/ShaderMaterial" ]
[ "ShaderMaterial", "api/materials/ShaderMaterial" ],
[ "SpriteMaterial", "api/materials/SpriteMaterial" ]
"Math": [
[ "Box2", "api/math/Box2" ],
[ "Box3", "api/math/Box3" ],
[ "Color", "api/math/Color" ],
[ "Frustum", "api/math/Frustum" ],
[ "Math", "api/math/Math" ],
[ "Matrix3", "api/math/Matrix3" ],
[ "Matrix4", "api/math/Matrix4" ],
[ "Plane", "api/math/Plane" ],
[ "Quaternion", "api/math/Quaternion" ],
[ "Ray", "api/math/Ray" ],
[ "Sphere", "api/math/Sphere" ],
[ "Spline", "api/math/Spline" ],
[ "Triangle", "api/math/Triangle" ],
[ "Vector2", "api/math/Vector2" ],
[ "Vector3", "api/math/Vector3" ],
[ "Vector4", "api/math/Vector4" ]
"Objects": [
......@@ -88,8 +100,6 @@ var list = {
"Renderers": [
[ "CanvasRenderer", "api/renderers/CanvasRenderer" ],
[ "DOMRenderer", "api/renderers/DOMRenderer" ],
[ "SVGRenderer", "api/renderers/SVGRenderer" ],
[ "WebGLRenderer", "api/renderers/WebGLRenderer" ],
[ "WebGLRenderTarget", "api/renderers/WebGLRenderTarget" ],
[ "WebGLRenderTargetCube", "api/renderers/WebGLRenderTargetCube" ],
......@@ -112,12 +122,14 @@ var list = {
"Textures": [
[ "CompressedTexture", "api/textures/CompressedTexture" ],
[ "DataTexture", "api/textures/DataTexture" ],
[ "Texture", "api/textures/Texture" ]
"Extras": [
[ "ColorUtils", "api/extras/ColorUtils" ],
[ "FontUtils", "api/extras/FontUtils" ],
[ "GeometryUtils", "api/extras/GeometryUtils" ],
[ "ImageUtils", "api/extras/ImageUtils" ],
[ "SceneUtils", "api/extras/SceneUtils" ],
......@@ -137,7 +149,6 @@ var list = {
"Extras / Core": [
[ "BufferGeometry", "api/extras/core/BufferGeometry" ],
[ "Curve", "api/extras/core/Curve" ],
[ "CurvePath", "api/extras/core/CurvePath" ],
[ "Gyroscope", "api/extras/core/Gyroscope" ],
......@@ -146,42 +157,45 @@ var list = {
"Extras / Geometries": [
[ "AsteriskGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/AsteriskGeometry" ],
[ "CircleGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/CircleGeometry" ],
[ "ConvexGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/ConvexGeometry" ],
[ "CubeGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/CubeGeometry" ],
[ "CylinderGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/CylinderGeometry" ],
[ "ExtrudeGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/ExtrudeGeometry" ],
[ "IcosahedronGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/IcosahedronGeometry" ],
[ "LatheGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/LatheGeometry" ],
[ "OctahedronGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/OctahedronGeometry" ],
[ "ParametricGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/ParametricGeometry" ],
[ "PlaneGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/PlaneGeometry" ],
[ "PolyhedronGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/PolyhedronGeometry" ],
[ "ShapeGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/ShapeGeometry" ],
[ "SphereGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/SphereGeometry" ],
[ "TetrahedronGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/TetrahedronGeometry" ],
[ "TextGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/TextGeometry" ],
[ "TorusGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/TorusGeometry" ],
[ "TorusKnotGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/TorusKnotGeometry" ]
[ "TorusKnotGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/TorusKnotGeometry" ],
[ "TubeGeometry", "api/extras/geometries/TubeGeometry" ]
"Extras / Helpers": [
[ "ArrowHelper", "api/extras/helpers/ArrowHelper" ],
[ "AxisHelper", "api/extras/helpers/AxisHelper" ],
[ "CameraHelper", "api/extras/helpers/CameraHelper" ]
"Extras / Modifiers": [
[ "SubdivisionModifier", "api/extras/modifiers/SubdivisionModifier" ]
[ "CameraHelper", "api/extras/helpers/CameraHelper" ],
[ "DirectionalLightHelper", "api/extras/helpers/DirectionalLightHelper" ],
[ "HemisphereLightHelper", "api/extras/helpers/HemisphereLightHelper" ],
[ "PointLightHelper", "api/extras/helpers/PointLightHelper" ],
[ "SpotLightHelper", "api/extras/helpers/SpotLightHelper" ]
"Extras / Objects": [
[ "LensFlare", "api/extras/objects/LensFlare" ]
"Extras / Renderers / Effects": [
[ "AnaglyphEffect", "api/extras/renderers/effects/AnaglyphEffect" ],
[ "CrosseyedEffect", "api/extras/renderers/effects/CrosseyedEffect" ],
[ "ParallaxBarrierEffect", "api/extras/renderers/effects/ParallaxBarrierEffect" ],
[ "StereoEffect", "api/extras/renderers/effects/StereoEffect" ]
[ "ImmediateRenderObject", "api/extras/objects/ImmediateRenderObject" ],
[ "LensFlare", "api/extras/objects/LensFlare" ],
[ "MorphBlendMesh", "api/extras/objects/MorphBlendMesh" ]
"Extras / Renderers / Plugins": [
[ "DepthPassPlugin", "api/extras/renderers/plugins/DepthPassPlugin" ],
[ "LensFlarePlugin", "api/extras/renderers/plugins/LensFlarePlugin" ],
[ "ShadowMapPlugin", "api/extras/renderers/plugins/ShadowMapPlugin" ],
[ "SpritePlugin", "api/extras/renderers/plugins/SpritePlugin" ]
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