提交 ae6bd16f 编写于 作者: A alteredq

WebGLDeferredRenderer: added specular term for area lights.

Using original ArKano22's way:

上级 a3eca4aa
......@@ -916,19 +916,36 @@ THREE.ShaderDeferred = {
"float attenuation = calculateAttenuation( dist );",
"vec3 lightDir = normalize( nearestPointInside - vertexPositionVS.xyz );",
"vec3 diffuse = vec3( 0.0 );",
"vec3 specular = vec3( 0.0 );",
"float NdotL = dot( lightNormalVS, -lightDir );",
"if ( NdotL != 0.0 && sideOfPlane( vertexPositionVS.xyz, lightPositionVS, lightNormalVS ) ) {",
"diffuse = vec3( lightColor * attenuation * NdotL * 1.5 );",
// diffuse
"diffuse = lightColor * vec3( NdotL * 1.5 );",
// specular
"vec3 R = reflect( normalize( -vertexPositionVS.xyz ), normal );",
"vec3 E = linePlaneIntersect( vertexPositionVS.xyz, R, vec3( lightPositionVS ), lightNormalVS );",
"float specAngle = dot( R, lightNormalVS );",
"vec3 specular = vec3( 0.0 );",
"if ( specAngle > 0.0 ) {",
"vec3 dirSpec = E - vec3( lightPositionVS );",
"vec2 dirSpec2D = vec2( dot( dirSpec, lightRightVS ), dot( dirSpec, lightUpVS ) );",
"vec2 nearestSpec2D = vec2( clamp( dirSpec2D.x, -w, w ), clamp( dirSpec2D.y, -h, h ) );",
"float specFactor = 1.0 - clamp( length( nearestSpec2D - dirSpec2D ) * shininess, 0.0, 1.0 );",
"specular = specularColor * specFactor * specAngle;",
"const float attenuation = 1.0;",
// combine
THREE.DeferredShaderChunk[ "combine" ],
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
var loader = new THREE.BinaryLoader();
loader.load( "obj/box/box.js", function( geometry, materials ) {
var object = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0xffaa55 } ) );
var object = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0xffaa55, specular: 0x888888, shininess: 100 } ) );
object.position.x = 0;
object.position.y = 0;
object.scale.multiplyScalar( 2 );
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