提交 817c2dd5 编写于 作者: Z zz85

Got rid of Spline2

上级 ae71419f
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ THREE.ExtrudeGeometry = function( shape, options ) {
THREE.Geometry.call( this );
var vertices = shape.getSpacedPoints();
var vertices = shape.getPoints(); // getSpacedPoints() you can get variable divisions by dividing by total lenght
var reverse = THREE.FontUtils.Triangulate.area( vertices ) > 0 ;
if (reverse) {
//faces = THREE.FontUtils.Triangulate( vertices.reverse(), true );
......@@ -266,10 +266,7 @@ THREE.Path.prototype.getPoints = function( divisions ) {
var n = divisions * args[ 0 ].length;
spts = spts.concat(args[ 0 ]);
console.log(args[ 0 ].length,spts.length,args[ 0 ],spts );
//var spline = new Spline2();
var spline = new THREE.SplineCurve(spts);
for ( j = 1; j <= n; j ++ ) {
......@@ -309,49 +306,6 @@ THREE.Path.prototype.getPoints = function( divisions ) {
var Spline2 = function () {
var c = [], v2,
point, intPoint, weight;
this.get2DPoint = function ( points, k ) {
v2 = new THREE.Vector2();
point = ( points.length - 1 ) * k;
intPoint = Math.floor( point );
weight = point - intPoint;
c[ 0 ] = intPoint == 0 ? intPoint : intPoint - 1;
c[ 1 ] = intPoint;
c[ 2 ] = intPoint > points.length - 2 ? intPoint : intPoint + 1;
c[ 3 ] = intPoint > points.length - 3 ? intPoint : intPoint + 2;
v2.x = interpolate( points[ c[ 0 ] ].x, points[ c[ 1 ] ].x, points[ c[ 2 ] ].x, points[ c[ 3 ] ].x, weight );
v2.y = interpolate( points[ c[ 0 ] ].y, points[ c[ 1 ] ].y, points[ c[ 2 ] ].y, points[ c[ 3 ] ].y, weight );
//console.log('point',point, v2);
return v2;
// Catmull-Rom
function interpolate( p0, p1, p2, p3, t ) {
var v0 = ( p2 - p0 ) * 0.5;
var v1 = ( p3 - p1 ) * 0.5;
var t2 = t * t;
var t3 = t * t2;
return ( 2 * p1 - 2 * p2 + v0 + v1 ) * t3 + ( - 3 * p1 + 3 * p2 - 2 * v0 - v1 ) * t2 + v0 * t + p1;
THREE.Path.prototype.getMinAndMax = function() {
var points = this.getPoints();
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