未验证 提交 7b6ddb8b 编写于 作者: M Michael Herzog 提交者: GitHub

WebGPUBindings: Clean up. (#21779)

上级 9d207937
......@@ -23,16 +23,15 @@ class WebGPUBindings {
if ( data === undefined ) {
const renderPipelines = this.renderPipelines.get( object );
// each material defines an array of bindings (ubos, textures, samplers etc.)
// each object defines an array of bindings (ubos, textures, samplers etc.)
const nodeBuilder = this.nodes.get( object );
const bindings = nodeBuilder.getBindings();
// setup (static) binding layout and (dynamic) binding group
const renderPipelines = this.renderPipelines.get( object );
const bindLayout = renderPipelines.pipeline.getBindGroupLayout( 0 );
const bindGroup = this._createBindGroup( bindings, bindLayout );
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