提交 79b4bacd 编写于 作者: S sunag

add NodeMaterialLoader.js

上级 66718b9e
* @author sunag / http://www.sunag.com.br/
THREE.NodeMaterialLoader = function ( manager, library ) {
this.manager = ( manager !== undefined ) ? manager : THREE.DefaultLoadingManager;
this.nodes = {};
this.materials = {};
this.passes = {};
this.names = {};
this.library = library || {};
THREE.NodeMaterialLoaderUtils = {
replaceUUIDObject: function ( object, uuid, value, recursive ) {
recursive = recursive !== undefined ? recursive : true;
if ( typeof uuid === "object" ) uuid = uuid.uuid;
if ( typeof object === "object" ) {
var keys = Object.keys( object );
for ( var i = 0; i < keys.length; i ++ ) {
var key = keys[ i ];
if ( recursive ) {
object[ key ] = this.replaceUUIDObject( object[ key ], uuid, value );
if ( key === uuid ) {
object[ uuid ] = object[ key ];
delete object[ key ];
return object === uuid ? value : object;
replaceUUID: function ( json, uuid, value ) {
this.replaceUUIDObject( json, uuid, value, false );
this.replaceUUIDObject( json.nodes, uuid, value );
this.replaceUUIDObject( json.materials, uuid, value );
this.replaceUUIDObject( json.passes, uuid, value );
this.replaceUUIDObject( json.library, uuid, value, false );
return json;
Object.assign( THREE.NodeMaterialLoader.prototype, {
load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
var scope = this;
var loader = new THREE.FileLoader( scope.manager );
loader.load( url, function ( text ) {
onLoad( scope.parse( JSON.parse( text ) ) );
}, onProgress, onError );
return this;
getObjectByName: function ( uuid ) {
return this.names[ uuid ];
getObjectById: function ( uuid ) {
return this.library[ uuid ] || this.nodes[ uuid ] || this.names[ uuid ];
getNode: function ( uuid ) {
var object = this.getObjectById( uuid );
if ( ! object ) {
console.warn( "Node \"" + uuid + "\" not found." );
return object;
parse: function ( json ) {
var uuid, node, object, prop, i;
for ( uuid in json.nodes ) {
node = json.nodes[ uuid ];
object = new THREE[ node.type ]();
if ( node.name ) {
object.name = node.name;
this.names[ object.name ] = object;
this.nodes[ uuid ] = object;
for ( uuid in json.materials ) {
node = json.materials[ uuid ];
object = new THREE[ node.type ]();
if ( node.name ) {
object.name = node.name;
this.names[ object.name ] = object;
this.materials[ uuid ] = object;
for ( uuid in json.passes ) {
node = json.passes[ uuid ];
object = new THREE[ node.type ]();
if ( node.name ) {
object.name = node.name;
this.names[ object.name ] = object;
this.passes[ uuid ] = object;
if ( json.material ) this.material = this.materials[ uuid ];
if ( json.pass ) this.pass = this.passes[ uuid ];
for ( uuid in json.nodes ) {
node = json.nodes[ uuid ];
object = this.nodes[ uuid ];
switch ( node.type ) {
case "FloatNode":
object.number = node.number;
case "ColorNode":
object.value.copy( node );
case "Vector2Node":
object.x = node.x;
object.y = node.y;
case "Vector3Node":
object.x = node.x;
object.y = node.y;
object.z = node.z;
case "Vector4Node":
object.x = node.x;
object.y = node.y;
object.z = node.z;
object.w = node.w;
case "Matrix4Node":
object.value.fromArray( node.elements );
case "OperatorNode":
object.a = this.getNode( node.a );
object.b = this.getNode( node.b );
object.op = node.op;
case "Math1Node":
object.a = this.getNode( node.a );
object.method = node.method;
case "Math2Node":
object.a = this.getNode( node.a );
object.b = this.getNode( node.b );
object.method = node.method;
case "Math3Node":
object.a = this.getNode( node.a );
object.b = this.getNode( node.b );
object.c = this.getNode( node.c );
object.method = node.method;
case "UVNode":
case "ColorsNode":
object.index = node.index;
case "LuminanceNode":
object.rgb = this.getNode( node.rgb );
case "PositionNode":
case "NormalNode":
case "ReflectNode":
object.scope = node.scope;
case "SwitchNode":
object.node = this.getNode( node.node );
object.components = node.components;
case "JoinNode":
for ( prop in node.inputs ) {
object[ prop ] = this.getNode( node.inputs[ prop ] );
case "CameraNode":
object.setScope( node.scope );
if ( node.camera ) object.setCamera( this.getNode( node.camera ) );
switch ( node.scope ) {
case THREE.CameraNode.DEPTH:
object.near.number = node.near;
object.far.number = node.far;
case "ColorAdjustmentNode":
object.rgb = this.getNode( node.rgb );
object.adjustment = this.getNode( node.adjustment );
object.method = node.method;
case "UVTransformNode":
object.uv = this.getNode( node.uv );
object.transform.value.fromArray( node.elements );
case "BumpNode":
object.value = this.getNode( node.value );
object.coord = this.getNode( node.coord );
object.scale = this.getNode( node.scale );
case "BlurNode":
object.value = this.getNode( node.value );
object.coord = this.getNode( node.coord );
object.scale = this.getNode( node.scale );
object.value = this.getNode( node.value );
object.coord = this.getNode( node.coord );
object.radius = this.getNode( node.radius );
if ( node.size !== undefined ) object.size = new THREE.Vector2( node.size.x, node.size.y );
object.blurX = node.blurX;
object.blurY = node.blurY;
case "ResolutionNode":
object.renderer = this.getNode( node.renderer );
case "ScreenUVNode":
object.resolution = this.getNode( node.resolution );
case "VelocityNode":
if ( node.target ) object.setTarget( this.getNode( node.target ) );
object.setParams( node.params );
case "TimerNode":
object.scale = node.scale;
case "ConstNode":
object.name = node.name;
object.type = node.out;
object.value = node.value;
object.useDefine = node.useDefine === true;
case "AttributeNode":
case "VarNode":
object.type = node.out;
case "ReflectorNode":
object.setMirror( this.getNode( node.mirror ) );
if ( node.offset ) object.offset = this.getNode( node.offset );
case "NoiseNode":
object.coord = this.getNode( node.coord );
case "FunctionNode":
object.isMethod = node.isMethod;
object.useKeywords = node.useKeywords;
object.extensions = node.extensions;
object.keywords = {};
for ( prop in node.keywords ) {
object.keywords[ prop ] = this.getNode( node.keywords[ prop ] );
if ( node.includes ) {
for ( i = 0; i < node.includes.length; i ++ ) {
object.includes.push( this.getNode( node.includes[ i ] ) );
object.eval( node.src, object.includes, object.extensions, object.keywords );
if ( ! object.isMethod ) object.type = node.out;
case "FunctionCallNode":
for ( prop in node.inputs ) {
object.inputs[ prop ] = this.getNode( node.inputs[ prop ] );
object.value = this.getNode( node.value );
case "TextureNode":
case "ScreenNode":
if ( node.value ) object.value = this.getNode( node.value );
object.coord = this.getNode( node.coord );
object.project = node.project;
if ( node.bias ) object.bias = this.getNode( node.bias );
case "CubeTextureNode":
object.value = this.getNode( node.value );
case "LightNode":
case "RoughnessToBlinnExponentNode":
case "RawNode":
object.value = this.getNode( node.value );
case "StandardNode":
case "PhongNode":
case "SpriteNode":
object.color = this.getNode( node.color );
if ( node.alpha ) object.alpha = this.getNode( node.alpha );
if ( node.specular ) object.specular = this.getNode( node.specular );
if ( node.shininess ) object.shininess = this.getNode( node.shininess );
if ( node.roughness ) object.roughness = this.getNode( node.roughness );
if ( node.metalness ) object.metalness = this.getNode( node.metalness );
if ( node.reflectivity ) object.reflectivity = this.getNode( node.reflectivity );
if ( node.clearCoat ) object.clearCoat = this.getNode( node.clearCoat );
if ( node.clearCoatRoughness ) object.clearCoatRoughness = this.getNode( node.clearCoatRoughness );
if ( node.normal ) object.normal = this.getNode( node.normal );
if ( node.normalScale ) object.normalScale = this.getNode( node.normalScale );
if ( node.emissive ) object.emissive = this.getNode( node.emissive );
if ( node.ambient ) object.ambient = this.getNode( node.ambient );
if ( node.shadow ) object.shadow = this.getNode( node.shadow );
if ( node.light ) object.light = this.getNode( node.light );
if ( node.ao ) object.ao = this.getNode( node.ao );
if ( node.environment ) object.environment = this.getNode( node.environment );
if ( node.environmentAlpha ) object.environmentAlpha = this.getNode( node.environmentAlpha );
if ( node.transform ) object.transform = this.getNode( node.transform );
if ( node.spherical === false ) object.spherical = false;
console.warn( node.type, "not supported." );
for ( uuid in json.materials ) {
node = json.materials[ uuid ];
object = this.materials[ uuid ];
if ( node.name !== undefined ) object.name = node.name;
if ( node.blending !== undefined ) object.blending = node.blending;
if ( node.flatShading !== undefined ) object.flatShading = node.flatShading;
if ( node.side !== undefined ) object.side = node.side;
object.depthFunc = node.depthFunc;
object.depthTest = node.depthTest;
object.depthWrite = node.depthWrite;
if ( node.wireframe !== undefined ) object.wireframe = node.wireframe;
if ( node.wireframeLinewidth !== undefined ) object.wireframeLinewidth = node.wireframeLinewidth;
if ( node.wireframeLinecap !== undefined ) object.wireframeLinecap = node.wireframeLinecap;
if ( node.wireframeLinejoin !== undefined ) object.wireframeLinejoin = node.wireframeLinejoin;
if ( node.skinning !== undefined ) object.skinning = node.skinning;
if ( node.morphTargets !== undefined ) object.morphTargets = node.morphTargets;
if ( node.visible !== undefined ) object.visible = node.visible;
if ( node.userData !== undefined ) object.userData = node.userData;
object.vertex = this.getNode( node.vertex );
object.fragment = this.getNode( node.fragment );
if ( object.vertex === object.fragment ) {
// replace main node
object.node = object.vertex;
if ( node.fog !== undefined ) object.fog = node.fog;
if ( node.lights !== undefined ) object.lights = node.lights;
if ( node.transparent !== undefined ) object.transparent = node.transparent;
for ( uuid in json.passes ) {
node = json.passes[ uuid ];
object = this.passes[ uuid ];
object.value = this.getNode( node.value );
return this.material || this.pass || this;
} );
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